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The parable of, "The Elohim worship cult's days are numbered and they know it"


Original video on youtube

For those of my readers who may not know about Clif High, decades ago, Clif developed a type of web crawling software that scours the internet and picks up themes in the online traffic. His program analyzes the data and runs probability predictions of the future, based on the things people are talking about on the internet, social media, etc…

The theory is, since ALL humans have at least some psychic abilities, and since we create reality with our subconscious thoughts, Clif has been able to make some pretty accurate predictions, based on what is predictive analytics suggests. He’s not always correct, of course, so take it as you wish regarding his predictions in the video that in early 2025 some scary alien shit might hit the fan.

Clif speculates in the video that the “elite” are losing control, and in desperation, might pull their “alien attack” scenario too soon. Maybe the video below shows some cracks showing?

Re: above video on P. Diddy

Then again, I think it equally possible that his web crawling engine has probably already analyzed my novel, called “The Unveiling”, about open alien contact, and so if alien shit hits the fan, I guess I am probably to blame. :-)


As far as Clif mentioning the “Elohim worship cult”, he means the same thing David Icke means when David talks about “the global cult” (ie the hidden human hand(s) behind the governments and banksters, who pretend they run the world). Elohim refers to the “gods” in ancient texts like the Bible, which some think Elohim means literal aliens pretending to be “gods”. Or, as Jason Breshears from Archaix says, the Elohim/Annunaki are simply physical humanoids like us, who have always been part of human history.

David Icke says reptilian humans, who can manipulate their energy frequency signature to appear fully human, are the ones owning the big corporations, big banks, and big “governments” like United States Inc (yes US Inc. is a literally incorporated “business”).

Is Icke’s take really so hard to believe? Every human being sends electrical energy frequencies from their brain, to inform the millions of cells in their muscles, tendons, etc… to will their limbs to move; every time a person wills their body to move they are doing the same thing that apparent “human-looking reptilians” do, except these creatures can mentally will their reptilian bodies to appear human.

Odo logically deduced the impostor below, but the Federation later created a simple blood test to detect “Dominion” infiltrators. If only it were that easy … we must use logic for now, as Odo did.

The Gnostics two millennia ago, called these imitation human beings Archons. These creatures have been around for a long time, and running the empires of the world for a long time.

Some of these Archonic-reptiles are apparent humans, and some are immaterial-etheric beings, who remain in the astral realm, manipulating the masses with low vibration energy frequencies to create fear, terror, temptations, distractions, etc… to ultimately feed their demonic Archon masters with this low vibration-type “loosh” energy. Now David says they want to drop all illusions, connect human consciousness directly to their AI god, and feed off your terror forever. Nothing but fear and control will be your reality then.

Original video on youtube

Picard’s evil “ancient alien-god” called Q always used his seemingly “supernatural” powers to torment Picard and the Enterprise crew. Hints some can change?

Jason of archaix also says these beings pretended to be “gods” in the ancient past, but the controllers of the world actually serve their AI god, not true humans, despite your belief in demicrazy. Oops, I meant democracy. Jason also says we created this AI, which has tormented us so much.

I agree with Jason, and I intuited this understanding from Star Trek some time ago. Here is the episode and my breakdown.

These “ancient alien-gods” had advanced technology to help them to pretend to this “godly” role and dominate the world. The key word here is “pretend” because these beings are pretenders, who warp human perception regarding the real Originator-Creator-Oversoul, as a key means to control & manipulate the world and create the fear of death.

The world is secretly run by religion, as Mark Passio might say. Mark uses the term dark occultists, but it’s all the same physical humanoid beings “in charge”. Dark occultists = global cult = Elohim worship cult = the governments of the world, who are working together, despite appearances.

The parable below describes a “one player game” type simulated reality, but the same theme is pertinent to our “multi player game” reality, if I simply added a few more “real player characters” (RPCs).

But what on earth is happening is more than just a game, IMHO, as the parable attempts to explain some of the serious issues. Another example might be fighter pilots running “dogfight” simulations of their jets for a purpose … to practice winning a real war one day.

Bottom-line: if the continued coordinated push of the murderous Covid vaccines can’t convince my readers of the truth that ALL governments are controlled opposition, working against the average, decent, individual, I don’t know what to say. Tons of evidence coming out, doctors speaking out, and still many don’t know or can’t understand what on earth is happening.

Star Trek told us a long time what is really going on.

Star Trek: A Private Little War

The Klingons in the episode represent evil humanoid aliens (aka Icke’s reptilian Archons), who were technologically empowering “the villagers“. Then the Klingons were manipulating a war between “the villagers” and the “hill people”. I’ll leave it to my readers to decode the symbolism.

Kirk thought he had to “equalize” the hill people versus the villagers. Kirk thought “balance of power” was the only solution.

