Original video on youtube

Jason outlines 10 signs of a cult and relates it to Christianity. But I also see that ALL of these signs relate to government, the biggest cult forced on us all.

  1. Hierarchy

    1. What government doesn’t have reams of hierarchy structures?

  2. Leaders dictating beliefs of members (authoritarian control over the minds of its members)

    1. Take even something as simple as speed laws. So-called government “leaders” believe (it really is simply their belief) that it should be 100km/hr on the highway, but I’ve also seen it change suddenly to 110km/hr. Totally arbitrary beliefs from so-called “law-makers”, dictated under coercion and violence, but they also constantly change laws. I drive safe and prudent for conditions and don’t need ANY threats to conform to arbitrary beliefs of government agents on this matter.

    2. Authoritarian/centralized control over members

      1. Called police, courts, judges, politicians, all centralized control agents of centralized government, to enforce not only speed laws, but millions of minutiae nonsense human made commands called “laws”, which are constantly changing. Once upon a time there was prohibition, now alcohol is legal. Marijuana was illegal, now it’s legal. Marriage was between one man and one woman, now we can hardly define wo/man but certainly any two people can marry … soon it will be any number of “adults” can marry, and on and on, yadda, yadda, yadda, bullshit …

  3. Psychological manipulation

    1. Jason mentions love bombing, but that is definitely NOT something government does directly, unless you consider GST rebates or some other meager money-back schemes as some mild demonstration of “love” (they steal way more in taxes than they ever give back)

    2. But for sure, psychological manipulation abounded (and still does) around the Covid crap. If my readers need reminders about the psy-op tactics around Covid (that are still in full swing by the way), please read my post: The Worldwide Coviet Union push

  4. Isolationism

    1. Many were arrested, hence isolated in prison, during the Covid Plandemic, such as Pastor Art, and Tamara Lich, both of whom I have met personally, so I know they are real people.

    2. But even if you were not arrested, many felt they had to wear masks (that do nothing to protect you) or were ostracized/isolated by normies if you did not. Also, remember social distancing rules, quarantine rules, working from home, break-ups & conflicts between family, spouses, friends, who thought you were endangering their health if you did not conform. Isolation on many levels was the result of the cult of government’s tactics on this matter.

  5. Imposition of fear tactics

    1. See #4 above about isolation threats called “prison fear tactics”

    2. Ridiculous fines, etc… for opposing Covid crap bullshit

    3. Punishment, in general, is an idea created by created beings; Originator-Creator-Oversoul does NOT compel performance.

      With time and experience in life, one comes to realize the difference between natural law versus man’s law, and why it is good & appropriate to voluntarily follow natural law only. NOTE: “UFO aliens” work directly with top government “authorities”; these fake alien “authorities” push false narratives against the true authority of Originator-Creator-Oversoul, which helps keep people in low vibration energy states, stuck in physical reality. Anything “authority” makes up is secretly designed to disconnect you from the only true authority. Disguised as “aliens”, the breakaway physical creatures, thought to be “aliens” (but really live deep underground), are intentionally creating inappropriate subconscious fear of death, fear to meet the only true authority. You are their “human shields”, so to speak, to keep the human “authorities” and so-called alien “authorities” ruling in this hell-realm rather than serving in heaven.

  6. Us versus them mentality

    1. For example, the imaginary lines called borders that divide us (one so-called “nation”) versus them (the so-called enemy “nation”)

  7. Rituals and regulations (masks, social distancing, giving ritual tithes called taxes to your government masters, following all their commands called “regulations/laws”, etc, etc ...)

    1. Elite-ism would be the idea we need judges to interpret & enforce the complex laws, and of course, they always do right. Uh-huh……

  8. Control of information

    1. Censorship against covid truth speaking physicians like Dr. Makis, practicing exclusions against contrary narratives, fearing debate (hence all the internet censorship laws being passed), etc, etc …

  9. Suppression of doubt, and data suppression

    1. One doubter can break the spell of the controllers called government, hence when #8 control of information fails, they suppress data, censor, suppress doubt by utilizing the human tendency to “go along to get along”, fear of punishment/being isolated in prison, etc…

  10. Biggest one: will always reject critical thinking and normalize non-critical thinking

    1. ie the so-called “education system”, which is really just an indoctrination system to suppress critical thinking, and create obedient robots to the fake “authority” of government

    2. Instilling apocalypse fear

      1. For example, Government lies about climate change that will destroy the world unless you give up more rights to “government”, covid gonna kill us all, etc, etc, …

Jason says he is NOT a cult, because he discourages thinking that we are here to “save the world”. He claims we should merely endeavor to stay connected to Spirit, not fear anything, and stay in the present moment. Easier said than done, but I suspect practicing conscious detachment/disassociation (ie neutrality) without fear or judgment or attachment to specific outcomes is the way to go.


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