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The parable of, "We are ALL on the highway to hell ... at least for a little while, until you fully wake up"

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AC/DC is a VERY inspired band. They knew we are ALL on the highway to hell, at least for a few incarnations, until an individual learns not to take our truman-atrix reality too seriously. Since we are already in “hell”, reincarnation is implied. Going to “hell” simply means to come back to this place! Since the lead singer saying HE was on the highway to hell, it means we ALL are on the same road, for a while anyway, because it is natural to personally relate to such a catchy song.

Here’s another inspiring AC/DC song.

Original video on youtube

As for “hell”, I AM sure AC/DC would understand this colloquial expression about my day at work: “Man, I had a fiery day at work today! It was HELL and went on for ALL eternity!”

Easy to understand, right? I AM sure you didn’t take me literally? Why take religious nutbars literally then?

Here are some scriptural ways to say the same thing, along with some good questions.

  1. If scripture says, "Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you," (1 Peter 4:12) then why do people insist the fire scriptures must be taken literally? Are the difficult suffering trials of life, likened to fiery trials, literal? Is it not more likely evil shepherds like to make money and get fame off dumb sheep, who support stupid and immature leaders who like to push such nonsense? Should not dumb sheep smarten up and become smart sheep rather than get offended at the truth good shepherds like me speak? If, on this site and personally, I battle the lies of evil human shepherds and the evil Negative-Consciousness-Entities deceiving them, does that make me a bad guy, or rather as Christ said hired shepherds run from predators like bears, lions, and wolves, but good shepherds like me kill predators (ie kill their lies) to protect the sheep (John 10:12)?

  2. If scripture says, "our God is a consuming fire" (Hebrews 12:29) then why do people insist the fire scriptures must be taken literally? Is it not more likely this verse describes attributes of Originator-Creator-Oversoul's nature, like a passionate fiery nature to love truth and this consuming fire nature eventually burns out false beliefs from one's brain, and cleanse the mind of Demiurge lies of putting literality to words that are not meant to be taken literally?

  3. If scripture says, "I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance, but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire," (Matthew 3:11) then why do people insist the fire scriptures must be taken literally? Does Originator-Creator-Oversoul use literal fire to baptize a person, or again the fire scriptures describe a certain spiritual experience likened to hell, but really must be experienced to be fully understood?

  4. If scripture says, "Who maketh his angels spirits; his ministers a flaming fire," (Psalm 104:4) then why do people insist the fire scriptures must be taken literally? Are human ministers literally flaming fire? Or is it more likely to be expressive words to describe true ministers' fiery passionate spirit to know truth (SophiaChristos) and speak words that stir up the conscience and make one sometimes a little uncomfortable? Is it possible some reading my writings come to some "fiery" realizations that they sorely misjudged Originator-Creator-Oversoul on many points of theology because they believed evil shepherds instead of seeking Originator-Creator-Oversoul personally? Is it possible Originator-Creator-Oversoul might use my words, as one of His true ministers, like a "fire" to prick conscience and hit one upside the head like a "hammer", as the next verse shows?

  5. If scripture says, "Is not my word like as a fire? saith the Lord; and like a hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces?" (Jeremiah 23:29) then why do people insist the fire scriptures must be taken literally? Is it not more likely Originator-Creator-Oversoul means what He says and simply compares His Word to something "like fire" in that truth (the living Word of Originator-Creator-Oversoul) convicts us sometimes in our conscience, and can feel like fire in the mind, (a little painful) and the written inspired words from Originator-Creator-Oversoul say evident & obvious things that Originator-Creator-Oversoul can amplify to feel like fire in the mind sometimes? Is it not more likely this verse comparing Originator-Creator-Oversoul’s words to fire is no more meant to be taken literally as the comparison to a hammer, to club us upside our heads for our stupidity to believe nonsense? Is it not a fiery realization to realize fools who preach fire verses literally are obvious fakes and sham and scam artists and we can feel our mind on fire sometimes to realize we are blaspheming the Holy Spirit to accuse Originator-Creator-Oversoul of being a monster who will torture in literal fire literally forever? Is not the realization that we must stop believing lies about the loving nature of our Heavenly Father to accuse Him of such wicked nonsense as being an eternal torturer monster difficult to do, since we can no more stop believing lying ass nonsense about Originator-Creator-Oversoul than we can stop breathing, as our instinct to hate Originator-Creator-Oversoul (the carnal mind) comes out in blasphemous evil shit we cannot stop believing unless Originator-Creator-Oversoul mercifully grants us supernatural ability to do so?

