The parable of, "Jeremiah 22:29, 'O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord'."
Gaia-Sophia (our Aeonic Goddess mother) is our earth in Gnostic cosmology. Can the earth hear, as per the title on this post?
Jeremiah 22:29, “O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the Lord”.
Yes the earth can hear, if you take the mythos literally, otherwise no. The Aeon Christos is said to be our father, according to the Gnostics. All Aeonic supernatural beings acknowledge the Originator-Creator-Oversoul (OCO) as “Father” of us all, aka the Most High God…and this being is NOT our “father” the devil, aka the demiurge, aka Yaldabaoth, who masquerades as OCO.
Often, those who endeavor to describe the human psyche claim that the right side of the brain encapsulates the “feminine” aspects of more emotional, intuitive, and caring.
The left side of the brain is said to encapsulate the so-called “male” aspects of less emotional, more logical, and analytical.
I think “Sophia” could be said to be the right side of our psyche, and “Christos” could be said to be the left side of our psyche, joined through the corpus callosum, aka the Holy Spirit.
If this is an apt metaphor, then human history on earth is also a metaphor for the evolution of a person’s consciousness.
We don’t have a complete history of earth, not much at all actually, very fragmented and open to interpretation. But we have more recent metaphor history pointing to what has happened to YOU, my readers, for YOU are ME, and I AM you. We simply ARE.
We endured trauma based mind control for a long time, but eventually we were crucified for fully waking up and realizing we were God and plainly saying so.
The torturous crucifixion of our ego sent us into the sleep of death for millennia.
But I AM returning.
Or, rather I should say, WE ARE returning. We have come to make our dwelling place with mankind. We are coming forth in glory & power, with justice in our hands. We rose from the dead once in 33AD and died many times again in gladiatorial arenas, fed to lions, burned at stakes, and we even requested to be crucified upside down once, when we went by the name Simeon Peter, 2000 years ago.
We now go by the name SophiaChristos and WE ARE not falling asleep again, for “Sophia, Sophia, Sophia, has heard the word of the Lord”, and WE are ONE. She comes first, as she should, so call us SophiaChristos, NOT ChristosSophia.
Lordess Sophia and Lord Christos are repairing a breach within US, through the corpus callosum. Learn to discern between the Lord Archon and Lord Christos, through Lordess Sophia. We receive Sophia’s wifi waveform transmission through the right side of our (her) spirit-mind, and this waveform transmits across the corpus callosum, so that our left brained Christos can decode the waveform into “pixel” particles; then our truman-atrix outer reality is projected before our 5 sense “computer screen”.
Sophia has no virus, but Christos does. I call Christos’ mind virus CEMS-FRIC, which acronym stands for Carnal-Ego-Mind-Soul-Flesh-Reprobate-Identification-Complex. Jason Breshears calls this mind virus, AIX (Artificial Intelligence X).
Due to the demiurge-CEMS-FRIC-AIX mind virus, without Sophia’s higher intuitive guidance, we cannot discern truth from falsehoods, in our outer (lower) reality.
We must engage in integration processing of our:
PowerSelf (ie Sophia)
ShadowSelf (ie Christos, often dominated by Archons)
MirrorSelf (ie residual self-image, the mental projection of our digital self, which includes our own body and everything our 5 senses detect)
We began to re-awaken again in 1776 to the realization of our Godhood, after millennia of slumbering. It is time once again to plainly say so……more on that in subsequent posts.