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Jason Breshears' Star Wars summary of the archaix model of Earth history

Original video on youtube

The above video is a quick summary of other videos Jason has done

My summation in my own words includes some extra information to make it more clear, as he believes many ancient records dictate the below narrative

  • 5239 BC is when our simulated reality began, probably as an ancestor simulation

  • our simulation is of a binary star system: the Daystar (brighter than our current sun) and Sol (our familiar, yet dimmer, star)

  • Daystar was orbited by 5 planets: A.PIN (Phoenix), KIN.GU (our current moon), Earth, Dark Satellite, and Nemesis X (Nibiru)

  • Sol was orbited by 6 planets: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupier, Uranus, and Neptune

  • our simulated reality lasts 7344 years to 2106, in three periods of 2448 years each, starting in 5239BC

  • these thousands of years of reincarnations for the participants feels like only hours and/or days for our real personalities that exist OUTSIDE our simulated matrix construct

  • the Daystar was closer than Sol and vapor canopy conditions made prehistoric dinosaurs grow to immense sizes

  • the millions of years idea for dinosaurs is false, as experiments today shows vapor canopy conditions can induce similar growth changes

  • the Genesis account of two lights in the sky refers to Daystar and Sol, as the moon did not appear until 4039BC

  • the simulation started with the two suns and 11 planets peacefully orbiting different elliptical planes

  • the Daystar collapsed and became a dark star, aka the Nemesis star

  • 270 years later, Earth stablized to become the 3rd planet from Sol

  • the Titius-Bode law shows Earth is out of place in relation to Sol; it belongs orbiting Daystar

  • the previous fantastic civilization on Earth already had vast underground societies, and after Daystar's collapse, surviving humans on Earth sought refuge underground, but presumably much of their technology was destroyed, although they were able to survive

  • another worldwide destruction, in 4039BC, brought the Daystar's moon into Earth orbit, as ancient traditions show the moon did not appear until this date

  • the moon is actually a hollowed out structure that also had underground societies

  • beings called Anunna descended from the moon to Earth in 4039BC and built a civilization in North America

  • 144 years after the moon arrived, in 3895BC, the arrival of the Phoenix planet caused worldwide cataclysms, massive volcano eruptions, and vast red dust that blanketed Earth

  • the vapor canopy that had disappeared after the collapse of the Daystar was reproduced by the volcano eruptions caused by Phoenix in 3895BC

  • the 3895BC disaster that caused a vapor canopy lasted 1656 years until Noah's flood in 2239BC, aka the Great Flood

  • discoveries in Mexico and elsewhere shows that technology and prehistoric animals existed together around 4000BC, not millions of years ago, lending credence to 3895BC as when more Anunna arrived and created more societies

  • so-called junk DNA activated to make humans gigantic in these days, as well as flora (plants) and fauna (animals); two scientists in 1902AD, after the last Phoenix pass, grew two inches just from being near the exploded volcano Mt. Pelee, lending credence to volcanic activity activating DNA and creating giantism. Note: plants and insects grew larger near Mt. Pelee as well

  • Note: then the vapor canopy collapsed again after Noah's flood in 2239BC

  • in the 456th year of the renewed vapor canopy (ie 3439BC), the Nemesis X planet (aka Nibiru) arrived and caused another cataclysm; Nemesis X has longer orbit of 792 years

  • many more Anunna descended from Nemesis X planet and started the literary history of the Anunna (aka Anunnaki) in ancient Sumer; their technology made them appear to be "gods"

  • 432,000 shars from ancient records is actually 1200 years (as a year used to be 360 days in ancient times before other cataclysms changed a year to 365.25 days)

  • the often mistranslated 432,000 shars actually fits perfectly with Anunnaki history from 3439BC to 2239BC, when the great flood sent the Anunna underground in 2239BC. Note: in other presentations Jason says the year changed to 365.25 days in 713BC, because of the Dark Satellite's effects

  • with the arrival of many more technologically advanced Anunna in 3439BC, a technolithic civilization began for another Nemesis X orbit around the sun (ie 792 years), as these Anunna had intact tech infrastructure

  • these Anunna (which included Enki and Enlil) from Nemesis X in 3439BC joined with their more primitive brothers & sisters in North America, and within months, sailed in ships to Sumer to start the Anunna/Anunnaki history, because worldwide destruction had decimated North America

  • in 2905BC the Anunna build the Great Pyramid, which encodes a 7344 year holographic template of history in stone, including past/present/future, to be decoded when the final worldwide destruction occurs and the entire simulation re-starts at 5239BC. Note: the entire ancestor simulation runs from 5239BC to 2106AD

  • Sumerian King-list shows evidence of different Anunna dynasties and slave human peoples

  • Enki, a benevolent ruler compared to the others and the Architect of the Great Pyramid, disappears in 2909BC, leaving 7 Anunnaki Kings of the Pentapolis ruling for 670 years, until the Great flood of 2239BC

  • during this 670 years, the Pentapolis Anunna began genetic experiments/interbreeding, until they succeeded in producing humans that were totally compatible with themselves

  • these new humans were goddess-worshiping, probably patterned after the Anunna females that birthed them (Note: Nephilim in the Bible are the Anunna of history)

  • outside the Pentapolis, large and dangerous vapor canopy creatures roamed; Phoenix (ie A.PIN, aka the Sky Dragon) continued to reappear every 138 years, as per historical accounts

  • one Nemesis X orbit of 792 years, from 3439BC to 2647BC, saw Enki disappear, the Great Pyramid be built, remaining Anunna became tyrant overlords, eventually leaving the urban areas; the Anunna were later demonized as "Anunnaki" in Babylon re-writes of history

