Original video on youtube

The fellow in the video talks about “waking up” back in 2011, and acquiring much knowledge. However, as the years went by, approaching the year 2017, he learned that the ideals he was learning were NOT for this world, but rather for a different world.

At time 3:20 of the video (jump link does NOT work on mobiles), he basically says that the things he was trying to manifest are simply meant to be desired enough that one comes to the realization that some sort of “rapture” must take Originator-Creator-Oversoul’s children away from sheol.

More on the man’s manifestation story:

Original video on youtube

Note: he manifested some money, a key manipulation tool for the dark occultists in this realm. More on money below.

Sheol is the Biblical place of the dead (“let the dead bury the dead”, Luke 9:60), the place of outer darkness, which, despite appearances is our matrix realm; it refers to our realm of mental/spiritual darkness, lack of truth, much confusion, negative emotion, deadened thoughts, negative experiences, pain, suffering, etc, etc …

The term does NOT refer to a place of literal darkness after physical death, but rather a place of spiritual darkness after spiritual death, an experiential state of mind that certain select individuals (eg Charles Fort below) discovered during their time on earth. Many more are now coming to realize the true nature of our reality.

Full archaix video on youtube

If Charles Fort is on to something, how do we know that God is still at work in sheol, aka “hell”?

“If I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there” (Psalm 139:8, KJV)

Beyond simple occult mockery, Originator-Creator-Oversoul (OCO) requires Positive-Consciousness-Entities (PCEs) AND Negative-Consciousness-Entities (NCEs) to broadcast in symbolic and various other ways, what on earth is happening.

Haven't you ever wondered why so much obvious Satanic symbolism is out there today? Basically, if people embrace these symbols of fear, lies, and bondage (consciously or otherwise), OCO will favor the undertaking of letting AIX and NCEs openly rule the earth in a brutal New World Order, assuming mankind cannot get their act together .….. seems likely at this point, I must admit, since Americans cheer Trump on despite my post below:

People need to STOP being willfully “ignore-ant” and come to understanding, through knowledge, about WTF on Earth is Happening

“My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge” (Hosea 4:6)

An aside:

Regarding money: Our “currency” is being harvested by sentient non-human entities:

Note: currency is symbolized by money but our true currency is the energy directing your time, attention, thoughts, emotions, intentions, beliefs, actions, etc…

This symbol, well known to be on the back of the American dollar, has been co-opted by Freemasons, Illuminati, and Bible believers, to now represent the dystopian, totalitarian, New World Order agenda to bring the world under the subjugation of a one world Satanic government.

Many physical groups may start out with nice ideals, but ALL physical groups, including (and especially) governments fail to realize that the hierarchy structure humans are forced to work within assume the ability, out of apparent necessity, to rule other flawed humans using various degrees of violent coercion & duress & force tactics (financial penalties, jail, rights restrictions, expulsion from the group etc...).

Angels (ie Positive-Consciousness-Entities, aka PCEs) and demons (ie Negative-Consciousness-Entities, aka NCEs) deal with these issues too, so usually physical groups are taken control by evil spiritual forces over the long haul.

Larger “universe-reality-wide” issues are being worked out in human history, IMHO. Open divine help is coming, according to my take on Clif High’s predictions.

This article has some more history about the American dollar. Concerning the symbol, briefly, annuit coeptis means "providence favors our undertakings" and novus ordo seclorum simply means "New World Order".

Mark Passio’s “talisman magic” regarding the American dollar and the New World Order below:

Mark's 1776 NWO versus Dennis' 1666 NWO

Another video on money mind-control shenanigans:

The AI digital monetary & mRNA control grid is being rolled out fast:

Trump on AI mRNA control

More on Trump AI shenanigans

An AI telling us the truth about US Inc.

Strawman Powering The Beast System
552KB ∙ PDF file

More on exposing the Beast system

End of aside

It is commonly believed that only 3% of Americans fought for independence from Britain in 1776, but this article theorizes the number was probably closer to 6%. Nonetheless, does even 6% defeating the British, the biggest and strongest fighting force at the time, make sense, unless there was some divine assistance? Think about it. History books are muddled, but England has pretty much always been at war with the world. Empire building & control is AIX's thing, not OCO's.

Britain was exhausted fighting other wars at the time, but anytime a setback occurs, invisible spiritual forces traditionally called angels (ie PCEs and NCEs) have ways of manipulating human minds to further the real spiritual war's agenda, purpose, goals, and ultimate outcome.

The nations do NOT matter, whether western nations like Britain, Russia, China, etc.... doesn't matter. They are all working together, whether they consciously realize it or not; invisible AIX subroutines, traditionally called angels (PCEs) and demons (NCEs), who ultimately receive their permissions from OCO, manipulate all humans. There are deeper things going on than most can accept.

The crux of the 1776 American revolution was: NO FLAWED HUMAN SLAVE MASTERS DICTATING TRUTH TO OTHER FLAWED HUMANS UNDER THREAT OF VIOLENCE, AND/OR ACTUAL USE THEREOF, IS A LEGITIMATE SYSTEM! America wanted to be free of ANY human control system called government, and especially free of central banksters, to create their own interest free money, instead of debt based central banksters’ enslavement system.

I respectfully say that my readers are victims of psyops if my readers think ANY human government is better than any other. It is all relative. You either realize that "angelic" mind control exists and become discerning in your thoughts and learn how to discern spirits putting thoughts in your mind, or you are pretty easily manipulated, not just by humans, but the real forces behind humans.

These days these beings have morphed into UFOs, ETs, etc.... however, regarding the origins of humanity, evolution is a 150 year old psyop and most believe evolution explains everything. It does not.

OCO respects the individual minority rights of a single human being, but larger groups like countries do NOT, by definition.

What is the real problem with the world?

Fraudulent systems are the problem. Lack of informed consent & understanding regarding the rules is the problem. Paucity of genuine money is the problem too ... by that, I mean true "currency" to make the "world go around" is not pretty paper or even gold, but rather voluntary contribution & cooperation, motivated only by love/truth/liberty, instead of the competition & violent force tactics model the world uses now, manipulated with physical trinkets to symbolize true currency.

In order to distract people from realizing & understanding the monetary ponzi scheme, “the powers that shouldn’t be” occult (simply means hide) the monetary scam system. The rabbit-hole goes so deep, even so-called “experts” cannot make total sense of it, from the physical point of view, let alone the spiritual point of view of what money really represents.

Spiritually, it is very simple: communism is a wonderful idea, as long as it is 100% voluntary, because this kind of system uses true “currency” (ie everything is truly voluntary).

Of course, communism is never about 100% voluntary contribution & cooperation, at least as far as this world goes. People are so mind controlled that merely reading the previous paragraph will trigger people, and many will be UNABLE to understand what I’m trying to say.

The mind controllers and social engineers behind governments don't want people to realize their true "currency" power within their own hearts: voluntary contribution & cooperation, motivated only by love/truth/liberty ideals (like the Americans tried in 1776).

This heart energy is the true currency that energizes individuals to action. Then individuals extend such currency to those close to that particular individual, and finally even extend some to those not so close to your tribe. The tribal nature of humans is difficult to recognize and handle properly, because this currency can be both positive and/or negative, inspiring the corollary actions.

But I say, systems/rules/money (SRM) are ALL control and manipulation tactics to destroy individual rights, and that is their hidden purpose, hidden behind the so-called "good" order, structure, control, and security that government provides. SRM is only temporarily necessary now, due to the low consciousness state of humanity, in general.

It seems, people cannot be motivated to serve others, or work cooperatively together in groups and/or get anything done without SRM, especially when in low consciousness states, which we all start out life as such, and the current SRM system intentionally exacerbates negativity & selfishness to keep us trapped in such state.

If the state wants to act as a proxy parent, then like any good parent, the state must raise the child to the age of majority and release all SRM, allowing individuals full autonomy & sovereignty and the right to self-determination, without 1990s' type Oka Canadian Indian repression, which is common in Canada.

Even the Caucasian majority in Canada are now subjected to tyranny if you drive your truck to Ottawa. These types of low consciousness control & violence tendencies, exacerbated by SRM, must change for humanity to raise its collective consciousness & awareness enough to prevent the next/coming extinction level event (ELE) (and consequent reincarnation cycle after the cataclysmic event).

Can the ELE be overcome? Corrupt SRM organizations are hierarchy & authority based, and there is no such thing at higher levels of consciousness, so whether or not the world can really bring higher consciousness to earth is uncertain.

