Hello yet again. This is JLL coming at you with Gnostic Intel on the internet. It's the 9th of June 2017, if you can believe that, and I'm here with installment number 48, which I have titled “Warrior in the Womb of the virgin” It's an exotic title, but I'll see if I can live up to it.
Previously, I had announced this as talk number 47. You'll note that with talk 48, I'm beginning tracking page number 6, and we're coming into the home stretch. So if I do indeed complete 16 more talks in this series, then you'll find that those talks are referenced by text and images in the tracking pages that follow, which might run to eight pages, who knows.
Right now I have a total of about, what do I see here, oh I'd say about a 78 page document in the tracking pages, okay, so that's how it's developing. So it'll be up there in the 90s, at least.
Now, my purpose in this talk is to orient you to some astronomical material. Doing so, however, I don't want to go off-message, and I don't want to give the impression that I've abandoned talking about specific cases of the Mandela Effect. To do so is obviously the purpose of this channel and I’ll continue to do so in the remaining talks when the occasion arises, when it's appropriate.
I'd like to point out that talk number 49, immediately following this one, will be a summary of the investigation so far. And in there you'll see that I have made an inventory, which will be available as a text document for you to download or to print out, which shows that I have examined and decoded 60 instances of the Mandela Effect. And that's a lot. I mean, it's June 9th today. I started this channel on February 6th.
So in four months I've looked with meticulous care at 60 different instances, and I have decoded those instances and assembled them into a gestalt, which reveals a meaningful message coming through the Mandela effect signals. This is what I've done. That's an average of one every two days over the last four months. Not too bad.
So, if you're keeping up with this investigation sequentially, you would realize that there's a considerable degree of momentum building here. What I want to do in the current talk is to situate you within that momentum, if I might put it in that way.
I have a strong sense, based on Gnostic intel and my observation of the sky writing, that the Mandela effect is going to take a sharp turn during this current month, and I'll explain why when we look at the timing parameters.
Some of you may by now have intuited that the Mandela Effect revealing itself through various logos and through trivial and banal incidences, such as the Home Depot, Sex in the City, Sex and the City, Febreze, Febreze, different spellings of brand names, cartoon characters advertising various products, some of you may have intuited that this, these manifestations of the Mandela effect are only fleeting. They are trivial, they are shallow.
Think again of the metaphor of the Ford. Ford is a shallow place where you cross over. If it is true that the Mandela effect is the, is the initial signal or set of signals, if the Mandela effect reveals the initial set of signals coming from the planetary intelligence toward humanity, then you might also accept that initially the signals appear to be banal, trivial and shallow like a Ford.
Nevertheless, even though a Ford is shallow, that is precisely where you want to cross over. Ford also means to cross over or to pass over. Many people who are involved in investigating the Mandela effect, I wouldn't say they're investigating it, they're chattering and jabbering about it, to be more honest. They're not investigating anything at all. But those who are impacted by the Mandela effect and cannot deny its reality are in a position to understand that some kind of shift is taking place.
Don't you often hear this language? There's a shift. There's a big shift happening. And they use this word constantly, shift. But what kind of a shift is it? What is causing the shift? What is the purpose of the shift? And how does the shift move from one place to another? What is it a shift from and what is it a shift toward?
Well, these are all vital questions that any reasonable person would ask. And if you'll bear with me for saying so, I don't think that the people who are now discussing the Mandela Effect are getting anywhere close to even tentative approaches to these questions, let alone any answers. But this YouTube channel has the answers and a lot of people don't like it that I have the answers, by the way. I've had this problem all my life. I don't mean that I have all the answers in the universe but I've got my fair share, I really do. And those answers that I have are stunning and original and a lot of people don't like that They find it intimidating. They find that it infringes on their turf.
So far I don't believe that this investigation has reached the larger crowd of people who are looking at the Mandela effect and trying to figure out what it means. There are channels of leading commentators that have upwards of 17,000 into 20,000 subs. And the people who run these channels are talking and shattering endlessly. They have four-hour hangouts talking about the Mandela effect, but there’s narry a mention of my hypothesis, you know. The Gnostic hypothesis concerning the Mandela effect is stonewalled.