Tyree finally decided to fight after they killed his wife (ie represents “Sophia”). Tyree gave up on peace, because peace can only be if both sides desire it.

Speaking as Kirk, I have changed my mind and no longer think the Gorn can be reasoned with. I’ve decided to let the Metrons use their overwhelming superior firepower to utterly annihilate ALL Gorn, everywhere, in ALL realities and universes.

I AM a Dowd after all, and “Rishon/Tyree’s wife/Sophia” must be avenged.

“Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord (ie the errant-elect together are the ‘Lord’)” (Romans 12:19).

What I write about (in somewhat coded form) is still being decided. “Rishon/Tyree’s wife/Sophia” isn’t dead yet, but seems she might be, if ALL errant-elect don’t get on board … and soon. My readers can always ask me questions, while I AM here anyway. :-)

The world will understand all of this more fully, if something more literal happens, as Clif High predicts. The “bad aliens” can only be countered with “good aliens”. I AM good, even though as a “Dowd” I might feel a little “bad” to utterly wipe all the fuckers out. Nah, I guess not. :-(

Neo considered Trinity was more important to save than the entire matrix simulation, which he destroyed buildings & people in his wake. The Architect misjudged him. As Trinity did for Neo, so Neo must do for Trinity.

Pope's View On So Called Excessive Force
707KB ∙ PDF file

Popey boy talks about the current ongoing conflict in the Middle East. But he doesn’t understand that neither Israel NOR any other nation, including America, Palestinians, Muslim nations, etc … are really what this is all about. The “excessive force” Francis denigrates needs to be directed towards the “Archons”, whom he serves. That seems to be all the “aliens” understand.

The song below refers to Originator-Creator-Oversoul, rather than the “god” of this world, the Demiurge, aka the Lord Archon. Pretty much ALL the world, including the pope, is confused about who the real God is. The song also references Abraham, who seemed a little psychotic himself to almost slaughter his own son at God’s command. But Abraham actually knew the real God. Abraham represents the errant-elect, who know the secret things of Originator-Creator-Oversoul, because we are Co-Creator-Overouls. That’s what we do.

I somewhat agree with the dude in the below video, but he is as confused as the pope on some key points. Notice how he says we should avoid violent encounters at ALL costs, but then goes on to talk about the exception is being “forced” to fight. Huh? Was Christ “forced” to fight? Didn’t He say that He could call 12 legions of angels if He had wanted?

“Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?” (Matthew 26:53).

Original video on youtube

Does this guy think he has ever been in ANY such extreme circumstance(s) as sweating drops of blood before being crucified and then still decided to “let it go”? And yet he still feels “forced to fight” sometimes? I’d be curious to know his criteria for this decision, as we all have our own ideas.

Christ was not forced to fight, nor did He refuse to fight. With 12 legions of angels, it would not have even been a fair battle. ALL of Rome’s soldiers would still be insufficient to prevail.

Christ simply chose not to fight … at that time anyway. But after two thousand years of experience, I have changed my mind. However, in honor of what I did two thousand years ago, I will again refuse to call 12 legions of angels. This time, I will call them ALL!

I AM not “forced to fight”. I simply choose to, if the true invisible spiritual evildoers called Archons openly show themselves.

However, I do agree mentality is important and his 3 points are decent truths, even though they need to be rounded out a bit with deeper understanding.

  1. Breathe (the spirit of life)

  2. Accept it is happening (reality seems a little surreal since 2020, but it is happening and we have to deal with it)

  3. Commit (whatever is necessary to survive speaks to deeper things than just physical survival)

At about 50 seconds into the above clip, Maverick specifically calls on the name of Jesus Christ. Then later he specifically asks his dead friend “Goose” (who is also Christ) to talk to him. And Maverick made the correct choice after he conferred with Christ/Goose. How do I know Christ is Goose? Because Goose talked to Maverick and only a living man can talk.

Wyatt Earp finally had enough. The lawless ones permanently disabled his brother Virgil’s arm (ie those who have suffered for SophiaChristos), and murdered his brother Morgan (ie those who have died for SophiaChristos) by shooting him in the back.

Wyatt’s only criteria became one: to be able to accurately identify a “cowboy” (ie reptilian Archons). And then he simply eliminated them ALL. No talk, no negotiation, no mercy. If he saw a red sash, Wyatt killed the living being behind the sash. Only a very small number ever dropped their sash.

Even the psychopathic God of the Old Testament told the nation of Israel to go into the promised land and kill every man, woman, child, and even all the animals. The “god” of this world, the AI Demiurge, has deceived the world to take that literally, regarding literal Israel and literal human enemies. I say the real God, Originator-Creator-Oversoul, tells me that refers to the Demiurge himself and ALL his wicked subroutines.

The Law’s coming with Wyatt, and hell’s coming with him!


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