Wiki blurb about episode

Do you regret some of the stupid things you did as a youth?

Captain Picard did. In his youth, Picard got in a bar fight with aliens, and literally lost his heart. As a result, he died in a future scenario that a regular heart would have survived.

Q gave him a chance to go back in time and change that, which Picard did. However, as a consequence, upon returning to the future, Picard was no longer Captain of the Enterprise.

Moral of the story?

Howdie Mickoski talks about the after death soul trick in his books, and how one should do a recapitulation. This simply means that one should do a full examination of your life before dying, in preparation for any tricks from false beings of light after death (a process that can take much time, if done correctly).

Like Picard learned, your past makes you who you are, and if you harbor any regrets in the next life, Q-type deceptive entities WILL fuck with you after you die! Regret nothing that made you who you are, but rather learn from it.

Now for some more Star Trek wisdom about prepping for death:

Here’s my simple “recapitulation” examination & decision, inspired by a classic Star Trek episode:


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