I'm not surprised because I've been facing this all my life. It's a problem that you also will have as a Gnostic. Gnostic is somebody who knows. It’s not somebody who fucks around with speculations and make believe, and you can prove that you know.
So that kind of Gnostic intel is intimidating. Besides, I also detect a strong tendency in the youtube community of Mandela effect commentators, a strong tendency to abide in mystification, if I might use that term. They prefer the mystification and self-mystification that comes up with this phenomenon to actually forging through toward a solution. But I have the solution.
That's my claim, and I make no bones about it. If others who are involved with this phenomenon don't even want to acknowledge that I claim I have a solution, and they don't want to debate it, well, too bad for them. I would say that their experience of the Mandela Effect is weakened and diminished by the exclusion of my hypothesis. But I'll just leave all those considerations right there, right now. I really didn't intend to go into that rant. I kind of slipped into it. Let's return to my main purpose in this installment, number 48.
I'm going to orient you to the big picture, and by the end of this talk I intend that you understand that the Mandela effect will morph and only those who are grounded in a Gnostic approach to the effect and can connect it to the Sophianic narrative and verify it in the ways that I've demonstrated, that is to say, working a chain of evidence, working a mythophrenic fugue that functions as a chain of evidence, those who can do that will be able to follow the Mandela effect into the future, because they see the large picture, you have to see the big picture of it.
And I have to say that I don't think I would be pretending to be Nostradamus if I said that eventually the Mandela Effect is just going to fade out. It's just going to fade away like everything else. It'll be like the latest blockbuster movie that came out, like Wonder Woman. And people forgot it even before they got back to their cars in the parking lot. You see. The Mandela effect will fade out or it will resonate in a ghostly and spectral way, in the minds of some people who never got around to consider the Gnostic hypothesis.
Unfortunately, there are people, and I think there'll be quite a number of them, a considerable number, who will be haunted by the Mandela effect and wondering why it never led them to anything, but of course they can invent whatever they want, and they can claim that it led them to this, it led them to that, it led them to realize that, for instance, oh, we're not all just sunbeams coming out of the great sun of the immortal self, but we are that immortal self. Oh, well, that's wonderful, and so fucking what? You see.
So there are great realizations that will come to people, spiritual insights out of the Mandela Effect. Many will remain lost in the sauce, and many will be haunted in the future as the effect sort of fades out, and they don't know where to take it because they didn't get the installation.
Remember I said at the beginning of this whole affair, this mad undertaking of mine, that I'm like the cable guy, and I've come to install the super-learning event in your mind, and I'm using the Mandela Effect to do it. That is why the Mandela Effect is happening. It is the log-on process for the super-learning event.
So I'm going to talk about how to track the super-learning event. I'm going to talk about the astronomical factors, the timing factors, and things of that sort. That is my purpose and that is my point in this current installment talk. Tak.
So, to begin, I bring your attention to the constellations. Do you know what the constellations are? I'd be willing to venture that 95 out of 100 of you do not know what the constellations are. The constellations in the sky like Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Virgo, right? No wrong. Those are not the constellations. Those are the astrological signs.
Oh, well hold on a minute, John. What are you putting over on us here, man? Huh? What are you trying to say? Are you trying to say that my sign, Scorpio is not a star sign? That if I consider myself a Taurus, if I am a Taurus born in a certain time of the year, then that doesn't mean that the Sun at the time I was born was in the star pattern of Taurus? That's absolutely right. It doesn’t mean that at all.
I can assure you that I know what I'm talking about, and I can assure you also how difficult it is to make a simple point about the difference between signs and constellations. I need to make this point, and I need to get this intel across to you at the beginning of this talk.
I have spent well over half my life I would say starting from the age of about twenty-eight well over half my life attempting to show people that the constellations that you can see in the night sky do not equate to the astrological signs of the zodiac. I wrote a whole book on this point called “Quest for the Zodiac”.