  • the final 408 years, from 2647BC to 2239BC, is called the Abandonment & Shock period, aka post-technolithic period

  • this post-technolithic 408 year abandonment period from the "Old World" is actually when the Anunna returned to North America

  • this 408 year period is recorded in ancient American legends as when the Anunna arrived in South America et al., while back in the "Old World", without Anunna control, wars, famine, cannibalism, human sacrifice, goddess cults, and general anarchy reigned

  • the 1656 years from 3895BC to 2239BC marked a time of gigantic animals, reptiles (dinosaurs), and large walled cities to keep the animals out; Jericho's enormous walls is one such example

  • with the return of Phoenix (ie A.PIN) in 2239BC, the collapse of the vapor canopy caused flora and fauna to return to sizes we recognize today; this ended the age of the "giants"

  • the "Heliolithic Maritime Empire" period began after the Great flood of 2239BC, and worldwide traditions call it the "Birth of the sun" because the thick vapor canopy had previously deflected direct view of the sun, and therefore people had only ever seen a violet sky

  • before the Great flood in 2239BC, during the 408 years from Anunna leaving the Old World (ie 2647BC to 2239BC), the Heliolithic Maritime Empire thrived in North America

  • only after the collapse of the vapor canopy in 2239BC (aka the Great flood, which saw the Anunna in North America seek refuge in underground cities), technologically advanced humans set up port fortifications around the world: Asia, India, Persian Gulf, Magan along Egypt's coasts, etc ...

  • this Caucasian-dominated Heliolithic Maritime Empire also built cities in: Peru, Bolivia, central America, the Mediterranean, Egypt,, Phoenica, Anatolia, the Dardanells, Sardinia, Tigris-Euphrates, Canaan, Harappa, Elam, and China, and their rule lasted 552 years until it was ended in 1687BC by the return of the Phoenix, recalled by ancient writers as the "Ogygian Deluge"

  • after the 1687BC deluge, a 25 year darkness reigned on the earth, because another brief vapor canopy formed, which hid the sun again

  • this darkness refers NOT to literal darkness around the world, but rather the darkness of chaos: starvation, mass migrations, depopulation, disease, and the loss of the last of the post-technolithic technologies of the Anunna, which had built a thriving society in North America from 2647BC to 2239BC

  • 1622BC begins an awakening of the ancient world, new writings/literacy, cultures developing, etc... devoid of the fantastic events recorded from 2239BC to 1687BC; Note: nothing was recorded of the ancient world prior to 2239BC, presumably because of advanced technologies, perhaps crystalline, which did NOT need paper type recordings

  • temples are built and priesthoods begin to realize their power over the people, as they engage creative imagination to re-invent the fantastic world of the past, remembered as tales, tradition, holy writ, but the priests adopt a syllabus for the people to demonize the Anunna

  • the altruistic Anunna benefactors are turned into wicked Anunnaki "gods", to be sacrificed to, given money, etc...

  • familiar fear sounding verses in cuneiform tablets like, "He who fears the Anunnaki lengthens his days"; the Bible and other religious writings create demonic fear narratives around the Anunna/Anunnaki

  • we will see dinosaurs again very soon, as in 2040AD the Phoenix will return and cause another vapor canopy

  • within months from the coming cataclysm in 2040AD, vapor canopy conditions will thicken the mesosphere and cause humans and animals and reptiles to grow to gigantic proportions

  • cataclysms both cause AND destroy vapor canopies; 3895BC Phoenix caused a vapor canopy and also 2239BC Phoenix destroyed the vapor canopy

  • May 2040AD is destined to cause worldwide cataclysm that will darken the sun, and create another vapor canopy; this is Revelation's Sixth seal and the final pass of Phoenix, before our simulated reality is ended in 2178AD and the simulation re-starts, with souls who don't make it destined to reincarnate for another 7344 years

  • Note: as already mentioned above, our simulated reality lasts 7344 years to 2106, in three periods of 2448 years each, starting in 5239BC and ending in 2106AD; the 72 year period from 2106AD to 2178AD is the symbolic "1000 year millennial reign of Christ", aka the return of the chief cornerstone

  • this 72 year period is to reveal ALL mysteries and educate those destined to loop again through another 7344 years as to why they failed and must retake "Earth hell realm" prison school

  • 2046AD is the destructive return of Nemesis X, which will have vapor canopy conditions in full swing, making it hard to physically die

  • an ominous passage of scripture says, “And in those days shall men seek death, and shall not find it; and shall desire to die, and death shall flee from them". (Revelation 9:6)

  • this ominous verse could be referring to vapor canopy physical empowerment making it difficult to die, even though one might try to commit suicide, OR it could refer to instant supernatural reincarnation to life again, in the same body (ie you instantly come back to life in the same body), as in a simulated reality anything is possible, and God may not allow any to die after this point in "time"

A new vapor canopy and subsequent events caused by Phoenix (2040AD) and Nemesis X (2046AD) respectively, could reactivate latent human DNA, as has happened before in antiquity, to re-create fantastical elements to bring about the climactic close of human history; the decisions you make now are important … so make them good ones

More on Jason's take on the future


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WritePharma Parable Publishing-stories with mystical meaning
Posts and videos related to Jason Breshears from, a guy from whom I have learned many interesting things. For example, Jason believes the ancient records show AIX (artificial intelligence X) already exists by retro-causality. We are bringing it into existence and yet it already is. This is his tech version of "the devil", which ancient records document has always been here. See more ->