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The parable of, "Truth brings us back to Life"

Original video on youtube

NOTE: If you know how to decode the Bible, which is full of parables, metaphors, allegories, symbolism, archetypes, colloquial expressions, etc… then you can understand what the song above really means. For example:

  • Jesus saith unto him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me” (John 14:6, KJV)

  • “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it” (John 8:44, KJV).

Therefore, Jesus = Truth and the devil = lies. Can you discern Truth (Jesus) in your thoughts versus Lies (Satan)? Please keep that in mind as you read along with my interpretations below.

No longer I (Ego, aka Satan within) who live, but Christ (Truth, aka Higher Self within, as the Kingdom of God is within you) in me

For I've been born again (changed heart), my heart is free (free from lies to know love, truth,freedom)

The hope of heaven (heaven is NOT only an afterlife experience, but rather an experience NOW, walking in truth, love, freedom) before me, the grave (the grave is NOT only an afterlife experience, but rather an experience NOW, walking in lies, fear, enslaved by mind control, guilt, confusion, regrets, etc…) behind

Hallelujah, You brought me back to life (walking in life NOW, raised from the dead now, intuitively discerning truth from lies)

I won't forget the moment I heard you call my name (your real name is not your earthly name, for all those destined for the first resurrection ARE “Jesus”)

Out of the grip of darkness (confusion), into the light (clear headed, knowing Truth) of days

Just like Lazarus, oh, You brought me back to life (Lazarus was dead 4 days, beyond the symbolic 3 days allowed for redemptive judgment, such as Jonah, in the whale 3 days, and yet Lazarus rose, without any faith, at the word of Truth, because dead men cannot have faith. Christ said He would face 3 days of redemptive judgment with us and for us, because in Christ we live and breathe and have our being…it is now, though we are already in the realm of the dead people…let the dead bury the dead, at least until you “rise from the grave”)

Where there was dead religion (exoteric understanding only), now there is living faith (esoteric understanding)

All of my hope and freedom (freedom is knowing the truth, and not having to belief anything, especially lies), I found in Jesus' (Truth’s) name

  • I won’t repeat myself where lyrics repeat, as I don’t like repeating myself, so I won’t repeat myself. I just won’t repeat myself, because repeating myself is dumb, and I don’t like being dumb by repeating myself, so don’t ask me to repeat myself. Because I just won’t repeat myself!

Just like Lazarus, oh, You brought me back to life

No longer I who live but Christ in me

For I've been born again, my heart is free

The hope of heaven before me, the grave behind

Hallelujah, You brought me back to life

When something says I am guilty (our CEMSIC often accuses us. CEMSIC = carnal-ego-mind-soul-identification-complex), I point to the price You paid (Truth endures this price with us in the here and now, as we are “crucified” and “rise from the dead”)

When something says I'm not worthy (again, CEMSIC), I point to that empty grave (when you integrate PowerSelf (spirit), and ShadowSelf (soul), and MirrorSelf (body), there is nothing in the grave, for you are only ONE alive Being, the I AM Trinity, and Trinity was the wife of Neo, as knowers are the ONE Wife of Christ, united in Spirit and Truth)

Just like Lazarus, Oh, You brought me back to life

No longer I who live, but Christ in me

For I've been born again, my heart is free

The hope of heaven before me, the grave behind

Hallelujah, You brought me back to life

How can I begin to thank You, for all that You've done for me (talk to Originator-Creator-Oversoul (OCO) about that because the Co-Creator-Oversouls, led by SophiaChristos, even need OCO’s help)

AN ASIDE: for those who insist Trinity, as traditionally taught, is the truth

  1. If Christ said, "the Father is greater than I (John 14:28)," why do people still insist Christ is exactly co-eternal and co-equal to the Father in every way in some sort of mysterious trinity of total equality? Is it not more likely Christ really meant the true Almighty Father God was greater than He or any human or angel?

  2. If scripture says, "But to us there is but one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we in him; and one Lord Jesus Christ, by whom are all things, and we by him (1 Corinthians 8:6)," why do people still insist Christ is exactly co-eternal and co-equal to the Father in every way in some sort of mysterious trinity of total equality? Is it not more likely that the scripture means exactly what it says, there is but one God, specifically names this God as the Father, and makes distinction in same verse that Jesus is Lord, not God literally, but Lord, the preeminent elect who shares more of the true God's, Father's, Spirit than any other?

