Oct 3·edited Oct 3

I haven't really looked into moon landing conspiracy, and your link seems to suggest that moon landing didn't happen. But, I don't really care whether or not it happened. Whether it happened has no effect on freedom. If moon landing happened, are we supposed to be slaves? If it didn't happen, is there a good reason for us to be slaves? So, it doesn't matter.

I decided my life priorities are going to be health, wealth, relationship, and freedom. My cognitive filters should also be these 4 things. Although I learned how to refute flat earth from mark passio, I try to ignore flat earth theories because the shape of earth doesn't affect health, wealth, relationship, or freedom. Moon landing doesn't affect these 4 things. Tartaria, free energy, and so on don't really matter for the purpose of increasing health, wealth, relationship, and freedom. I can't see any practical way to increase these 4 things by engaging many conspiracy theories. That's why I stopped spending a lot of time on conspiracies.

COVID-19 global conspiracy matters because I don't want to die painfully from vaccine side effects. I don't want to end up as one of 50 million people killed by COVID-19 vaccines. Vaccines are fake. Deadly viruses don't exist. I know. That's important. Don't screw around me with health topics.

Government history textbooks are propaganda for government slavery. I know. But, I don't try to dig too deep into history. Knowing little details doesn't help my life priorities. I'm an intuitive guy. Once I figure out the gist, I don't dig too deep. I try to move fast.

> The Originator-Creator-Oversoul is the only Being who can make laws or rights for created beings.

> Communism is always what happens eventually when created beings try to rule other created beings.

Mark passio said in his show that the original sin is moral relativism. After people refused God's authority and replaced it with man-made authority, they became an enslaved species. The original sin. Eating apples from the tree of knowledge meant people taking it upon themselves to arbitrate right and wrong instead of accepting God's authority. The apples meant the authority to define right and wrong.

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I disagree, as there is a reason to care about conspiracies. They exist to wake people up. That's all they are good for, including COVID conspiracy. If so many can be made to believe such big lies, then what else are they wrong about? This realization is meant to cause people to start seeking truth in all areas, not just covid and government slavery. A big reason they can keep us enslaved is because we believe so many of their lies and can't think critically, or research, and obtain the real truth, not only about slavery but so many things.

All these coordinated conspiracies are IMPOSSIBLE for mere humans to pull off. Obviously reality is NOT what it appears to be and non-human forces are involved in manipulating our simulated reality, and that level of para-normal enslavement is the ultimate truth that people need to get to, and all the little conspiracies like covid , 911, moon landing, etc... help people get to that point. I make both my fictional AND non-fictional take about the non-human forces involved available on this post https://www.writepharmaparablepublishing.com/p/the-unveiling-in-html-pdf-epub-kindle.

The non-fiction discussion appears at the bottom of that post, to stimulate my readers with other people's take on the possibilities. The non-human level of enslavement is the ultimate truth people need to get to and deal with, IMHO. I discuss my interpretation of my own allegory about open contact here: https://www.writepharmaparablepublishing.com/p/just-the-facts-maam

I have read quite a few David Icke books and he is not afraid to talk about these forces. Icke calls the so-called alternative media the "mainstream alternative media", because they refuse to cross certain barriers, like non-humans manipulating our sense of perception and reality. They get stuck at the human level, political level, etc .... which leads people like you to get turned off and so stop growing.

THERE IS ALWAYS MORE TO LEARN AND WE NEED TO KEEP GROWING. Sounds like you are stuck in your 4 things right now and might stay there forever.

So different people can be woken up with different things: JFK, moon landing, 911, COVID, etc... something will click with certain people. Then they need to start their own hero's journey and keep figuring it out over the rest of their lifetime.

Seems you missed my main point about the post, which only put COVID in between 911 and moon landing to try to make this point. It just shows the level of mind control you are under to not see this. Probably you can't grasp what I'm saying and it sounds like Chinese, or Korean. Oh, but you know Korean and probably some Chinese. Ok my words are maybe more like Russian to you!

As for Passio, for a guy who rails against authority, speaking about God's authority seems a bit disingenuous sometimes, because supposedly there is no such thing as authority. Even if we accept the true God is the only authority, since God does not speak clearly, it seems a little unfair to hold people to following the vague morality of a silent God.

How can Passio rail against authority, while accepting there is such a thing as authority, and then rag on people so much for being deceived by authority and following authority? A little confusing, right?

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