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The parable of, "C[the light] of luminous luminosity"

Original video on youtube

This Chris fellow above is a YouTube personality, who talks about Sophia and Gnosticism. His own summation of his story is in the block below. Suggest watch the video for more details.

This is a unique time because the sharp drop into chaos is upon us and there isn't enough time to teach everything we've learned in the past 7 years. So to prevent automatic dismissal of truths some people might not be ready for in order to get in proper alignment; we detail in this video the condensed version of my entire path that led to discovering what the world system tried SO hard to hide from everyone through deception and religion... what Jesus was trying to teach people before his movement was overtaken by an Authority that sought to establish themselves between you and the Highest Power which Christ referred to as "The Father." 

The world is about to plunge into a rapid spiral that we can only THINK we understand. When it happens people are going to be distracted to get connected the way they need to be. Hopefully by detailing the path that led me here and how it happened, (real) people will be less likely to dismiss it out of hand. Breaking the chains of Defer to All Authority Programming is not an easy task, but in these days we have to try, regardless of what blowback may come.

This is how I came to discover and uncover the gnostic mysteries through the only thing that can teach them: Enlightened Insight/Luminous Epinoia/The Instructor/Spirit of Truth/Holy Spirit.

Chris’ story sounds similar to mine. I briefly summarize my own story in the bullet points below, as it seems SophiaChristos does similar type of ass kicking experiences & revelations for everybody … eventually

I AM updating my understanding(s) all the time (today’s date August 30, 2024), but I now suspect the following is true, generally, for every wo/man in our current “reality”:

  • 2012 ended our old “reality”, according to the Mayan calendar. We are in an alternate ending of the DVD movie of our previous “reality”…possibly. It is hard to be dogmatic, as this idea can only be “proven” by individual intuition, on an individual basis, and we can’t convince anybody else, although we can challenge people with the idea, as I do now with my readers. I did this video below recently, with Sonja Testerman, and she also talks about how 2012 ended the world we used to know:

  • Sonja speaks about 4 quadrants, containing 4 different earths, and in 2012, we probably jumped from quadrant 3 to 4, which is where we are now.  Sonja also believes in 7 year ascension cycles that started in 2017 and we talk about that also in the video. I entered a 7 year cycle in 2017, which I write about in a bullet point below.

  • Chris claims that since 2012 there have been no accidental deaths, but rather errant-elect get reset into the same reality instead of dying.  Actually, I had one of those resets in 2002, and a few more after that, so this particular phenomenon has been going on since 911 at least.  I wrote about that experience HERE,  but I didn't get around to explaining that experience with words, on the Origins website, until about 2022. So, twenty years passed after my initial reset in 2002, before I finished the Origins website. In hindsight, it seems like I was in a fog much of that time, trying to process everything.  Nobody could help me.  Everything and everybody lies about the deeper issues, and nobody can even talk intelligently about anything regarding the BIG questions: who are we? why are we here? how did we get here? WTF on Earth is Happening, who really is “God”, etc?

  • I have been forced to admit to myself that nobody really knows these answers, and the fear of the unknown drives people to run from the questions themselves in various ways (as I did too): some lie about the answers, pretending they know when they don’t (eg pastors), many deny absolute answers exist and that these answers require a lifetime of constantly searching/updating your gnosis, and many people often get egotistically angry if you don’t agree with their simplistic ideas, etc… So, I have learned to go within my own heart for answers, or I go without any answers. Outwards research of various sorts can help draw things out of my own heart, but everything is within me. Didn’t Christ say the Kingdom of God is within? Since 2022 I've quickly outgrown too literal old-style Christianity and created this site, WritePharma, as my main site.

  • As I see it, I am going through 3 sets of 10 plague judgments on the “Egypt” of my psyche, as per the metaphor story in the Old Testament about Israel coming out of Egypt:

    1. 2002 - 2012 my Ego was Egypt getting my ass kicked for 10 judgments over 10 years.

    2. 2012 - 2022 my Ego was Egypt getting my ass kicked for another 10 judgments over 10 years, but less intense and some learning.

    3. 2022 - 2032 some more ass kicking coming I suspect, but less intense for me. More power/peace for me, and more judgment for the collective, because I am coming out of the grave of 3 days of judgments of 10s. Both Jonah and Christ came out of the grave(s) of judgment to life, 3 days for Jonah in the whale and 3 days for Christ in the heart of the earth.  I only started learning about Sophia the last 2 years or so (today’s date is August 30, 2024). I write about her HERENOTE: As Chris points out in the video, those who say spirituality is simply claiming Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior and then hanging with some social club called church, have NO clue. The full truth is a little deeper than that.

  • Only after the 6th seal does real destruction happen outwardly, for the world as a whole, mirroring the inward destruction that the errant-elect have already experienced. This is when the destroyer or Typhon appears. Jason Breshears from has done deep research on this topic, and he calls Typhon the “Phoenix”, which is due to return in 2040 for some major world destruction. 