And in that book I showed that everyone has in fact, if you want to use this loose language, two horoscopes. You have a horoscope in the astrological signs, you may be a Gemini or a Capricorn with Venus in Aquarius and the Moon in Pisces, whatever, but you have another horoscope that you've never ever seen.
And that horoscope presents the positions of the Sun, Moon and planets where they actually were in the visible sky. So, when I talk about the constellations, I'm talking about star patterns that you can go out and observe in the night sky. And they are not to be confused with the astrological signs which you cannot observe and which are starless.
For instance, the astrological sign Pisces is equivalent to a time zone in the earth. Let's say the CST time zone, or CMT, Central Mountain Time, whatever, Eastern Standard Time. It's a 15-degree time zone. But the time zone is not the same as the territory in the time zone, is it?
The time zone is just an abstract grid. Well, this is the case of the astrological signs. That doesn't mean that astrology is invalid, by the way. I guarantee you, I practiced it professionally for over 30 years. I didn't practice any kind of astrology you would be familiar with, because I innovated and produced my own system, but I have practiced Sun sign astrology.
However, I ask you to bear in mind that when I say the Virgin, I am not talking about the astrological sign Virgo. So forget it. I'm talking about the actual constellation of the Virgin that you can see in the night sky. You cannot see the sign Virgo any more than you can see the Eastern Standard Time time zone when you fly over it in a jet plane.
Now, I will list on the tracking page some elementary essays and introductory material in the Sky Lore section of metahistory.org, where you may go if you wish in order to look more deeply into this distinction.
For right now I present to you in the opening illustration of this talk, the actual form of the constellations. I haven't pictured all of them. There are 13 constellations, but this is a section of the zodiac, the real sky zodiac, that is to say the zodiac that you see in star patterns when you go out at night. That is not Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer. That's a different format.
So what you see here is a depiction of a constellation of the lion, that's evident, you can picture the lion, and you see that the gold or ochre markings show the actual shape of the star pattern. Does that look like a lion? Not necessarily.
One of the first things you learn about the constellations is that they do not necessarily resemble the animals or creatures after which they are named. So that raises a very great question. How come the star pattern you see there, with the kind of hook like a reversed question mark, and then the trapezoidal body attached to it, with the giant star Regulus as the prominent star in the composite, how come you visualize that as a lion? You could visualize it as any number of other things.
Scrolling down, we come to the figure of the Virgin. This is the Virgin. You see again the star pattern is kind of like a large, bent rectangle, and there's nothing particular about that pattern of stars that would suggest a woman standing or kneeling, and you'll notice that I have depicted the woman of the Virgin constellation as kneeling.
Now this constellation is the largest constellation of the Zodiac. It is in fact so big that it occupies 45 degrees of the entire circle of the Zodiac. The Sun is in the constellation of the Virgin for 45 days. That is longer than it is in any of these other star patterns and of course you can't see the virgin star composite when the Sun is transiting through it. You can only see it when the Sun is located somewhere else because of the sunlight prevents you from seeing the composite of the constellation,
So you're looking here at the constellation of Virgo, which is if I may be so bold as to say so, the celestial wonder woman, the true wonder woman, identical with Sophia. In shamanic excursions, where shaktas go out to encounter the organic light and to converse with the goddess, the Nahual sometimes says, “there's the hostess with the mostess”. She is Wonder Woman. She is Sophia and she is depicted in the constellations in the figure of the Virgin.
You see the way I've drawn the Virgin is, her entire body is veiled up until her nose. Her eyes appear to be closed here, but I would prefer that you picture them as open. Those little forms in her hair are galaxies, and because there are more galaxies in the hair of the Virgin than anywhere else in the visible universe.
She's holding in her right hand a cup which is marked by the star Vindemiatrix, that is the Grail Cup. She is holding in her left hand a sheaf of wheat marked by the star Spica or Spora, and just below her knee at the hem of her garment, where the extent of that constellation ends, is the star Kambhalia, known as the alchemist star.
This is observational astronomy. This is naked eye astronomy. Anyone who belongs to an astronomy club a six-year-old who belongs to an astronomy club would tell you the same thing I'm telling you now. Does it have anything to do with astrology? Nothing whatsoever. It's an entirely different format.
