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In the year 2301, a man named Dennis was home one evening watching virtual reality television (VRT) alone. This type of entertainment allowed putting on a special helmet, which caused temporary amnesia in the wearer, and full immersion of living the life of a character in the program. Upon removal of the helmet, amnesia lifted and the wearer retained memory of the adventure, no permanent harm done, no matter the traumas of the hero in the story. Another option allowed retaining full consciousness & memory while experiencing the VRT; another option enabled the same BUT also added ability to mentally manipulate anything in the VRT, a sort of technological lucid dream setting.

With the amnesia option engaged, Dennis finished his favorite virtual reality remake of some classics from the distant past, playing the hero Neo in the movie, "The Matrix", and then lived an episode of the life of an old-style TV show, "Quantum Leap", from the same historic period about a guy who leaps into different bodies in the past and lives a little adventure, before leaping into another body. He then played the part of a narrator, explaining some things in the lives of his favorite ancient Biblical characters to a modern audience.

A new feature on the latest upgraded VRT capabilities allowed spontaneous merging of characters, based on the artificial intelligence assessment of the thinking and mood of the wearer at the time. Dennis chose the amnesia option and tried the new feature out for the first time. He quite enjoyed an episode blending the three programs, The Matrix, Quantum Leap, and Biblical history.

He lived a creative mixture of lives, leaping into different Biblical characters' lives, living alternate matrix-like possibilities, dying by beheading as history records happened for the apostle Paul, but also another ending where Paul witnessed the return of Christ. Similarly, Dennis lived the life of Abraham as recorded, but also an alternate ending to witness the return of Christ in Abraham’s lifetime, and Moses died within sight of the Promised Land on Mount Nebo in one reality, but Moses also experienced the return of the Christ in another reality that history didn't record. After all, Moses knew all about Christ, having encoded about Him in symbolic form in the first 5 books of the Old Testament, even though ALL religious texts have much Archonic manipulation to deceive & redirect towards falsehoods.

Dennis took the helmet off, became his usual self and reflected. In his year of 2301, magic technology and beliefs about evolution and deep time dominated so much that none really took the Bible literally or seriously.

There still had been no literal return of Christ outwardly for the world as a whole, although history recorded how U.S. government pentagon insiders had released supernatural UFO videos in the year 2020, and the ancient records showed an open contact with alien-gods shortly thereafter.

According to the history records, the open contact with initially friendly ancient alien-gods turned negative in a few short years after contact, when the apparent ancient alien-gods turned out to be demons deceiving the world. "God's" human elect had defeated the "aliens" by showing mankind the truth, that humans had collectively evolved enough subconsciously to be able to project their fears into 5 sense reality, and that thoughts create reality.

When mankind came to understand this, they were able to defeat the "aliens" and their initially receptive human governments. The collective human consciousness was eventually able to make the evil aliens go away, back into the dimension of negative imagination, as the only other option was their complete Ontology supported destruction.

The world came to understand Ontology better, and how reality itself is some sort of conscious, responsive, sentient, being, and how individual units of consciousness sort of exist within the “imagination of God”. The world also came to understand that evil human governments were merely a physical reflection of the evil alien collective. The collective human consciousness was eventually able to make the evil governments go away too. The year 2301 had NO slaves of government and NO masters to run government, period.

The open contact had been a pivotal moment in history, when mankind started to be able to scientifically explain and understand consciousness itself. Humans began to create a better world, and such entertainment technology as he had just enjoyed. But it was interesting to contemplate why the AI brain had raised possibilities of alternate realities where Biblical characters had experienced the return of Christ personally, while the world as a whole was oblivious.

Dennis was no expert at the intricacies of the entertainment machine that had just altered his consciousness, but he trusted there were expert humans who did understand, since they created the machine and it worked.

Dennis began to wonder: might he be able to interact with the ontological “God”, individually and without technological assistance? Could he consciously alter his apparent real “reality”, as if he were in the VRT with both the amnesia option disabled AND the lucid dream option enabled?

If reality only seemed real to him, like fantasy seemed real while inside the VRT, might he be able to “merge” with ontotheology? Perhaps he could become some sort of “God”, active in the real world, in VRT reality bending ways that he had never considered before? Might recorded history itself be a little off and limiting mankind’s potential?

He never quite looked at his reality the same ever again.

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