The parable of "Everybody makes predictions off of bullshit and nobody can prove a thing"
Starting at spot 8:20 in the above video talking about typical predictions of the future that so-called prophets try to make, Jason Breshears of, says, “In each scenario the false predictions were empowered by the media of the time to spread the information. The authorities and manufacturers were enriched. None of these predictions were based on anything substantial, but they received traction because they were useful. Archaix has provided a wealth of data showing the May 2040 event to occur, which is part of a millennia old 138 year cycle timeline that has been unchanged and demonstrated by me way beyond what is necessary to show a scientific theory.”
At least Jason’s predictions are based on historical data, charts, timelines, chronology, cross referenced and verifiable information, etc… instead of pure feelings and guesswork.
Ode to Archaix and John Lamb Lash
Assuming you have 26 years to digest it all, like Jason did in prison, I suspect you would come to similar understanding of what is coming. Obviously, nobody can do this, but I suggest lean into your intuitive heart and sense the truth of the man’s words. I suggest to understand the general framework, as the rulers play us against each other until 2040.
As the saying goes, “Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it.” Jason’s deep dive into true history and chronology, repeating patterns, cataclysm resets of our simulated reality, etc… are difficult to handle for most. There are reasons for this. I might modify the saying as, “Those who don’t learn from history BECAUSE IT IS INTENTIONALLY HIDDEN FROM US AND THEY TEACH US LIES, are doomed to repeat it.”
The “elite” have prepared their deep underground bunkers to survive the worldwide destruction coming in May 2040, as they know the timeline. It has been steady for thousands of years. They have done this many times. The 2040 reality reset is the true reset, and the 2030 reset is misdirection and distraction, keeping people confused and fighting and in fear, never coming to an understanding of the truth. Jason doesn’t think 2040 Phoenix can be changed. I’d like to think it can, but I suspect he is right.
As I write, the current year is 2023, so if Jason is right (and I always hold out some hope he could be wrong), we have 17 years to enjoy fear, panic, psyops, misdirections, distractions, intentionally created & manipulated wars, disasters, etc…. while a few continually and steadily wake up to true reality and what on earth is happening.
It is a mercy that Originator-Creator-Oversoul lets a worldwide destruction happen in 2040, rather than let the so-called “elite” setup their worldwide Coviet Union, as seems they are pushing to do…more distraction and misdirection, I say; they know it cannot be done, but rather the worldwide cataclysm reset would prevent their dystopian dreams. So, they just play with us until then.
If you are reading this, Originator-Creator-Oversoul is showing you mercy, by stopping death for you, for 17 years. Does your carriage hold immortality?