The parable of, "High tech 'humans' under the earth, rolling out their Borg assimilation tech before the worldwide cataclysm"

Is their Borg assimilation tech just a distraction because the controllers know the 2040 cataclysm cannot be stopped, unless this understanding becomes common knowledge???

David Icke on the end-game Borg assimilation tech

I think the title and subtitle says it all. Decide for yourself, but I suggest to do your own research, and I think is a good place to start this research about the phoenix worldwide cataclysm, due in 2040 if Archaix is correct. I would only add that some degree of tech freedom can be regained if people learn about internet replacement platform qortal data network (QDN).

It seems the controllers are prepping people for the traditional internet to be taken down to control information, and QDN is just the thing my readers might need soon.

In case my readers don’t understand: when Schwab’s WEF (World Economic Forum) warns what “might” happen (as in the above video), the “warnings” are really about what they are planning to do, and, as part of worldwide mental conditioning, WEF then positions itself as the “experts” who warned what “might” happen and take control when it occurs.

If the dark occultists are successful at implementing their plannedemic cyber attack, Schwab and his WEF then swoop in with their “solution”, which always involves more removal of freedoms, rights, and more imposition of tyranny……internet “driver’s license”, no more VPN encryption allowed on the internet, full tracking & surveillance, no more Tor browser, no more encryption communications apps like whatsapp, telegram, etc…

Whitney Webb on WEF’s cyber attack, ending online & financial anonymity, and freedom tech

Full Webb video on youtube

I suggest to learn about, and start using decentralized & uncensorable internet replacement platform Qortal Data Network (QDN), while you still can. I would also suggest learning about & transferring wealth into decentralized & control-resistant Bitcoin.

Realize central banksters are evil

Also, bastyon has a good decentralized & uncensorable platform below:

Never give up, never give up……never, never, never, give up!!!


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