As Morpheus said, “residual self image” is the mental projection of your digital self.

The Sex Connection By Alan Fitzpatrick
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In the above book by Alan Fitzpatrick, the author examines the notes & findings of late philosopher, Richard Rose. Rose believed that there was a connection between mental health problems and “unnatural” sex acts, which he defined as anything unrelated to specific heterosexual penile and vaginal intercourse.

Note: I’ll get to the matrix connection soon, I promise. Please be patient.

To Rose, these acts included such things as oral sex, masturbation, anal intercourse, and any associated fantasies of such, because the subconscious mind cannot tell the difference between fantasy and reality, which leads to the same end: non-human entities, which Rose called “sex bugs” will attach to the psyche of the person doing such acts, draining mental-neural energy, leading to eventual psychological problems over time.

I am NOT saying I am totally convinced or agree with Rose, but I think my readers can imagine why today’s politically correct world will disallow any such ideas promoted from so-called “mental health experts” (psychologists & psychiatrists).

Rose re: spiritual truth & group-think

Similarly to just a few years ago, when only an extremely small number of doctors spoke out against a certain vaccine and consequently lost their jobs (even though there is TONS of evidence the vaccine is far from safe and effective), licensed psychologists & psychiatrists would instantly lose their jobs if they espoused Rose’s ideas. Rose’s stance on the sexual connection to mental health is more subjective than C-19’s death & damages, and yet the masses still can’t accept the truth about C-19. For sure, people want to be willfully ignorant on this issue.

However, during his time on earth, Richard Rose had MANY people ask for his help for mental problems, and he always emphasized a return to “natural” sex acts, invariably finding ALL his patients were NOT engaged in such. Those who changed their habits, often got better, a large percentage of the time. Rose documented many anecdotal accounts of this, but of course, nothing will convince those who simply don’t want to believe his medical records & evidence.

It is complex to explain Rose’s theories about unnatural sex acts and the connection to invisible non-human entity sex bugs, which drain neural energy, leaving mental aberrations in their wake. I suggest read the book for specific details. But Rose detailed statistics in his book showing that mental health challenges are increasing, often un-treatable by psychologists and psychiatrists.

Today’s regulated mental health “experts” are NOT allowed to criticize ANY sex acts. In our modern politically correct world, all sexual acts are considered harmless, pleasurable, and healthy.

Beginning on page 268, the author describes the human matrix of sexual attraction, drawing on simulation-type language & explanations:

If we live in a projected world, as Rose has stated, due to the fact that we are not "seeing" the external world directly, but interpreting it from incoming percepts and then projecting mentally a visualized image of that world "out there", then our body, too, is part of that mental projection—a part of the external world that we perceive, and so is our perception of our own self and mind. We are aware of this dichotomy of outer world and inner self when we realize that we can simultaneously see our body as part of the external world while witnessing our thoughts as a part of our internal mental world. By examining our body that we see in the external world, we automatically come to believe that the brain, sheathed in a bony skull, is the seat of our thoughts, which by nature is inaccessible to others. However, we fail to realize that it too is, at some elemental level, a visualized projection, as Van der Leeuw points out. "Our body appears to us as part of ourselves and we forget that it is as much part of that outer world as the tree or the stone, and that our perception of it as a visible and tangible object takes place in just the same way as our perception of the tree or of the stone. Even the inner feeling we have of our body is but a variety of sense-perception which exists for our body alone. It too is but an awareness produced in our consciousness." So that ultimately our skull, brain, self, and mind is more fluid, more porous, and more susceptible to suggestibility, mental projections, and the influence of external thought-forms, including the penetration by entities under certain conditions, than anyone imagines.

In the case of people who become possessed, an entity or mental thought-form is able to project thoughts and visions directly into the mind of the person without resistance or interference on the part of the possessed host who has no control over this intrusion. The person becomes internally aware, as in the case of Lang, that their own mentality has somehow been invaded by an external psychic agent. They realize that such an agent is foreign to themselves and it is able to manipulate their own mind and cause confusion and havoc by its strategically-superior ability to project directly into their own mind thoughts, voices and visions that are alien to them and against their will, often without the benefit of external percepts coming into their mind from external sights and sounds. What happens is that the individual begins to think they hear and see things around them, both internally and externally that they recognize other people do not share. If they attempt to tell an observer that they are hearing strange voices in their head or seeing entity-like creatures around them, these observers, if they are psychologists or psychiatrists, qualify such an experience as an episode of hallucinatory phenomena associated with the onset of mental disorder. They never bother to study the mechanics of such perceptions any closer than labeling the person psychotic because the therapist cannot see or hear the same percepts. Rose called the mechanics by which an entity is able to project mental visions into the mind of an individual, "visualization-projection not warranted by percepts" or "Deliberate Mental Projections," one of the six different forms or methods of seeing, or perceiving that Rose delineated the human mind is capable of apprehending. Rose called these deliberate mental projections, "visions projected upon the world scene, or upon our consciousness by another," meaning another separate consciousness or mentality, including other people who are capable of projecting their thoughts. In this case, the projected thoughts are coming from entities, or mental thought-forms. Being the subject of deliberate mental projections from a foreign or alien mental thought-form is entirely a subjective, but very real experience for the person so afflicted. The interior mental experience they are undergoing cannot be verified under normal circumstances by an observer, unless that observer has the capability to "see" or perceive the presence of the entity that is causing the mental projections.

However, this seeing or witnessing of the entity by either the host or a sensitive observer must be qualified at this point because, as Rose has stated, this "seeing" is not the result of perceptions emanating from the external world. In other words, the entity in question is not necessarily located "out there" in the external world but rather its location is either inside or adjacent to the mind of the individual it is accessing, making it capable of projecting or transmitting into that mind visualizations or visions that the victim's mind then witnesses as incoming percepts and then projects back upon the world-view as an external sight that only they hear or see. Said Rose about deliberate mental projections from an entity, "This last category of visions is that which is caused by someone's mind (projection from or by them) which has an impact upon other minds to a point where the recipient may have the conviction that he physically sees the projection. They are Deliberate Mental Projections, or visions projected upon the world scene or upon our consciousness by another. Under this heading we have Tulpas and possession.... They are manipulations which are unreal even to the laws of the relative plane, or are illusions which are projected into our mind and which we then visualize or project upon the world-view." Such is the case of possessed people like M., {Case #64} who saw the ghostly apparition of a beautiful naked woman mount and straddle his prone body for the purpose of having sex with him. At the moment of orgasm, the apparition of the woman turned into an inhuman creature clutching him; the vision of her and her transformation into a crab-like creature was in its entirety projected into his mind by the entity, whereupon M. was able to "see" with his own eyes the woman on top of him change into a creature. However, if an observer had been present in the room observing M., they would not have seen the woman at all, but would have observed M. experience an automatic masturbatory orgasm while seemingly reacting and interacting with an apparent hallucination source that only he was party to. The vision of the naked woman turning into an inhuman creature, though real to M. and not a figment of his imagination that he wishfully dreamed up, was projected into his mind by an entity from an unknown source close to him and may or may not have looked anything like the projection-vision that M. was seeing. In the initial contact with the entity when M. embarked upon daily episodes of masturbation, he may have had a hand in "creating" the image of the woman that he masturbated to from mental visualizations remembered from pornography. There is no doubt that once the entity took hold of him, that particular image of the woman became more manifest and the act of masturbation took on a life of its own.

"All sexual desire is projected by entities."

Is the person who is seeing an apparition and hearing voices really seeing and hearing something outside of their own mind? The answer, according to Rose, is both yes and no. First, everyone who has seen or heard the manifestation of the presence of entities outside of themselves, from M. who witnessed the naked woman straddle him, to Father Surin who described an entity apparition emerge from the nun and approach him, and to Renee who described a voice speaking to her from a corner of her room—all had genuinely seen and heard something that another observer could not witness to corroborate their story. However, Rose pointed out that while the person's perception of the entity is genuinely real to them, in fact the source of the entity is not located where their senses perceive it to be, but rather, is a mental projection occurring in their mind that then is re-projected onto the person's vision of the external world. They are really witnessing with their own senses something that has been created or projected by their own mind from an external intelligence that is able to work the "gears and levers" of the person's own perceptive mechanism. Explained Rose, "It is possible in the case of ghosts or spirit manifestation that the incoming projection by the mind of an unidentifiable entity may cause a reverse chemistry in the mind, so that the impulse originates in the mind and activates rods in the eyes according to forms projected upon the mind," from the source of those forms, which is the entity. In the rare case where two or more people see the same ghost or entity Rose said, "It can only be construed that the individuals present project the subject of the vision," collectively, with the entity touching all the minds present and projecting into them simultaneously the vision that is then projected outward by the individuals and then witnessed by all.