  3. If scripture says, "And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast sent (John 17:3)," why do people still insist Christ is exactly co-eternal and co-equal to the Father in every way in some sort of mysterious trinity of total equality? Is it not more likely that if Christ Himself said His Heavenly Father was the only true God, He meant it? And did He not clearly acknowledge that He was the one whom Father God sent to earth to redeem creation in a special mission, but nonetheless eternal life requires knowing both His Father, the only true God, and Himself? Should we perhaps just take Christ at His words instead of letting ourselves get confused by false human leaders and false evil angels who have evil motives to hide the truth?

  4. If scripture says, "Him that overcometh will I make a pillar in the temple of my God, and he shall go no more out: and I will write upon him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, which is new Jerusalem, which cometh down out of heaven from my God: and I will write upon him my new name (Revelation 3:12)," why do people still insist Christ is exactly co-eternal and co-equal to the Father in every way in some sort of mysterious trinity of total equality? Is it not more likely that if Christ repeatedly refers to His God in this verse, even after risen from the dead and supposedly part of some mysterious trinity again, then truly Christ knows He still has a God above Him, His Heavenly Father, to whom He owes existence and worship and obedience? Does Christ seem to be the least bit confused who the real God is, like most professing Christians and Christian leaders claim Christ is literally God in some mysterious trinity? Can one know Christ and insist Christ is literally God in some mysterious trinity, when Christ Himself said otherwise? Is Christ, who is truth, honored by lies from those who claim He is literally equal to His Father in every way, His Father being the true God? Does Christ consider it a compliment to be considered literally God, or rather is He disappointed by supposed Christians who are deceived by Satan to believe bullshit contrary to what He Himself clearly said?

  5. If scripture says, "But I would have you know, that the head of every man is Christ; and the head of the woman is the man; and the head of Christ is God (1 Corinthians 11:3)," why do people still insist Christ is exactly co-eternal and co-equal to the Father in every way in some sort of mysterious trinity of total equality? Is it not more likely, especially given so many scriptures already proving trinity is false, that if scripture says Christ has a head, a boss, above Him, Father God, then we should probably just believe that instead of believing lying Christian leaders, who are more concerned with popularity and making money and being accepted by the 2 billion false believers?

  6. If scripture says, "But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father, (Matthew 24:36, NIV)" why do people still insist Christ is exactly co-eternal and co-equal to the Father in every way in some sort of mysterious trinity of total equality? Does it not seem obvious Christ is NOT literally God or He would know everything, and He clearly admitted to NOT knowing when His return to earth would be? Is it not more likely Christ is special among created Beings, the preeminent elect, the most like Father God, and said to be God because He shares the true God's, Father's, Spirit more than any other elect?

  7. If scripture says, "And he said unto them, It is not for you to know the times or the seasons, which the Father hath put in his own power," (Acts 1:7) why do people still insist Christ is exactly co-eternal and co-equal to the Father in every way in some sort of mysterious trinity of total equality? Even if we want to try and say the verse in point #6 only proves Christ gave up total knowledge while human, then why does He still NOT know when His return to earth would be, even after risen from the dead, since this verse is AFTER the resurrection? What seems unclear about "the Father has put certain knowledge in His own power", as Christ said, and even after risen from the dead, does not Christ acknowledge His second coming is still totally dependent on the true God's decision and knowledge alone?