Okay signs and constellations. Very big issue. I must say, you would not believe the effort I have put into explaining this to people. And a lot of people can't get it. There appears to be an NLP blockage somewhere, but I assure you that those who do get it feel a spectacular awakening.
By the way, you'll note that I just used the expression the constellation of Virgo. Well, that is the expression that an astronomer would use, or someone from an amateur astronomy club. Were you out looking at the night sky with them, they would point to this this composite of stars and they would say, that's Virgo, that's the constellation of Virgo.
But unfortunately, the term Virgo is also used to apply to an astrological sign, and that is not the same as the constellation. So, if you look in an astronomy book, you will see that this constellation, this star pattern, is labeled Virgo. Well, I have attempted to clear up that confusion by using what I call the storybook names. Lion instead of Leo, Virgin instead of Virgo, Scales instead of Libra, Scorpion instead of Scorpio.
So, I propose that you refer to this constellation as the Virgin, and you consider that she is, she represents, the celestial image of Wonder Woman and of the Isis Sophia, the Divine Sophia herself. The Virgin is the anthropomorphic image of the anima mundi, which is the world soul or animating presence of the earth itself.
And the Mandela effect, as I seek to prove in this investigation, demonstrates the modus operandi of the Anima Mundi. Modus operandi, it rhymes with lotus candy. What I'm feeding you right now is kind of like lotus candy. I want to move along rapidly here so I’m not going to go over all of the text that's contained on the tracking page for this talk number 48 and there's an extensive amount of text there.
But I'm not going to go into the issues concerning the loss of the principal female archetype of the Nordic and Aryan cultures, but it's a very big concern But I'm not going to go into it right now. I'm just going to move on to the relevance of the constellation of the Virgin by asking this question and then answering it.
What's happening in the Virgin lately? Well, if you look at that constellation, that massive star pattern, you will see that it represents a specific area of the night sky where planetary movements occur.
So the Sun moves through the Virgin in a counterclockwise direction on this model, from the head of the Virgin down to the feet, then it moves into the scales. So does the Moon move in that direction each month, there's a period of time each month when the Moon is in the Virgin, and the other planets as well, and even the Earth moves through the Virgin. There are 45 days each year when the Earth is moving through the Virgin. Wouldn't it be interesting to know what days they are, and what kind of impressions you might receive by observation of that transit?
There is, however, something that occurs with the planets, both Mercury and Venus, between the Earth and the Sun, and Mars, Jupiter and Saturn, beyond the Earth and the Sun, which is called a retrograde motion. So there are moments when a planet such as Jupiter would move into the Virgin. Okay, when did Jupiter enter the Virgin?
Well low and behold it entered the Virgin in August of 2016. And that was the month when I determined by Gnostic intel that the Aeonic Mother has agency. So it wasn't until the month that Jupiter passed into the Virgin, coming right, touching the head stars of the Virgin, moving down through the face of the Virgin. By October 18th, Jupiter was aligned with that star Vindemiatrix, the star of the Grail Cup.
Therefore I designate October 18th as the commencement of the super-learning event. See, when I make these statements, they are based on empirical data that can be verified. Anyone can check in an ephemeris the motion of Jupiter through the constellation of the Virgin, or any other planet, or the moon for that matter.
It just so happens that the passage of Jupiter through the Virgin is the key celestial event, or omen if you will, that signals the onset of the super-learning event. So, you can actually follow the timing of the super-learning event by following Jupiter through the sky.
And it's very easy to observe Jupiter in the night sky because it's a massive planet and it's very conspicuous if you know where to look at for it. You know, all the clues in the world don't count if you don't know what crime has been committed. You might walk out of the door of your house one day, this could even happen in a city, as Jupiter is visible from cities as well as the country.
You might walk out of your house one evening or step out on the balcony and look up at the sky and you see some stars up there in patterns that you don't necessarily recognize because you don't have the narrative that tells you what those patterns are. And you might notice, you will certainly notice, that one of those bright lights is kind of yellow, yellowish, and seems to be large, and it distinguishes itself from the others.