  6. If the scripture says, "Wherefore thus saith the Lord God of hosts, Because ye speak this word, behold, I will make my words in thy mouth fire, and this people wood, and it shall devour them," (Jeremiah 5:14) then why do people insist the fire verses must be taken literally? Like point #5 above, does not Originator-Creator-Oversoul compare His words in the prophet's mouth to fire, as He will use Jeremiah's words to convict people with fiery evident truths that will make people angry? In this verse, does not Originator-Creator-Oversoul speak in symbolic words to help us understand also how His words of fiery truth affect people as if they are wood, and we can imagine the hearer's carnal mind like a burning log that gets consumed and devoured and destroyed? Is it not a loving thing for Originator-Creator-Oversoul to burn our carnal minds like a wooden log until it is destroyed so we can live forever?

  7. If scripture says, "Everyone will be salted with fire," (Mark 9:49, NIV) why do people insist the fire verses must be taken literally? If salt is a preservative, a saving agent, then does not this idea that Originator-Creator-Oversoul’s fire saves harmonize with, and help explain, the goodness of Originator-Creator-Oversoul? If scripture says everyone will essentially be saved with fire (ie by hell), does that imply anybody can avoid this saving by spiritual fire experience either in this life or the next? Is it not more likely everyone will eventually understand the things I write here by personal experience in either this life or the next, even if it doesn't make total sense what I say right now?

  8. If scripture says, "If any man's work shall be burned, he shall suffer loss: but he himself shall be saved; yet so as by fire," (1 Corinthians 3:15) why do people insist the fire verses must be taken literally? Does not this verse, like point #7 above, obviously show Originator-Creator-Oversoul’s fire has a saving aspect to it? If Originator-Creator-Oversoul inspired some truth in the Bible and truly every man is a liar (Romans 3:4), then isn't it more likely evil shepherd's just do not understand Originator-Creator-Oversoul’s tough love likened to fire, or if they do, lie to fleece dumb sheep who want to believe drivel? Isn't the evil motivations of evil preachers obvious, who tell smooth things for popularity, fame, money, etc...?

  9. If the scripture says, "And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works. And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire," (Revelation 20:13-15) why do people insist the fire verses must be taken literally? Is not the many fire verses explored above enough evidence to realize we should not take fire verses in Revelation literally either, especially since Revelation is such a highly symbolized book? If Originator-Creator-Oversoul is All-Knowing, All-Powerful, and All-Loving, and the symbolic saving fire of Originator-Creator-Oversoul is true, then isn't it logical to understand Originator-Creator-Oversoul is telling us that although everbody gets saved in the end, Originator-Creator-Oversoul makes it a painful and difficult experience for all in the end for the many reasons detailed on other pages on this site? Is it not clear that for everyone to be universally saved by fire, then verses that talk about being tormented in lake of fire forever cannot be meant to be taken literally? Is it not impossible to harmonize universal salvation scriptures with literal fire forever interpretations unless you accept Originator-Creator-Oversoul’s fire saves, and this implies an unpleasant experience that scares the shit out of all of us, and we all run, but Originator-Creator-Oversoul will get you sooner or later, in this life or the next? Is it not more reasonable to appreciate Originator-Creator-Oversoul’s determination to save your sorry ass one way or another and try to work on your weaknesses, rather than take the deep truth I reveal here and intentionally do evil all the more and enjoy it because you are becoming convinced I am right about universal salvation? Isn't that attitude sort of like choosing to rape little children in addition to your current compulsion to rape adult women, because the rapist is becoming convinced he will not be held accountable for a period of time, like say 10 years? But when he is finally held accountable, won't his sentence be more severe for doing this, and also it is well known the other inmates, as evil as they are, pass very severe relativistic judgment on child rapists and he himself is going to have a VERY harsh time in jail for this disgusting attitude to abuse the Originator-Creator-Oversoul’s grace, would you not agree? Is it wise to intentionally abuse the Originator-Creator-Oversoul’s grace and therefore increase your hell when the time comes because you are a selfish pig and do not want to demonstrate a little love, gratitude, and appreciation back to your Creator? Rather than universal salvation being false, is it not more likely a wise Creator makes universal salvation a minority viewpoint and not well understood or commonly known in the world, for just such the reason that those destined for the second resurrection (aka hell, aka another reincarnation) anyway will never be motivated to love Originator-Creator-Oversoul back while flesh and blood, and Originator-Creator-Oversoul’s saving fire, if it were commonly preached and KNOWN to be true, would simply increase the wickedness in an already pretty insanely wicked world because second resurrectioners can never get beyond thinking, "If Originator-Creator-Oversoul’s fire saves, then nothing matters and just do more evil and enjoy my evil all the more?"

Here is John Lamb Lash saying similar things about the Gnostic Goddess Sophia and her “fire”, in his own unique way.


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As Lash said at the end of the audio, “Nuf said.” :-)


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Inspirational & informational messages in songs
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