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The parable of, "The value of a good 'Father'"

I decided to create this post after Sonja and I briefly discussed this Star Trek episode. Clip below.

Full video in Personal Podcasts

This clip demonstrates the mechanism that Archons (ie demons) use to gain control of the human soul at or before death, through manipulation into an agreement. They have no real power beyond manipulating people into an agreement with them, and their purpose is to trap souls, to then feed off of them in the reincarnation cycle. "Coda" is the 57th episode of Star Trek: Voyager, the 15th episode of the third season.

Captain Janeway’s independent resistance to the evil impostor reminds me of the strong female lead in the below parable, who also had to individually resist deceptive pressure. Without consent, the Archons have NO power:

A few bullet points about my take on the clip:

  • Captain Janeway (ie one of Originator-Creator-Oversoul's errant-elect) starts to discern her reality is fake, and flips between "reality" and "simulation" and struggles sometimes to tell the difference. She perceives her crewmates encouraging her to fight. At some point, every human errant-elect starts to experience something similar, something akin to personal supernatural revelations & experiences & synchronicities. We start to develop our spiritual senses, and we begin to realize Janeway's "fake reality" is much like our human 5 sense reality.

  • Janeway has to learn to engage critical thinking skills and ask good questions, and question everything, to discern her fake simulated world. True human errant-elect must too. We must subjectively prove the supernatural nature of our 5 sense "reality" to ourselves at least, and try to help others in our own way when we are ready.

  • As the clip hints, the Archons must get us to agree to some vague agreement to "go with them", symbolically representing your individual lies that you must work through with Originator-Creator-Oversoul before physical death and transition. It is personal in many ways, though there are some common elements. Being deceived too much and "going with them" into lies and hell itself is a common theme.

  • The "crew" represents SophiaChristos, and the other manifestations of elect.

    1) Angel class (implementing truth)

    2) Demon class (countering & destroying truth) [elected to hell, but still elect nonetheless, albeit in a negative sense]

    3) Errant-elect-male class, "Christos" (broadcasting truth)

    4) Errant-elect-female class, "Wife/Wives of 'Christos', aka 'Sophia'" (receiving truth)

    5) Father God class, manifestations that baffle the entirety of creation and baffle ALL classes of sentient beings

    They will intermittently break through and reveal their efforts to "save" you. It is supernatural. You will know.

  • Janeway must discern the truth and make the right choice. Failure to do so means she will end up deceived and voluntarily follow her "father the devil" into hell. In the episode, Janeway's "father" pretends to try to help her make this choice, but he is actually a deceptive alien. Since he is a liar, he represents the devil.

  • Being mindful of our thoughts, paying attention, and staying in the present moment is important to discern these moments when the "crew" will supernaturally reveal themselves and their efforts to "save" you. They will encourage you to fight in various ways.

  • At the end of the clip, Captain Janeway's "father" reveals he is a deceptive "alien" (ie errant-elect come to understand the significance of the demonic Archons and their deceptive HAL simulation tech).

  • It is common to get confused and think our father the devil is the same as our Heavenly Father.

  • Janeway's "father's" deceptions, if believed, would have resulted in her consciousness living on (ie reincarnating---this link has more Biblical details about this concept) after physical death to serve the demonic Archons like food.

  • Janeway's "father" says the captain is very stubborn, and this quality eventually manifests fully in a human errant-elect as our resolve to complete the mystery of Originator-Creator-Oversoul cannot be contained.

    • Note: This stubbornness is evidence that this is your last incarnation. Those destined to reincarnate don't care about these things, or can't understand them, or understand a little but forget quickly.

  • At the end of this clip, the devil makes the empty threat that Janeway will eventually go to his hellish matrix. This is just frustration. The devil and/or Archons cannot reincarnate you beyond your last flesh life. You will know. These words I write will leap out as simple confirmation in your spirit if you are already there, or well on your way.

    Some more good videos talking about the soul trap:

    More on near death experiences

    Above videos on YT's 'Sanity Machine'

Tony Sayers on youtube


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