I don't agree that they will just disappear I think they are getting to the point that they don't care that we know what they are doing - look at Eurovision and the Olympics were they flaunted satan at us and then pride were they are trying to sexualise children, I think they might come out all guns blazing like cornered rats.

We need to hit them where it hurts - everyone must sell all their shares - they are after all living it up on your money - does that not make you angry?

With the economy nose diving the stock market will soon follow anyway so you may as well cash in now before your shares become worthless

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Yes and Clif talks about that, the kinetic aspect that they can't control, despite they have so many fancy weapons and think they can. Clif says the banksters start the wars and end the wars when they want, for their own purposes. But Clif says, if the masses realize that the governments (and their cronies like the banksters) are the real enemies, they are toast. Then Clif thinks the invisible "aliens" will reveal themselves and the deeper fight is on, because then the higher powers over the "evil aliens" will also have to reveal themselves. That is what I think might happen eventually.

But I disagree that money is their goal. They already have all the money and simply create fiat currency out of thin air. They can create as much as they want. It is about control, and creating pain and suffering to feed their Archonic overlords. Many stupid politicians don't understand that, but some do.

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If money is not their goal they why are they grabbing so much of it? and I don't think they can just make as much as they want cos they would have and things would be so much different to what it is now same as why they are slowly poisoning us from all angles now instead of just shooting us

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The lower stupid politicians are probably motivated by money, so it can be used to further their goals. But they don't grab it so much, as make as much out of thin air as they want. There are so many black ops funded by "black" (hidden) money, money both created out of thin air AND hidden from the masses. No M2 reporting, and even the money supply reports such as M2 are manipulated anyway. Out of sight, out of mind. If the system doesn't know the money even exists, it can't react to excessive amounts. It is all smoke and mirrors, deception, misdirection, occult (ie hide) things, etc.... So they can make as much as they want, and they have, and things are so much different because of that, meaning the world has been pacified and controlled a long time because of the Babylonian magic money system. The controllers have been doing this a long time, and Clif (the optimist side anyway) thinks their days are numbered in years, perhaps a few decades, but NOT thousands of more years. We'll see. Mark Passio often says, "evil CAN win". But we have to make sure it does NOT. Like Yoda told Luke, before he went to face Darth Vader, "Mind (remember) what you have learned, save you it can". Yes, they are slowly poisoning us right now, but even Hitler started slow. Eventually, Hitler just went about shooting everybody.

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