The mind of the person witnesses a vision outside of themselves, such as seeing a ghost that is first projected by their own mind upon the physical world from an unknown source. In this case, the entity manipulates or uses the memory bank of the person to create its own particular picture, which is why no one else sees the vision that the individual witnesses. The entity has, in essence, hijacked the natural projective mechanism of the person's mind, though the person is unaware of it. The person comes to believe that the ghost, spirit or entity that they are seeing is actually outside of themselves. This happens in the same way that we think we see a mirage or a hologram, both of which are not real phenomena in the external world. An example of the normal projective mechanism of our mind illustrates what happens to the mind in such situations. All we need to do is to step outside on a moonless night into near darkness where there are no lights whatsoever. Gradually, as our eyes become accustomed to the darkness, we will be able to distinguish the outlines of objects in front of us with the help of the miniscule amount of starlight that is illuminating our surroundings. As we attempt to identify what we are seeing, we may come to question whether what is in front of us is a shrub or an unidentifiable animal silently crouching. As you peer intently at the barely visible form, you may notice that your mind is attempting to "fill in the blanks" concerning the unknown identity, projecting upon it first the form of a shrub, and then a bag, a wild dog, or a wolf. If you think that what you see is a wolf, then your mind may even react to it with sudden fear, sensing that the wolf is about to spring to attack. All of what you are seeing and reacting to is a projected vision from your mind as it interprets the fragmentary percepts coming from the eyeballs to the brain. Your mind is attempting to identify and understand the vision that it thinks it sees by projecting back out upon the source of the percepts its own interpretive vision. In this case, it may project the image of a wolf from what it recognizes a wolf to look like from stored memories accumulated from a past visit to the zoo, an article in National Geographic magazine, or a program on television.

Taking this process a step further, seeing or hearing an entity is nothing more than an elaboration of this projection process. In this case, it is entities that cloud our vision and project the reverie of sexuality instead of an image of a wolf. The entity projects upon the mind the matrix of sexual attraction and sexual association onto the source of an otherwise neutral object, which is another person who is perceived outside of ourselves. For example, a heterosexual male who sees the naked bodies of men or boys showering at the YMCA does not find their bodies sexually attractive because there is no entity attached to him causing the projection of sexual attractiveness or desire upon the male body, which he sees in front of him. The vision he "sees" is sexually neutral in the same way that he does not find a dog, cat, or any other animal sexually attractive. However, homosexual males see the same male body of a man or boy as sexually attractive because a homosexual entity or sex bug is manipulating the vision of the male body that is seen, depending on the nature of the association. Thus, if the homosexual is a pedophile adult male who is sexually attracted to boys because he has an association that causes him to become aroused by the sight of the young male body, he sees young boys as sexually attractive. The entity attached to him is projecting sexual desire or lust into his mind, whereupon the pedophile then witnesses the boy that he sees as a sexual object. The boy in and of himself is not sexually attractive, nor is he acting sexually provocative. He is sexually a blank slate, so to speak. It is only the cloud of lust in the pedophile's mind that causes him to believe that the body is sexually enticing him. The entity is not projecting all that sexuality upon the boy, but only into the mind of the pedophile, and no one else. The heterosexual male standing next to the pedophile sees the young boy through eyes devoid of sexuality because he does not have the same homosexual entity attached to him.

Consequently, we can say that no individual, in and of themselves as an object viewed by other people, is inherently sexually attractive. All sexual attractiveness or desire, even heterosexual associations, are subjective qualities that are not created in the mind of the person on their own, but projected first as a sexual desire into their mind by an entity, and then re-directed outward onto the object of that desire. This projection mechanism of sexual desire is witnessable every time a person looks at someone whom their entity, by its sexual orientation, determines is potentially the object of their particular sexual association. For example, if a heterosexual male and a homosexual male see a young attractive man and woman walking together, the heterosexual may find the woman sexually attractive but have no interest whatsoever in the male. However, the homosexual male may have the opposite view of the couple and is sexually attractive and be indifferent to the woman. While the man and woman physically look, no different to either heterosexual or homosexual observers, the difference in sexual orientation is due to the projective quality of the particular entity that is overlaying the vision that each man sees with its own visualized desire. So that the projection of a person's desire upon an external individual is the coloration by which we are prompted by the entity to visualize our association and "paste onto" an external object, in this case, another person of the same or opposite sex.