Well, unless you've been informed of the difference, you wouldn't be able to say, oh, that's a planet and the others are stars. But if you were informed, you would be able to say, oh, that's Jupiter. It's not a star, it's a planet, which means a wanderer. How do you know it's a planet? Because it moves against the background of the stars. But it gets better.
If you know the narrative of the mythopoetic construction of the zodiacal constellations, then you look up and you say, aha, yeah, I know, Jupiter's in the Virgin right now, and indeed it is. So let's take a close and careful look at exactly where Jupiter is in the Virgin. Remember, this is a massive constellation.
Well, we know it's not at her head, it's not in her forehead, it's not in her face, because it was in August, September, and October last year that Jupiter entered the Virgin and passed before the face of the Virgin. So where is it now?
Well, if you scroll down, you come to some text, and I'll just read it out for the sake of continuity. And just below this text, I've copied in a standard or typical illustration that pictures the constellation of the Virgin. So, back to Wonder Woman.
Hollywood is running neck and neck with this investigation, more correctly, Hollywood is running neck and neck with a super-learning event. As I said, usually those who would co-opt, distort and deviate creative genius impulses, genuine creative impulses arising spontaneously in the human species, have always had an edge, they have always operated a few steps ahead, a few moves ahead of the game. But not now.
The true magic of the wisdom goddess is catching up with the evil spell of mind control directed by the enemies of life who want to rob you of everything that is good and true and beautiful in your reality. Her correction is running apace with a triple whammy of deceit, division and domination which is driven by the Archons, but less so now by the extraterrestrial alien Archons, and more so exclusively by their human proxies. Did you know that the Gnostics specifically named who are the human proxies of the Archons?
Those are the people who attempt to distort your genius, the natural genius that you possess, your talent, your gifts, are a matter of envy to those enemies of life. And so they attempt to preempt everything wonderful that could come out of human creativity. But this time, it's not working. This time, the power of Wonder Woman is catching up with that game.
Now, if you scroll down a little further from this paragraph, you'll see on a blue background a typical image of the constellation of the Virgin. The Virgin can be drawn in very many different ways. And I kind of like this version because it shows her in a half reclining position. Bear in mind that I show her in a kneeling position. Can you imagine how big she is? She's already one-eighth of a zodiac, just kneeling. How big would she be if she stood up?
And you will see the composite stars of the Virgin indicated there. Her head, her forehead, her neck, her right arm, the grail cup should be in the furthermost star or extension corresponding to her right arm. Then the line of stars goes down to her left side, to spika, which marks the hand holding the sheaf of wheat, that's a Mandela effect clue. And then the remaining part of the constellation, this is called the composite, goes down to her knees and down to the limit of her veil, which is a veil that covers her entire body, that is the veil of Isis, also called the triple veil of Isis in the Egyptian mysteries.
So there's a representation of the Virgin for you, and I'd like to point out, I'd like to offer a little bit of jargon from Celestics, which is the unique branch of astrology that I developed, which includes these starry constellations, and which maps your destiny against the pattern of the starry constellations rather than against the starless pattern of the astrological signs, which can only tell you about your personality. They cannot tell you about your transpersonal gifts and your higher destiny relative to the human species, to Sophia and Thelete, and to the cosmos at large.
The little jargon that I might offer consists of the word composite and the word graphics. So with each constellation, and there are 13 of them not 12, and they're irregular in size, they're all not 30 degrees like a pizza, slices of a pizza, each constellation has a composite. You see the composite here in the stars joined by the ochre lines. The dot-to-dot signature of the constellation which you recognize when you learn to find it in the sky is called its composite.
But there's a figure of a woman here, right? There could be other figures here as well. I have drawn the constellation of the Virgin in other ways as well, and different cultures surround the world, picture it and visualize it in other ways. The visualization attached to the composite is called the graphics.
The graphics is an imaginative construct that you visualize and add to the star pattern. So what you see here is the composite of the Virgin with a kind of overlay of a visualization, the graphics or graphic form of the Virgin. And if you look at the figure, which is represented pretty much more or less the way I represent it in terms of the proportion of the body, you will see an X on the wrist of the left hand of the Virgin.
