I highly recommend Howdie’s latest book, “Empty the Cave”. I will only comment on the below additional material, which is found at the back of the book.
Additional Material 7
The Vision
There is another viewpoint to this realm and why we are the way we are. I have only alluded to it at this point in the book, but will share that view now. I had this vision in 2009. My vision was that it was not the Demiurge that made us, but nature, in order to help us find an escape route from the Demiurge. The vision indicates that the Demiurge made the world, but nature made us, and this is the reason his archons and in-world minions are trying so hard to stop us and slow us down.
Looking back on the experience, what was quite co-incidental, was that to “have this vision,” in my dream journey I went into a “cave.” What is also very interesting was how I felt when I exited, refreshed and renewed. I have left the vision as is, but have included double brackets around an added idea that gives another viewpoint on what the original vision may have been pointing towards. This vision claims all of nature is trapped, but it did not tell me how it had been created, what the original trap for it had been, nor how souls animate humans.
“In late 2009, an inner alchemic fire started to burn inside. Hidden parts of my own egoic structures I thought were long gone, had come to the surface, bringing much pain and confusion, matched by the fire inside that would not go out. Demons and dark forces began to up their attacks. On one hand I wondered why? Why attack a man in trouble, you attack when someone needs to be stopped? I dealt with it, night after night of one hour of sleep and little interest in eating. Suffering inside over my own mistakes, and my own lack of belief in all the gifts I had been shown. I spent a weekend with a Native Medicine Man, Jerry, and in the course of that weekend this “old” vision appeared to me. By old I felt this was what came to early humans 100,000 years ago to explain who we were, where we came from, and what it means.
“Before the first humans were born, there were rocks, trees, plants, animals, water. One day they realized that for all their seemed freedom and peace, they were trapped in a type of loop. They saw what was needed to be done for all of them to gain their freedom, but they themselves (nature) could not accomplish that act. They had a meeting of what to do about it.
“They asked Mother Sophia for help. She allowed nature to create a new being to help them do what they could not. Nature created humans as the active force to open the freedom door for it, and to assist us, nature would be our guide. Nature created humans out of all the parts of itself: one plant, one rock, one drop of water, one gust of air, and one animal all combined their forces. The animal part that came for each individual human is now called the “power” or “totem” animal, because it is the easiest part to reach of the nature forces that created us. All humans were created at the same time, but were only brought into the manifested world as needed. And then they asked us to do the things that needed to be done for them.
“That is why nature allows us to use it. Because we are a part of nature, we are here to do a job for nature, it was they who asked us to be here and created us. It is why trees allow themselves to be cut down for warmth or a deer allows itself to be killed for meat. They do so as a sacrifice for us, so that humans can keep going to fulfill the very role we were created for. If we can complete that, then not just all humans, but all of nature as well, will be free. The loop will end. Nature can take humans with guidance to that doorway, but needs the humans to walk through it.
“When nature first understood these things, they also saw that there was a dark force in place that kept everything locked in an odd continuing loop of time. At first this darkness did not need to do much, because there was little that nature could do itself to end it, because nature was set up as a loop “circle of life,” ((food chain)). It could not end the loop without ending itself. That is why nature created humans. And this dark force instantly recognized that humans were a danger for the entire system. The dark force created a counter-force out of itself that had the only job of making sure humans could not complete their task. ((You could see this as an army of Matrix Mr. Smiths)). Because if humans succeeded, all of nature would be free, and the dark force would have nowhere to go. The dark force is dependent on the vortex loop.
More on Agent Smith matrix controller types in the video below:
“It is why this dark force attacks humans so hard, but rarely attacks nature directly. Nature set up power spots, places of strong energy where humans can go to and have open communication with the spirits of nature- and with the spirits that live in the realm above nature. Early humans built temples and structures here to make this communication, or to amplify the power of what was shown to them. The dark force saw this, so spent much of its time attempting to gain control of these power spots, that are the direct openings of communication between nature and humans. As more of these spots were taken over by the dark forces, nature passed on a new way to communicate that while not as clear and perfect (like a semi-garbled phone line) it was a line the dark forces could not cut. They gave humans ceremony, and power tools that would in a sense create a small power opening where the ceremony was performed.
“As humans learned more, and gained more understanding of what this place is and what our job is, the dark forces needed to up the attacks even more, and manifested a “computer generated force” of supreme attack inside the dream state. Part of their job was to do everything to block the ceremonies given to humans, and thus began their own counter ((inverse)) ceremonies “satanic ritual, subliminal conditioning and mind control.” One of their most amazing attempts to stop humans was to give us a parasite, the egoic mind. This virus spread until few could even realize there was a time when it was not here, and no one questions the egoic mind's origin. Yet every spiritual work in history talks of the dangers of our own mind. Why should our mind be dangerous if it is ours? And that is the point they miss. It is not ours; it is the blocking mechanism of those dark forces. ((These dark forces over time have gotten humans to forget more and more why we are here. Many humans even spend their time destroying and harming nature and its creatures, the very things that gave us our original life)).