Another example demonstrates the mechanics of sexual projection differently. A heterosexual male may see at a distance what he thinks is an attractive woman in slacks who is bent over with her back turned to him. He immediately finds her sexually attractive even though he has not seen her face, but when she stands up and turns around and he realizes that the woman is actually a man. He immediately loses all sexual interest, because he realizes in an instant that he had not looked carefully enough at her or did not have a clear enough view to realize that it was a man that he was actually seeing. In his heterosexual mind, he chalks this up to a case of mistaken identity because he was not looking closely enough to see that "she" was a "he." However, it was also a case of mistaken sexual projection on the part of the heterosexual entity working through his mind, coloring his outlook or vision erroneously. It was not grounds for claiming that the heterosexual was harboring latent homosexual tendencies as gay rights advocates would have us believe. A case like this of casual mistaken gender identity and mistaken sexual projection tells us that the quality of sexual attractiveness is imposed upon otherwise neutral gender objects in the external world from within our mind first. Likewise, when that same heterosexual male is suffering from a bad cold or a fever, he might find that he has lost a great deal, if not all, of his previous appreciation for sexually attractive women because the sexual entity hovering near him that is projecting into his mind is not as effective in stirring sexual desire. Its host is unable to complete the sexual projection on women he sees due to abnormally low energy caused by the illness. So in a rare moment he witnesses the actual physical appearance of a woman whom he normally considers sexually attractive. He is not projecting his own, or rather the entity's qualities upon her, which she, herself may not possess to the degree that he thinks she does when he is healthy, and otherwise blinded by that coloration that he normally imposes upon women, originating with the entity acting upon his mind.

All sexual desire is projected by entities. It is the bargain that Rose believed Nature struck with predators of another co-existing dimension to ensure the survival of Nature's most valuable animal by allowing entities control over the inspiration of sexual desire which ultimately guarantees reproduction. In this respect, Nature's purpose has benefited from entities.

Professionally trained expert in psychology & psychiatry discusses the possibility of entities:

Original video on youtube

Interviewee Jerry Marzinsky’s book available below, in epub format.

An Amazing Journey Into The Psychotic Mind (jerry Marzinsky)
5.01MB ∙ EPUB file

A much older book from a “patient” from long ago.

Daniel Schreber Memoirs Of My Nervous Illness
8.17MB ∙ PDF file

The book reminded me of John Lamb Lash’s (JLL) Gnostic description of Archons, as the ancient texts describe non-human entities possessing HAL simulation abilities to disturb minds. Could this phenomenon at least partially explain JLL’s Mandela Effect Decoded (MED) deep dive into how & why our reality has literally changed? Many just can’t accept the MED message and/or the Mandela phenomenon itself.

Note: JLL talks about a mind virus, which he calls “toxo”, that the Archons inject into every human, similar to the way nature does it below:

Original video on youtube

That JLL link discussion starts here, in the Mandela effect series:

However, none of these authors can explain exactly WHY so-called “unnatural sex acts” open wo/men to entity attack and subsequent mental problems.

Sexual-matrix illusions/projections seem to have some special power, despite typical denials to the contrary. Possible hints as to why (given the many Biblical allusions to sexual intimacy between God and sentient creatures):

  1. And it shall be, in that day,” Says the LORD, “That you will call Me ‘My Husband,’ And no longer call Me ‘My Master,’ (Hosea 2:16, NKJV)

  2. “And I saw, when for all the causes whereby backsliding Israel committed adultery I had put her away, and given her a bill of divorce; (Jeremiah 3:8)

  3. New Testament confirms many metaphors about Christ being Husband to the Bride, called out ones, aka the spiritual church.

If readers contact me personally, perhaps I can attempt to explain a little further about a complicated topic ……

…… but also the below parables contain some good hints.

Another perspective on the metaphor(s) from Mark Passio:

What on earth is happening (WOEIH) -> transcriptions 4 study
The unholy feminine, Neo-feminism & the Satanic epi-eugenics agenda part 1
There sometimes seems to be a bug that suppresses the picture-in-picture (PIP) feature when accessing this website indirectly through a link. The PIP feature is normally available in the bottom right corner of the above video…
Listen now

Maybe we should be more like Dr. Kujawa, in the post below? She doesn’t seem to have a problem with sex at all!


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