
Original video on youtube

Wiki write-up on the 1970's series

Evidence of “mind control programming” (ie “social engineering”) going back decades

The subliminal messages from TV/movies affect the subconscious more than people realize; to accept the messages/commands, there must be some truth mixed with lies (to create & sustain cognitive dissonance mind control). So, I will point out some of the commands & suggestions you are supposed to believe, from the “Space 1999” episode, along with the truth.

  • 00:53:30

    • The doctor said, “Why can't you accept what we all tell you …” The doctor wanted the commander (who represents YOU) to accept the societal conditioning, to “trust the plan” (Q-Trump-type of shitty lies). Can you really trust the “majority”, and just stand down and do nothing, once you understand what on earth is happening? The “authorities” (like the doctor in the episode) will try to shame you into doing so.

    • The demicrazy (ie democracy is still a half crazy dictatorship of the majority) mind control program influences an individual to do nothing. The subliminal, subconscious, suggestion is to NOT trust yourself, and what you see with your own eyes, but rather trust the “authorities”; gaslight yourself and deny your own truth-connection to the divine, your own higher self, your Co-Creator-Oversoul collective that communicates directly to you, through the Originator-Creator-Oversoul.

  • They Live and the rest of us are slaves (this movie is not part of the “Space 1999” episode but I thought it important to mention it here anyway)

Original video on youtube

The below clip from “They Live” is symbolic of YOUR fight, once you see the truth, whether it be about the Worldwide Coviet Union push or anything else about what the fuck on earth is happening. The truth, symbolized by the special glasses, is NOT something normies want to understand.

Original clip on youtube

Your friends & family & community will likewise resist the “glasses of truth” with everything they have.

As Cypher said, “Ignorance is bliss”, and the normies just want to remain ignorant.

Cypher clip on youtube

  • 00:55:15

  • 00:56:10

    • They'd have to be hundreds of years older than they appear” ... simple logic to deduce hypnotic lies usually don’t even register at the conscious level, as Maya said, “That should have occurred to me” (mind controlled people can't see obvious logical inconsistencies).

  • 01:00:40

  • 01:05:17

  • 01:29:00

    • “The human brain generates electrical activity” (we are electrical beings, and we can be mentally manipulated by frequencies, such as those broadcast into our senses of sight & sound).

    • the mind control is more effective if it plants subtle truths in TV/movies, AND also lies (enhances cognitive dissonance mind control, avoidance behavior, etc…)

    Cognitive Dissonance Intro Sample
    127KB ∙ PDF file
    • Key quote from above book, page 3, “The existence of dissonance, being psychologically uncomfortable, motivates the person to reduce the dissonance and leads to avoidance of information likely to increase the dissonance. The greater the magnitude of the dissonance, the greater is the pressure to reduce dissonance”.

    • Also key quote on page 4, Resistance to change is based on the responsiveness of the cognition to reality and on the extent to which the cognition is consonant with many other cognitions. Resistance to change of a behavioral cognitive element depends on the extent of pain or loss that must be endured and the satisfaction obtained from the behavior“.

    • clip below regarding Jean Nolan’s take on cognitive dissonance

    Full video on youtube

    • a person thinks that they are just being entertained with TV/movies, while actually s/he is being programmed (that is why they call it TV programming, because it literally programs your mind).

I suspect negative and/or positive energy is just as good for feeding the non-human Archons. Energy is energy, after all. But humans tend to think in duality terms, which helps create polarization extremes.

These duality & polarizing positions help create confusion & conflict amongst us common folk, who often seem unable to understand who the real enemy is, and it can take an epiphany to comprehend the truth.

So, in a world of duality-equality, I think the “Archons” choose to push negative energy, only because negative energy keeps people distracted, and struggling to survive … no time to think, more easily confused, and more susceptible to government misinformation & disinformation, as fear shuts down critical thinking. Hence, people have less time & ability to understand what on earth is happening, which greatly helps to enhance trauma-based mind control, and to keep one’s consciousness suppressed & trapped in our simulated reality, through reincarnations.

Alien diatribe at the end, as food for thought, similar to when Morpheus explained to Neo that he’d been living in a dream world:

“You have been living inside an illusion. But haven't you been happy? Happier than you've ever been on Alpha before? Living your life reunited with your loved ones. Living, as it were, back on Earth.

“Isn't it better to live in a dream of happiness than to face a reality which you hate? You really face living out your lives, growing old and dying on this piece of debris?

“How long is a meaningless term? A pygmy's phrase. Time is relative. A butterfly lives a gloriously full life in a day, a single-celled organism in a microsecond. So long as one is fulfilled, time is irrelevant.

We can offer the people of Alpha a complete life, as it would be with your loved ones in your own homes on Earth. A life without pain or sorrow, without fear or loss. This is what we offer.

“Now put the trigger in the atomic core … It's futile to call Bartlett for help. He's immobilized.

“You're a truly primitive organism, Commander. We could have given you an eternity of happiness in an instant of time. Now your life will be what the life of your species has always been, cruel and futile”.

Koenig’s final word, “It's better to live as your own man, than as a fool, in someone else's dream”.

…… I suggest that people seriously consider for themselves whether or not that statement is true ……

:-) :-) :-)


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