MED - An aside about my personal opinion(s) and interactions with John Lamb Lash and nemeta school
Since I am about 3/4 of the way through uploading John Lamb Lash’s (JLL’s) Mandela effect decoded, aka MED (with transcriptions), I thought it time for a personal note.
If my readers have been following my uploads, s/he might be wondering about what I think of JLL personally. Do I respect the man’s work? Yes, obviously, or I would not take the time to upload his MED. Do I think it is possible he has some skill to “talk” with Gaia-Sophia, the Earth, personally? Perhaps, because I do hear much truth in the things JLL says and writes and I do hear truth in the story of Sophia, generally speaking.
However, when it comes to the paranormal/supernatural, I need to experience it myself to be convinced. I have had some such experiences, but not every day and not consistently. So until I can talk to Sophia “all the time” as Lash claims he can do, then I maintain open-minded skepticism. Do I respect the man personally? Not so much. And there are reasons for that. Let me explain.
I have had ONE pre-interview personal zoom meeting with JLL and some zoom-text and email interactions. We had planned to do an interview together, but the plans fell through for a variety of reasons. My impression is his hatred for Jews, Christians, patriarchy, and anything to do with the Bible, blinds him to many things.
If JLL is correct, as he recounts in “Not in His Image”, that early Christianity brutally suppressed the Gnostics, hunting them down, torturing, and killing most, starting with Hypatia around 400AD, and also destroying most of their writings, then this hatred may be valid. I was not there, and I have no reincarnation memories of such times (assuming reincarnation is true, as I suspect it is, but can’t prove).
But I think JLL’s love of all things matriarchy & hatred of all things patriarchy is NOT a correct way of thinking. I see similarities in both Gnosticism and Christianity, and I see ways to merge the narratives. JLL, of course, is totally against this.
I share JLL’s disgust with much of the abuses and lies of Christianity, but I once thought all spiritual truth was in the Bible, naive perhaps but sincere in my belief. Over the years, I have done my own version of shamanic “talking with ‘God’ about the issues in an altered state of consciousness”, not realizing it was the Goddess speaking to me. We put together an explanation that seemed right to me at the time: The Origin of God. I should probably update that site with my newest understandings of ways to merge Gnosticism (matriarchy) with Christianity (patriarchy). In the meantime, my Red Pill site is a higher level summary of the so-called “wider” issues.
I have come to understand that the establishment lies about everything, and history has been re-written by the victors, and there is much we will never know in this life. I now seek & research truth daily, and see it as a lifelong practice and journey, never quite arriving completely.
Basically, I think the Gnostics made shit up out of their imaginations, claiming it came from the Goddess, just like Christians made shit up out of their imaginations, claiming it came from God. And Christians still do this today, and so do all religions, and ancient Gnostics did too.
IMHO, the whole fucking world just needs to get more honest in general about everything, learn to be mature adults who can discuss any and all issues, and let every sovereign mature adult decide everything for themselves. No more governments period! Government is slavery, as Mark Passio likes to say, and I agree.
However, the key phrase is sovereign mature adults don’t need governments……that is the rub and difficult issue(s) being worked out in human history, again, IMHO. I suspect Clif High’s “space aliens” (see post below) may be the “divine assistance” soon coming.
I once tried to join JLL’s nemeta school to see if he could teach me some of his supposed shamanic & paranormal abilities, as he claims he can do. Lash and the “fine” students at his online school have about as much patience & humility for free thinkers and questioners like me as the early Christians apparently had for the Gnostics.
I lasted maybe a week, before JLL kicked me off of his site for having my own opinions, asking too many good questions, and just generally being myself. I saved the forum posts & interactions, and uploaded it all to my own site. I will post in the buttons below, so people can read and decide for themselves how wonderful they think JLL and his online school is. :-)
I am the participant labelled “Sophia Sambraham” in the following interactions at nemeta and JLL himself is the keymaster labelled “Wolf Blaze”: