
Jetzt wir singen zusammen die Geschichte

Über den schweinköpfigen Hund
Und den lieben Red Baron

After the turn of the century (the “free” world has been a captured operation since 1902)
In the clear blue skies over Germany
Came a roar and a thunder men had never heard
Like the screamin' sound of a big war bird

Up in the sky, a man in a plane
Baron von RichthoSchwaben was his name
Eighty men tried, and eighty men died (
eighty is 10x the law of 8, simply amplifying the law of 8)
Now they're buried together on the countryside

Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty or more
The Bloody Red Baron was rollin' up the score
Eighty men died tryin' to end that spree
Of the Bloody Red Baron of Germany

In the nick of time, a hero arose
A funny-looking dog with a big black nose (
the most “snoopy” people I know to chase down ancient mysteries)
He flew into the sky to seek revenge
But the Baron shot him down ("Curses, foiled again!")

Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty or more (actually we only need 13 dedicated followers of truth)
The Bloody Red Baron was rollin' up the score
Eighty men died tryin' to end that spree
Of the Bloody Red Baron of Germany

Now, Snoopy had sworn that he'd get that man (we must continuously strive against agenda 21 and not give up)
So he asked the Great Pumpkin for a new battle plan
He challenged the German to a real dogfight (
this is a fight to the death)
While the Baron was laughing, he got him in his sight

That Bloody Red Baron was in a fix (we will win eventually)
He'd tried everything, but he'd run out of tricks (
the controllers’ bullshit is becoming obvious to many)
Snoopy fired once, and he fired twice
And that Bloody Red Baron went spinning out of sight

Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty or more
The Bloody Red Baron was rollin' up the score
Eighty men died tryin' to end that spree
Of the Bloody Red Baron of Germany

, ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty or more
The Bloody Red Baron was rollin' up the score

In case my readers don’t understand: when Schwab’s WEF (World Economic Forum) warns what “might” happen (as in the intro video), the “warnings” are really about what they are planning to do, and, as part of worldwide mental conditioning, WEF then positions itself as the “experts” who warned what “might” happen.

If the dark occultists are successful at implementing their plannedemic cyber attack, Schwab and his WEF then swoop in with their “solution”, which always involves more removal of freedoms, rights, and more imposition of tyranny……internet “driver’s license”, no more VPN encryption allowed on the internet, full tracking & surveillance, no more Tor browser, no more encryption communications apps like whatsapp, telegram, etc…

I suggest to learn about, and start using decentralized & uncensorable internet replacement platform Qortal Data Network (QDN), while you still can. I would also suggest learning about & transferring wealth into decentralized & control-resistant Bitcoin.

Also, bastyon has a good decentralized & uncensorable platform below:

Never give up, never give up……never, never, never, give up!!!


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