That X represents the position of Jupiter today, right now, as I'm giving this talk. As a matter of fact, that X represents the position of Jupiter over a period of time of about 45 days. Now, why would Jupiter be in that same position for 45 days, the normal activity and the routine activity, if you will, of the planets and the moon is that they move through these constellations of the zodiac day by day, month by month, year by year.
So you would expect a regular motion of transit. As I said, in August of last year, the moment when the Aeonic Mother gained agency and was able to hack into the first attention of the human species and even able to begin to manipulate and change things in physical reality, not just in the virtual zone of the Internet, but actually in physical reality. That moment was the moment when Jupiter passed over the crown of the Virgin's head. Therefore it entered the composite. September, October, by October it had reached alignment with the star at the elbow of the Virgin.
Alignment is a very important concept. Jupiter takes a certain path through the constellation of the Virgin, which I haven't illustrated here because I don't have the skills to do anything like that on Photoshop, but it takes a certain path, but when whatever position it may be in, it can be aligned with parts of the composite.
So, back in October 17th, which is the inaugural day of the super-learning event, Jupiter was in fact very close to the left breast of the Virgin. But that position astronomically would align it exactly to the star at the elbow, which is Vindemaitrix, which represents the grail cup that she holds in her left hand. This illustration does not show her holding the grail cup. My illustration, crude amateurish drawing, attempts to do so.
So the alignment is a key notion here. So now come down to Jupiter's current position, June of 2017. Although it is placed on the left side of her body, it’s actual position is above Spica. On the left side of the body, it is exactly aligned to her womb.
If you follow with your eyes from X, marking the spot of Jupiter, across to the first star to the left, and then into the body of the Virgin, where does it put you? It puts you in the womb of the Virgin. Jupiter is by alignment positioned right now in the womb of the Virgin. And not only that, but there is an extraordinary event taking place.
You can follow the movement of certain planets and the moon through the constellations if you go out and observe the night sky. And as I said, the typical pattern is a movement, in this case, from the head of the Virgin down through her body to her feet and then into the next constellation.
However, there are moments called retrograde cycles that occur with the planets. Jupiter has a retrograde cycle. When Jupiter enters its retrograde cycle, it will typically go backwards in the opposite direction of its normal movement through the constellations. Now I ask you to look at this illustration, and I'm going to guide you to picture the retrograde cycle of Jupiter.
Jupiter advanced into the Virgin in August of last year, came down through the upper part of her body, at a certain moment it was aligned with the throat star. Just imagine that. Run a little mythophrenic fugue on that cue, Jupiter in the throat of the Virgin. That was an actual moment. If you knew what that moment was, if you knew what it was back then when it happened, you could live in that moment in participation with this celestial writing. This is a highly advanced form of mantique sky divination, which is something that I teach. In fact, I'm probably the world's leading specialist in that subject.
Then it moved down to the heart of the Virgin, to her left breast. It aligned with the Grail Cup, then it moved further down, and actually, Jupiter moved all the way down, very close to the massive star Spica, which is one of the ten brightest stars in the sky. But then, it stopped, and it reversed and moved backwards to where it is now.
So picture a kind of a loop, Jupiter advancing to Spica and then turning backwards to the point where it is now, where it stops again, and now it's going to go forward again in the month of July. But during that period that it's in what is called its station, it is stationary. It neither goes forward nor goes backward. It just hangs in there in that one position.
So you are living through an extraordinary moment when the retrograde cycle of Jupiter, which happens once every year in a different area of the sky, takes place in the constellation of the Virgin, and it situates Jupiter exactly in the womb of the Virgin.
In fact, the retrograde loop, as it is called, that's the loop consisting of about nine degrees of retrograde motion, and then the return regaining the passage that it reversed, as it were, the retrograde loop, actually, look at where the retrograde loop is. The retrograde loop describes, inscribes, encompasses, the whole area of the lower torso of the Virgin.