    • Interesting side note: Dr. Jean Grey in the X-men movies was called Phoenix (in her passionate and out of control form).  She was the most powerful mutant when in “Phoenix mode”, more powerful than Magneto or Prof. X.  She could do anything!  Only Wolverine (who could not die, although he could suffer) could get close enough to stop Dr. Jean Grey/Phoenix from destroying the entire world. Wolverine stopped Phoenix by killing her, although he loved her.  I’ll let my readers think about the symbolism there. :-) Anyway, I created a special section for Jason Breshears of at this link HERE

  • Here is Jason talking more about the video game analogy: 

  • I put the above video on my redpill site HERE, if my readers want to read more about my take on Archaix, JLL, Sophia, simulation theory, the Bible, etc .... I also put ALL of Jason's earliest material at that previous blue link, for my readers to review at their convenience.

  • This is a picture of me buying a Dodge Viper from my favorite Ford dealer, Kentwood Ford of Edmonton, who brought it in special for me.

  • I am not just trying to brag about my fancy car (though it IS a damn beautiful picture, right?), but rather I wanted to show the date: June 29, 2016. Soon after this date, I suspect I had another personal reset in 2017.  I had the Viper for only about a year, before I totally destroyed it by losing control on the Whitemud Freeway in Edmonton city during a rainy day.  The car hit a streetlight pole straight on and it got totally destroyed, but I did NOT.  I was NOT wearing a seat belt, but the airbag deployed and saved my life.  Or did it?  In the intro video, Chris talks about a sort of “reset immortality”. Did the airbag actually fail and I went right through the windshield and hit the pole and died on impact?  The reason I wonder is because I got out immediately, with no problems at all.  The people who saw the crash stopped and asked me how I could just walk away from the crash.  The car was crushed like it had been put through a car trash compactor.  I went through 3 years of ass kicking judgment soon after the crash in 2017, lost pretty much everything worth losing, gained the things worth gaining, and by 2020, I started a more sincere search for truthful answers to the big questions.  By 2022 I started to overcome the religion mind control program, and by 2024 I had done enough Sophia integration to come to this point of balanced understanding of the big picture. 

  • So, if it’s true that I died in a car crash in 2017, then went through 7 years of tribulation “hell” from 2017 - 2024, it seems to confirm what Chris talked about in the above video about everybody’s personal 7 years tribulation, once SophiaChristos truly gets a hold of you. I can’t prove this, any more than I can prove my first big reset started in 2002, nor is my idea of 3x10 years of “plague judgments” absolutely provable. These things can only be intuitively discerned. I have no memory of dying in a car crash in 2017, but would a “Super Mario Brothers” character, or some other avatar in a game, remember such? The avatar could easily be programmed to just re-start at the last conscious memory and continue. 2002 + 15 = 2017. If I’m right about the 3x10 years of plagues thing, then 2017 is right in the middle. So, adding another 15 years of some crazy shit onto the year 2017 means that around 2032 the world, in general, should be much more awake to WTF on Earth is Happening. Jason predicts the return of the Phoenix in 2040. This time, I think Wolverine should just let Dr. Jean Grey/Phoenix destroy the entire world, and the two of them should go live happily ever after. :-)

  • I feel like the Terminator in the second movie, near the end of the movie, when Schwarzenegger's Terminator character says, "I need a vacation", because he was so badly beat up from trying to protect John Connor and Sarah Connor.  The Terminator lowered himself into molten metal to destroy himself, as the last act he needed to do to protect John.  Have I been protecting John and Sarah most of my life, but I just never realized how that manifests metaphorically/symbolically, until recently???

  • At about 1 hour and 30 minutes of the video, Chris starts talking about how the “rapture” and “end-times” is NOT what Christians think. For example, he thinks the rapture will simply be many people dropping dead, as their spirit leaves to go be with Originator-Creator-Oversoul. Then Chris says the “authorities” will probably claim UFOs caused it, or something else. Interesting that the opening chapter of my fiction story about open contact describes a similar scenario, where millions of people around the world suddenly disappear, and the governments initially blame it on some secret weapon in the growing Middle East crisis; eventually, the world witnesses UFO beings unveiling themselves, and these so-called “ancient alien gods” claim that they caused the disappearances for a very good reason! See post below for more details. Did I predict the future OR create it???


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WritePharma Parable Publishing-stories with mystical meaning
Mandela Effect Decoded and General Gnosticism
Section for John Lamb Lash (JLL) & his Mandela effect decoded (MED) & Gnosticism in general. I consider that JLL does a good Gnostic job decoding the parabolic message(s) of the Aeon Sophia to those who have ears to hear, in our reality THAT IS BEING CHANGED ON THE FLY, to get our attention and teach us something. John's site->