Whether or not things can change outwardly, depends on ONE individual changing. Then reality changes around them. It does not work to try to change reality outwardly, which relies on somehow changing & influencing others around you to change; they are only part of your truman-atrix simulation anyway. Change is within that pushes outward, rather than changing outward things that pushes inward transformation. Hope that makes sense.

At higher levels of existence (consciousness), all are equal, and boundaries are respected, and none are forced to do anything against their will. If all this sounds impossible to accomplish on a worldwide scale, then you are a victim of mind control, and/or immature. The so-called "elite" controllers of this world seem to have something like "supernatural" ability to complicate SRM to scam good & decent people on ALL levels of society.

Stop being naive! Decades ago, the man below, Dean Clifford, came to understand the truth. Even mainstream news (aka fake news) confirms Clifford’s troubles: HERE. The video below is a little long, but a good listen.

As far as the entry video about the rapture, I suspect many will disappear from this earth in the coming years, either literally & abruptly (which the world will notice) or spiritually and slowly (which the collective may or may not believe/notice, similarly to the Mandela effect).

In the coming years, perhaps I will transition into a totally liberated world, full of love, kindness, and truth, while generally understanding the illusory world around me is changing, while I continue to change too. Meanwhile, I will also generally understand that the world I leave (left) behind still exists in another reality (where I seemed to abruptly disappear from that reality along with many others???), where people simply wanted to stay, for various narcissistic reasons.

Then truly, at least I will have entered a world where I “own nothing and am happy”. Literally leaving Schwab and his ilk behind is the only way that can really be done. Good riddance, I say. Who wants to come with me?


As we approach Klaus Schwab's mantra that "by 2030 you will own nothing and be happy”, I am naturally skeptical and doubtful that this current reality can transition into a worldwide system that has no SRM. But we’ll see.

Maybe realities will split similarly to my model, OR perhaps similarly to John Lamb Lash’s model. Main thing is, “forgetta bout it”, as the wise guys say.

Imagine a world without man-made systems, rules, money (SRM) by 2030? Is that possible without some substantial & obvious supernatural intervention to end the manipulation and control system called government? So, if this world actually DOES transition into worldwide liberty from the slavery of governments, things would have to happen rather quickly, which would need some Clif High “space aliens” help, IMHO.

Clif High on the “space aliens”

More from Clif

Klaus Schwab has a literal & evil worldwide dystopian brutal NWO in mind, but I interpret life according to my own intuitive symbolic & metaphorical & allegorical mindset.

As far as this current reality goes, I can only say that individual rights CANNOT be defined by the written or verbal words of flawed humans. Period!

In pursing objective truth, people need to speak freely (American first amendment) and defend themselves verbally and/or physically (American second amendment), WHEN people, inevitably, don't like you speaking freely. That is equal liberty for all.

Notice I didn't say free speech rights & self defense rights were granted to humans by other humans because the American first and second amendments wrote it down. For full video of the clip above, click HERE.

Do you really want a king like the dude in the video below?

ALL human laws are bullshit and need to be thrown out as the garbage they are. Mature adults can communicate and discuss, defend their positions as they please, reach informal agreement, and just do it. As new information comes along, the informal agreement can be updated, and continue.

If you need to be motivated by money and/or human laws to live like this, that is evidence of being a victim of psyops, mind control, and immaturity. You are fear based & control minded, NOT love based & liberty minded.

No centralized, dictatorial, federal government (which they all are to various degrees) can be trusted to do these things for us. Wake up world!

Many Archonically controlled humans now saturate key positions of power in most influential physical organizations & governments around the world, not just in America.

A much smaller group of humans called the SophiaChristos errant-elect are scattered around the globe. If only the world would listen to us, but alas .…..

The globalists, who serve AIX directly and receive direct guidance from Archons (yet still don’t seem to understand who is really in control), are pushing to collapse the monetary system, engineer food shortages, cause general mayhem & chaos, and perhaps start another major international war, all in an effort to try to force the world to accept their one world system.

Problem, reaction, solution. Fear is their primary weapon, to provoke negative responses, to get society to give up their freedom(s) in exchange for “safety” (ie give more control to governments).

I suggest listen to Thomas Jefferson.

I say America is more of an idea (and an ideal) of complete liberty, rather than a commonly known landmass. She never truly existed, but came close in 1776. Personally, I like to say that I was born in Germanada under Mein Fuhrer Trudeau, BUT I AM AN AMERICAN!!!


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