“Nature knows the way out. They know where the doorway is and what to do. They want to take us to that door. But they also know that first the parasite-virus (egoic mind) must be removed. And this is far more of a challenge than anyone understands it to be. Only when that parasite is completely gone, can nature be back in direct conversation with us, guiding us, and showing us what needs to be done. Nature can pass on messages, provide energy, open blocks, but we will have to do the rest. Nature is not in any way separate from us, we come directly from it. There is a reason the creation myth has humans made out of the clay of the Earth. It is symbolic to say our creator is nature itself, the Earth allowed the creation by nature to be. Earth is not our mother, but our GRANDMOTHER. It is why in the old writings nature was not just female, but also male, it encapsulates all.
“The entire structure of the earliest human wisdom, mythology, texts and tales were passed on for generations, and at its core is about this creation, the wants of nature for us, and the dark forces that are attempting to stop that from happening. When we reach back to this place within and without, we will know exactly what we are asked to do, and then we either do it and end the loop once and for all. If we do not, the loop will reset, and everything starts all over again.
“This is the vision that was presented to me in the cave. Thank you.”
What also makes this vision so interesting is that we are not trapped by the Demiurge directly, we are trapped because we originate from that which is already trapped “nature.” But within humans is a special part that would allow, not just our exit, but that for all of nature, in fact the entire realm. My vision is thus very different from the creation myths of the Gnostics and Cathars, who believed that humans souls were tricked into coming into matter. It makes quite a change to think we might be a “non-individual” soul as we normally think of it, but instead tied to the souls of nature. Perhaps each human who ends the reincarnation cycle takes some of nature along with it, when we leave.
Star Trek hints regarding Howdie’s vision.
Note: although the clip starts out choppy, it gets better after a few minutes.
The Enterprise was caught in Howdie’s “continuing loop of time”, and the energy being that was keeping the Enterprise trapped in the time loop was “the dark force [that] is dependent on the vortex loop” (ie Yaldabaoth).
This Star Trek episode relates to Howdie’s vision, in the sense that Sophia allowed nature to create humans so that everybody could eventually escape the matrix and be free. I say Captain Picard represents awake humans, and the rest of the Enterprise crew and other lifeforms (ie they had plants, and pet animals, etc, on the ship as well as other crewmembers) represent “asleep” humans, regarding WTF on Earth is Happening.
As Howdie said, “nature (ie everybody else) can pass on messages (to the ‘Picards’), provide energy, open blocks, but we (ie ‘Picards’) will have to do the rest”.
The entity recognized Picard as the “brain” of the Enterprise, and as long as the captain survived, the time loop could keep reiterating indefinitely. So, the energy being manipulated this situation to happen again and again. As Geordie said, “sounds like someone’s idea of hell to me”. Indeed, Yaldabaoth has us trapped in “groundhog day hell”.
The other crew were NOT as important to ending the loop, other than to “pass on messages, provide energy to other options, open blocks to knowledge”, but ultimately we Picards “have to do the rest”, as in decide on the proper course of action to truly end the loop. The rest of nature will come with us when the time comes.
Since, as Howdie says, “These dark forces over time have gotten humans to forget more and more why we are here”, it is up to us “Picards” (those who resonate with my words) to remember more and more why we are here.
Like Vossler in the “Crimson Tide” movie, we can seem to have a shitty deal sometimes, but Captain Kirk is relying on Scotty to get him warp speed to prevent the Klingons from destroying the Enterprise. Nature has done (and is doing) her part. We will have to do the rest.
Howdie ends the vision with, “When we reach back to this place within and without, we will know exactly what we are asked to do, and then we either do it and end the loop once and for all. If we do not, the loop will reset, and everything starts all over again”.
Captain Picard, representing awake ones, did what he had to do to end the loop. He said to his doppelganger, “Before we can go forward, this cycle must end”. Then he killed himself!
Kill your egoic mind is the metaphor message. Follow the seemingly more dangerous path. After Picard killed himself, he turned the Enterprise around and crammed the ship straight down the energy being’s throat, and the crew & ship came out the other side, just fine.
Howdie summarizes at the end, “But within humans is a special part that would allow, not just our exit, but that for all of nature, in fact the entire realm”.
Picard exited the energy vortex, and all of nature exited with him, in fact the entire realm called the Enterprise was finally free! In other words, only the divine sparks need wake up and do their thing, and everybody else comes with us.
But let us remember those who came before Picard that helped lead the way of freedom, and to teach about it, such as Kirk. As Kirk said once, “In every revolution, there’s one man with a vision”.
Howdie has shown us his revolutionary vision. I challenge my readers to show the world theirs as well.