'RinoStoned Cowpie'? ;-)

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Yeah, I was a little stoned when I sang it, but I like Karaoke. :-)

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my 'comment' was not about you nor anything other than the title, I immediately knee-jerked isolated to be used for my hyper- stoned-focus on the sweet meme cloak stoked & uncovered by said deer-in-headlights meme-myopia of mine! ;-)

IT was very opportunistic of me.; I apologize.

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No prob

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

The notion that money and fame are meaningless comes from limited understanding.

Money was invented as a resistance in people's activities. That doesn't mean you can remove resistance by ignoring money. That means the speed of your money determines how fast you move in your life because money is unavoidable in the current human condition. Most of life is pay to play. You won't move far without money.

In reality, most people are slow because they think slow, their actions are slow, and their money is slow. They can't earn money fast. They don't spend money fast. They don't invest money fast. The end result is that people are slow. Slow people don't produce many contents. If you can churn money fast, you can move into the direction of content production fast. Most rich people's problem is that they lack care and knowledge required to care about freedom and produce the right contents.

Alex jones is rich, and his fast money is utilized to at least produce contents fast and talk about freedom in his own way.

Fame alone is meaningless, but fame can attract attention on your contents. Alex jones has negative fame which attracts people's attention.

If your goal is to influence people, money and fame can accelerate your goal. That's where most content creators fail. They subconsciously assume money and fame are distractions for freedom-oriented content creators. In reality, you need fast money to produce contents fast.

Money is a distraction in a sense, but it is required to move fast. Unfortunately, you cannot ignore money on earth.

I think mark passio is right about money as a low-consciousness construct, but because we cannot ignore money, we should focus on fast money for accelerating content creation. Unless you are fast and furious, you won't get much done.

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Money is not necessarily the problem, I agree. People are the problem. The Bible says "The love of money is the root of all evil". It doesn't say money is the root of all evil. In the right hands, with a person with the right heart, money is just a tool to use for good. Unfortunately, for most, money corrupts, and lots of money corrupts absolutely. Riches and fame tends to inflate the ego, for the vast majority, unfortunately, and then they just use money in wrong ways. In today's world, you cannot be super rich and/or famous without the approval and support of the Satanic system controllers. So, another method must be found and used, such as legitimate miracles, given freely, with love, truth, freedom, as the foundation. So, go do that! I can't either (yet) but I suspect that day is approaching......

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

You can be rich and famous while you speak things against the ruling class.

Alex jones is rich and famous. Andrew Tate has been vocal about the ruling class. He was jailed for 90 days? He was offered 50 million dollars for shutting up, but he refused to shut up. But, he still makes a lot more money than 99.9% of people on earth.

He and his brother, tristan tate, risked fines when they publicly protested mockery of christiatniy during olympic. They knew they could be jailed again for protesting olympic mockery of christianity, but they avoided jail.

He runs an online university called the real world. While it won't make you a billionaire like him, it may accelerate your money if you are willing to work hard.

Even if you cannot be super rich, you can still be rich and have fast money.

I think the problem is that people interested in fast money are not interested in truth, and people who want to produce freedom-oriented contents are not interested in fast money.

I'm not waiting for miracles. I am going to focus on fast money first and then produce contents once I have fast money. Waiting for external savior will slow me down. I want to move fast.

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You say, "I think the problem is that people interested in fast money are not interested in truth, and people who want to produce freedom-oriented contents are not interested in fast money."

Alex Jones, Andrew Tate, and Tucker Carlson and other similar types like Elon Musk (an open transhumanist is on the side of humanity???), who are gatekeepers for the MAM (Mainstream Alternative Media), are NOT really interested in truth, or they would know truth. Also, they don't produce freedom oriented contents, but subtly promote the slave system. None of these types consistently promote voluntarism government, aka anarchy, like Mark Passio does. Mark has been on Jones' show, and Jones may just be being used by the "Powers That Shouldn't Be", because he does not promote true freedom. They are happy to let these people put on a show, if it keeps the masses from the full truth about objective morality, and full freedom under natural law only.

What if Tate, and Trump, and various other actors are being paid to pretend to be persecuted? Apparently, there was another assassination attempt on Trump. Here's what I wrote about the first attempt: https://www.writepharmaparablepublishing.com/p/trump-deserves-to-go-to-jail-but

If they really wanted him dead, he'd be dead. They can shoot advanced DEW and give anybody an apparent heart attack at any time. But if they can attack such rich and powerful people, what will they do to me, is a typical fear thought. I'd better lay low and let the heros solve everything. Sophisticated stand down psyops are everywhere, because only the masses uniting against ALL governments is the only way to stop their advancing tyranny.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

Whatever the case is, I think fast money principles can be applied by anyone. Andrew tate certainly teaches fast money. If a murderer teaches mathematics, is his mathematics knowledge useless because he is a murderer? Knowledge is neutral regardless of who teaches it.

I understand that andrew tate and alex jones don't actually promote true freedom, but they still reveal a lot. What they say is enough to irritate the ruling class.

What I see is that freedom-oriented content creators don't talk about fast money. Because it is not even in their mind, they are not going to have fast money. We can still accelerate the speed of our money.

They just think they are not going to be kind of rich because the ruling class won't let them, and they don't seem to even try. Have they actually tried to have fast money?

You are not going to have fast contents without fast money.

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Sure, money helps if your heart is in the right place and use the money to promote real truth and freedom. But honestly, I am not sure what you mean by fast money. You mean get money fast somehow? That is easier said than done.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

It means the rate at which money comes in and goes out is fast. Fast money means you churn money fast. If you have slow money, you have monthly income. If you have fast money, you get income everyday.

Having lots of money helps to increase speed of money because you can buy rental properties which accelerate the rate at which money comes into your bank account.

If you want to spend money fast, obviously you want to earn a lot of money fast.

To accelerate speed of money, you have to earn fast, spend fast, and invest fast. You got 2,000 dollars from your rental properties today? Invest them in bitcoin for even more money, or spend them on an expensive dinner with a beautiful lady. You got a million dollars this month? Buy a rental property to accelerate your income schedule.

If you get income, you either invest them or spend them as soon as possible.

Andrew tate's online university teaches stock, crypto, marketing, AI, and various rapid income tactics.

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16

> That is easier said than done.

It is difficult because most people have wrong priorities. They were given matrix slave programs that make them focus on the wrong priorities like bottomless fun.

After pondering for a while, I realized I wouldn't be able to do much or enjoy anything without health and wealth and relationship.

Instead of focusing on health, wealth, and relationship, guys jerk off on porn and play computer games. Instead, guys should avoid pictures of sexy women on the internet and focus on raising children with young beautiful ladies. Avoid fake. Chase the real things.

Winning is relatively straightforward if you get your priorities straight while you are still young.

Until recently, my priorities were fucked up because I didn't realize nothing I want would be feasible or enjoyable without health, wealth, and relationship.

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Wow, that was such a deep reading experience. I’ve never heard that song before, and now it has an entirely new meaning for me. I liked reading the lyrics and getting a deep meaning before actually hearing the song. It feels like it was made just for us Red pillers, speaking directly to this world and our experiences. There’s something so perfect about it—it resonates in a way that’s beyond words!

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Glad you liked it! Have you checked out the other songs in my Songs section? Snoopy and the Red Baron is one I have pinned at the top, to illustrate the many messages in songs

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