Now to further illustrate what I'm talking about here. I've hand-drawn a little design. As I say, I cannot use Photoshop, and I can't stand to work with that kind of IT equipment. I'd rather do things by hand, honestly. So if you can bear with me, I've sketched out the current events with Jupiter on the representation of the zodiac that I have used for many, many years now. It's called the rim site or stellar zodiac.
So you see that there are two lines that are illustrated here. One of them comes out from the center of the design where you find the astrological signs, not to be confused with the constellations, and it points to the star Regulus in the heart of the lion. And the N with the hook shape beneath it, the hook symbol, represents the north node of the moon.
So, that indicates, that detail of the drawing indicates, that the north node of the moon, as I'm speaking to you right now, is currently conjunct the star Regulus in the heart of the lion. Now I call that star in Celestics Valor or Vera. And it represents the heroic spirit of the human animal.
So there is a signal in the sky highlighting the heroic spirit of humanity, the heroic spirit, the warrior spirit. At the same time, if you look down again and you find Jupiter, you see that I have shown a line coming from the center of the zodiac directly out to the womb of the Virgin, and there sits Jupiter. And I've written on that line, Aphelion, because that line is a very special alignment in the cosmos. It is the direction of the Aphelion of Jupiter, which is to say the point on Jupiter's orbit, when it is most distant from the Sun.
Now you cannot actually see that aphelion line, nor can you see the line of the north node of the Moon that is aligned to Regulus, but you can know where they are by the events associated with them. So Jupiter stands now in its aphelion, and even though that is a line that is invisible, you know where that line is. Astronomy calculates the position of that line, and so you can say, I see where the aphelion of Jupiter is, because I see it in its aphelion.
This is a momentous factor in the total panorama of skywriting to be defined here at this moment. How do I read this? Omen in the sky. Jupiter stalled in its own aphelion in the womb of the Virgin, coordinated or simultaneous with the north node of the moon conjunct the star Valor in the heart of the lion.
See this is mythopoetic language which presents an evidence chain based on actual astronomical data. What I just said was poetic language, but you could convert it as easily into solid astronomical data. I'm not making any of it up. The evidence chain and the mythophrenic fugue are the same event in your NLP when you are logged on to the super-learning event. And I might add, once you're logged on to it, stay logged on to it. You never have to log off and your life will never be the same. Your mind will never be the same. Do you think you know your own mind? Do you think you know your own intelligence and talent? What a joke!
This is something that you are due to discover if you commit yourself to that discovery. It doesn't just happen to you. You participate in causing it to happen. Okay, fine.
So, coming around to the conclusion of this talk, this is just about as much as I can jam in, in under an hour, you'll see that I have displayed some images of the typical Aryan white woman, non-Jewish superhero, Wonder Woman, and also a close-up of her costume which shows, guess what? The Thunderbird on the upper part of her costume and stars on the lower part.
This cartoon figure emerged in the imagination of Americans at some time, probably, what was it, in the 1930s, and it carries all the marks that represent the power and identity of the Aeon Sophia today. She is a star goddess from the galactic center, and her emblem is the Thunderbird, and her instrument upon this earth, her warrior instrument, is the Calico War Party in the Thunderbird formation.
And Thunderbird is a sports car produced by Ford. By the way, a nod of thanks to diligent student Kent for sending me this wonderful and classic image of Wonder Woman from the days when girls were girls and men were men. Those were the days when it was all in the family, family of the Anthropos, where the gender binary is intact and respected, and those who would care to deviate from it, for whatever reasons, are not given higher status in society than those who hold and keep it intact.
Now speaking of the gender binary, I’d like to conclude with a comment about the cosmic scale gender binary that is currently forming in human reality and in the solar system. What is that? Well, it's the gender binary of the Aeon Sophia and her pleromic counterpart, her pleromic consort, Thelete.
You might recall that I said somewhere in the course of these talks that the Aeon Thelete, the male Aeon, who is your father at the cosmic level, uses the planet Jupiter as his instrument in a way comparable to how Sophia uses the earth as her instrument.
