I remember watching Space 1999 as a kid, and liked it, but not as much a Star Trek. This episode caught my attention scrolling youtube and I thought it was a coded metaphor for some of the things I AM learning.
Basically, some basic story elements that stood out: the Voyager One craft was sent into space by humans, with good intentions. They did not realize, nor could they have predicted, that the ship would destroy 2 alien worlds out of a 3 world system. Aarchon, the "Chief Justifier of the Worlds of Sidon" led the alien fleet on a mission of vengeance, to destroy the humans on lunar base Alpha.
Dr. Ernst Linden, a scientist working on Alpha, was actually Ernst Queller, the inventor of the drive that destroyed the 2 alien worlds, his name changed for protective reasons. Queller, as the one most responsible, sacrifices himself to stop the alien attack & save lunar base Alpha, whose inhabitants were NOT as directly responsible for the tragedy, as Queller felt he was.
2/3 of the aliens destroyed, leaving 1/3 seeking revenge. 1/3 is an interesting fraction, because Biblical myth, along with other ancient texts, say that 1/3 of angels rebelled against God, seeking revenge against certain errant-elect humans.
The character named Aarchon, is suspiciously close to the Gnostic chief Archon, Yaldabaoth. Also, Aarchon, the "Chief Justifier of the Worlds of Sidon" is another clue.
“Biblical Sidon is perhaps most infamously known as the birthplace of the Phoenician princess Jezebel (1 Kings 16:31), who became queen of the Israelites during King Ahab’s reign in the ninth century B.C.E. (the Iron Age). In the Bible, Jezebel is notorious for persecuting the worship of Yahweh and for demanding that the Israelites worship Baal.”
Ernst Queller represents humans hidden throughout our history, time, and reality, sent into our simulated construct to learn some deeper secrets about the reasons for the earth sim.
Although I don’t know everything about the dispute, I know enough to know that there is a big difference between mistaken humans with good intentions versus cognizant aliens with evil intentions.
Kirk offered the Gorn mercy, to talk, and maybe reach an agreement, even after the captain had already defeated the Gorn. The Gorn would NOT have done the same, and the Metron admitted that. The Metrons were still willing to destroy the Gorn, and Kirk reluctantly changed his mind about the whole affair, taking the Metrons up on their offer.
However, the Metrons first required that Kirk transform himself into Captain Janeway of the Federation starship Voyager, to honor the Voyager craft in this Space 1999 episode, before destroying the Gorn. The starship Enterprise episode doesn’t end that way, but read the previous blue link about the starship Voyager and you will understand.
Clif High has reached similar conclusions, through his own unique means.
Clif High talks about lunar issues in the post below. He talks about how the moon is inhabited. hmmmm … inhabited by lunar base Alpha perhaps???
Below, more from Clif High about lunar “issues”:
Do I think the creators of “Space 1999” had all this in mind when they put together the TV series decades ago? Nah. Logan from decode your reality provides tons of evidence that our reality is scripted, beyond ways that humans can do.
I doubt that the TV producers were fully conscious of these things, in general, although some might have been. The proof of my position is that I AM conscious, and I can see these things, so logically others could too.
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