Similarities between Simon and Dennis (this website's creator)
I can relate to the idea of the mind and fantasies. My mind deals with things in story-fantasy form. I have had “visions” about our current time, something like 25-30 years ago, and those visions seem to be playing out now. It seems like our current scary world situation is some culmination/combination of my novel elements. Will be interesting to see how it actually all plays out.
Decades ago, as I had some "visions", so to speak, about this "time" we are in, I dealt with it by creating fantasy, a fantasy sci-fi novel about what I sensed. I expressed it in an allegorical novel, which I didn't even fully understand at the time. Now I can explain it better. I put a chapter-link, which has non-fictional allegorical explanations, in this post you are reading, which compares my experience with "Simon in the land of chalk drawings".
Here is a wiki blurb about the Simon show:
"Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings is a British-Canadian children's animated series about the adventures of a young boy named Simon, who has a magic blackboard. Things that Simon draws on the chalkboard become real in the Land of Chalk Drawings, a parallel world which Simon can enter by climbing over a fence near his home with a ladder. The stories often revolve around the unintended effects that Simon's drawings have on the Land of Chalk Drawings, such as when an upset Simon draws a picture of his angry self, which goes on a rampage."
My post within this post (, which talks about "Just the facts ma'am" has links to the non-fiction (so-called) things happening in the world and how it parallels/compares with my fictional novel, perhaps NOT so fictional after all (especially starting here:
I know that I AM not the only divine spark with a creative imagination, causing things to happen in our simulated reality. Cogito, ergo sum, I think therefore I AM. But really, it's I AM therefore I think.
If you read my novel at the links provided, I have little doubt that my vision is probably vastly different from most of my readers. And yet I provide tons of evidence, on this current site, to show that my novel, in a somewhat abstract sense, is coming true.
So, I AM ultimately trying to encourage my readers that my particular scary visions might not come true. Yours might, or perhaps neither yours or mine will occur, and/or parts of both our fantasies will emerge, and/or new positive visions we create on the fly will happen instead .…. infinite possibilities comes with infinite imagination, is what I have discovered.
In this reality, there are at least a few thousand other divine sparks contributing to add/change/delete experience(s) in our simulated reality. It will be an interesting next few years, at least, to say the least.