Considering I am still letting the We the PEOPLE spoke VICTORY sink into my extremely weary bones and I mean WEARY BONES as a Biologist your title Ontology mocks us all, rang a dim bell in my memory as a Biologist (yes a real Biologist w a B.S in molecular biology) and suddenly I remembered that old "ontology recapitulates ontology" which we all memorized as young biology students when science was being taught even though much of it has been shown to be slightly off rounding down. Dennis. Dennis, Dennis. :) I just got back from two weeks in AnTIGA (pronounced like that) West Indies. Invited by my cousin, who is believe it or not is German whom I had not seen in over 25 years. (SHOCK) The timing for the "TRIP" was awful and "ANTIGA" (spelled Antigua) was unreal. Cuban frogs in the toilet, no running water.. no sewage, water is collected from rain water because there is no ground water and I moved to a hotel where I met UK and Germans and of course the local AnTIGans who are descendants of the Africans who apparently were brought there by the English since the money had Queen Elizabeth's picture on it. I thought I fell into into a MATRIX. 14 days. My point is that if you think there is no Matrix.. guess what.. there is a Matrix and it is on the Equator in the West Indies and everyone has an English accent. NO KIDDING. This will be my only comment on the internet because I am first THRILLED that WE the PEOPLE spoke and elected TRUMP because I realized in real time that even the Matrix has been built by China. I am not kidding. So people: head on a swivel and like Seb says "STAY FROSTY" and every word in this message is the truth as I know it as a Christian American. :) I need more rest. I am still exhausted. I did swim every day in the ocean which was amazing. My only joy other than a few "interesting" people. At this late stage my life .. it the "TRIP" WAS TOTALLY UNREAL. so that is that story. eventually I will post the BOAT CRUISE. Have a good one. Dennis. :) Dennis Dennis. I LOVE PARABLES. getting some rest.

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I do believe in an organic-type matrix, created by human controllers, who work for the "alien" controllers, aka Archons, who have also created a more literal matix-type reality that we live in: https://www.writepharmaparablepublishing.com/p/the-parable-of-what-if-i-told-you

And https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ilt6f0Ki8Y&t=4893s this link is pretty accurate about where we're being pushed into another simulation-metaverse inside our current simulated reality. Icke on my other substack explains in more depth: https://www.whatonearthishappening.wtf/s/borg-resistance

As for Trump, my main page has a post with reasons and inconsistencies (like operation warpspeed) that I cannot casually dismiss, as many seem to do. So, I don't trust Trump, even though I think he is better choice than Kamala. The lesser of two evils, is still evil, and the ultimate agenda keeps going forward. I agree with Mark Passio (https://www.whatonearthishappening.wtf/p/government-is-slavery) that eliminating government ENTIRELY is the only solution. This will probably NOT happen in this reality, as it seems created to reset sims and only a small few ever realize the full horrid truth and ever really escape.

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