  8. If scripture says, "And he saith unto them, Ye shall drink indeed of my cup, and be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with: but to sit on my right hand, and on my left, is not mine to give, but it shall be given to them for whom it is prepared of my Father," (Matthew 20:23) why do people still insist Christ is exactly co-eternal and co-equal to the Father in every way in some sort of mysterious trinity of total equality? If Christ were literally God, would He not choose who sits on His right and left hand? Is it not more likely, the real God, Father, insists not only to choose when Christ returns to earth, but also choose leaders in His Kingdom as He wills and NOT as Christ wills? Which is better, to simply accept what these scriptures say plainly, or ask your lying Christian leader what these scriptures mean? If you choose to talk to lying Christian leaders about these questions I raise, is it not wise to beware, because are not Christian leaders beholden to defend their lies, (rather than admit they don't know Christ, who is truth) being they mostly work for Satan and are trained in spiritual warfare to try to confuse you that these scriptures do NOT mean what they plainly say? Will they not insult your intelligence and ability to discern yourself what the Spirit says? I do not point to MY authority, some other human like the pope, or try to confuse people with the original Greek or Hebrew languages, false analogies, or try to negate these plain scriptures with other more vague scriptures that seem to support trinity, etc... these are all common spiritual warfare tactics to try to confuse you and just get you to agree with their lies. Does not such tactics show these supposed leaders simply want you to doubt you already have a personal relationship with God through Christ, and you must believe them, not the Holy Spirit? Do they not insult your intelligence that you can discern truth yourself, hearing from God personally, and instead insist you must follow created beings, such as them? Isn't the only created Being you are to follow into death, or the very pit of hell, if necessary, Christ Himself? Is not Christ the preeminent created Being Father God has ordained we are to follow? If I tell you follow Him personally, and try to teach you how to hear His voice and follow Him yourself, does this not distinguish me from fake leaders, who typically deny this is possible and you must follow humans, traditions, orthodoxy, the majority 2 billion fake Christians etc...? If my words sound like the raving lunatic words of a cult leader, then I applaud your efforts to hear from Holy Spirit personally. You are wrong, but at least you tried to hear from God there, as only God alone can confirm to you my words are true. If I am wrong about ANY of the deep and admittedly strange things (strange to our fleshly carnal mind anyway) I reveal on my site, I will accept responsibility for leading you astray and take your punishment for you, like Christ did for us all. Does this sound like the words of someone you cannot trust? Would Joel Osteen offer to go to hell for deceiving millions with trinity and many other unbalanced lies he teaches?

  9. If scripture says, "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus." (1 Timothy 2:5-7) why do people still insist Christ is exactly co-eternal and co-equal to the Father in every way in some sort of mysterious trinity of total equality? If this verse and other scriptures emphasize there is only one God, and other scriptures and Jesus Himself said clearly this is the Father, and Jesus is the unique created being called Lord, leader of the light side angels and preeminent elect, (more on this in these pages) and mediator between the true God and fleshly devils, which humans are incarnations of fallen angels (more on this in these pages), and need this mediation to be saved, then ……

    …… does it not seem reasonable that point #8 above talking about being baptized with suffering, means the redemptive theology of suffering Jesus is talking about experiencing, in this life or the next, comes about due to difficult reconciliation for one's part in their own individual "civil" war with the light side angels (as both justice and growth)?

    Original video on youtube

    If Jesus is Lord, preeminent elect and was once light side angelic leader, but now elevated above angels, then does it not seem reasonable His death for humans, dark side losers, is a significant thing that only the elect come to understand, eventually appreciate, and change, as the elect experience similar sufferings to Jesus and are forced to seek God for real answers and come to understand what life is all about?

    Original video on youtube

    More details available on these truths in other links about who preexistent humans are, who preexistent Christ is/was/will be, and what Father God is really doing in human history.

End of aside

Jesus to fully praise you, it will take all eternity (now you understand deeper why)

Just like Lazarus, oh, you brought me back to life

Oh, you brought me back to life

Oh, you brought me back to life


Oh, you brought me back to life

No longer I who live, but Christ in me

For I've been born again, my heart is free

The hope of heaven before me, the grave behind

Hallelujah, You've brought me back to life

No longer I who live, but Christ in me

For I've been born again, my heart is free

The hope of heaven before me, the grave behind

Hallelujah, You brought me back to life

Oh, You brought me back to life


And the enemy (lies) thought he had me, but Jesus (Truth) said, you are mine

The enemy thought he had me, but Jesus said, you are mine

The enemy thought he had me, but Jesus said, you are mine

The enemy thought he had me

Oh yes he did

The enemy thought he had me

Jesus said you are mine

The enemy thought he had me

But Jesus said you are mine

The enemy thought he had me

But Jesus said you are mine

The enemy thought he had me

But Jesus said you are mine

The enemy thought he had me

But Jesus said you are mine

The enemy thought he had me

But Jesus said ……

No longer I who live, but Christ in me

For I've been born again, my heart is free

The hope of heaven before me, the grave behind

Hallelujah, You've brought me back to life

I interpret the Jesus story less literally these days, and I feel more inspired with the video below:

Original video on youtube


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WritePharma Parable Publishing-stories with mystical meaning
Inspirational & informational messages in songs
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