And what is happening right now in the correction of the Aeon Sophia can be described as the reunification and alignment of Sophia and Thelete. Thelete comes into the correction process which began in March of 2014, bringing the male warrior power.
Jupiter on the planetary scale correlates to the Hindu god Indra, who is a thunder god, a thunder and lightning god, and it's appropriate that a thunder and lightning male deity would be mated and paired with Sophia, because thunder, perfect mind, thunder in the NLP circuits of your mind, and thunder in the atmosphere of the earth, is the triple thunder of Isis Sophia, is the triple thunder of the goddess.
So the thunderbird motifs and the repetition of the Vs, representing a kind of bouncing lightning bolt, a lightning bolt that comes down to earth and then bounces back to the sky, if you can picture that, these images belong to the massive and comprehensive mythophrenic fugue that you can call the reunion of Sophia and Thelete.
Now I proposed in the last talk that the proximity of that crop circle depicting the Vesica Pisces to the Kern Abbas giant represented an omen or talisman of the masculine and warrior power. What's lacking in the world today is the masculine and warrior power of what is called in planetary Tantra the morbido.
The morbido is the lust to kill. Now the lust to kill is not entirely bad. The lust to kill can be very very bad, and you see that for instance in the Middle East, in Syria, you see it in ISIS. Strangely enough, ISIS being a name for Sophia. You see how the Intraspecies predators and enemies of life are always trying to steal what's ours and turning it against us.
So, an Islamic terrorist who attacks innocent people or who fights for the cause of Allah is an example of the morbido or the lust to kill that has gone insane and toxic? Well, unfortunately, I could give fifty examples of that and talk to you for the entire evening about it. Isn't it all too obvious that the lust to kill is running rampant on this planet?
For that very reason, the purity and necessity of the lust to kill, as expressed in a true warrior for Sophia, has to be acknowledged. Those who can carry and express the lust to kill that is endowed in the human species, who are the greatest killers on earth. We kill all other species and we kill each other, I mean, the evidence is there, I rest my case.
The correct expression and the moral direction of that lethal violence is what is missing in this world today. And I have been asking, and those who followed me through the GNE have been asking, and many of my students around the world have been asking, for years, when is this male warrior morbido factor going to kick in and change the game?
Now, is there a warrior being born in the womb of the Virgin as I speak? You know, I leave you with that question. Take it to sleep with you at night. Contemplate it as you're falling asleep. Picture the constellation of the Virgin. Picture the position of Jupiter right now. Remember that it's stalled there, extraordinarily stalled there and you'll see that the how that occurs in the time parameters that I present.
2017 on February 6th when I inaugurated this channel Jupiter began its retrograde cycle in 24 Libra close to that star Spica and also aligned to the star Arcturus, which is the blade in the constellation of the warrior. There is a warrior constellation. It's not shown here. It's outside the zodiac, the ecliptic zodiac. It's above the virgin.
May 18th, Jupiter reached 14 Libra, and that's where it stalled. On June 10th, which is tomorrow, it starts to turn direct, but it still remains in the same place, stalled until July 4th.
So the extraordinary period of time between May 18th and July 4th is clearly signaled here in the celestial omen, isn't it? You see, all the clues in the world don't count, if you don't know what crime has been committed, if you cannot go on the crime scene and read a plot from the evidence that you see.
Your probative faculty not only allows you, enables you, to participate in the super-learning event, but it's also going to allow you to survive. And those who do not have the probative faculty, will not survive the current crossover and passover of humanity. They will not survive.
They may continue to live, but they will live in such a miserable and confused and enslaved fashion that it would be a life not worth living. If you want to have a life worth living, then you better train your probative faculty along the lines that I'm suggesting in this investigation.
So I'll just close with that question again. Is the warrior impulse that's lacking in the world, that's the game changer. It's the counterattack against the enemies of life and against their pawns and patsies. The pawns and patsies of the enemies of life also have to be taken down as well as the enemies who are using them as weaponized fellow human beings. Using them, for instance, as refugees are weaponized to destroy the culture of Europe.
So, those refugees are merely the patsies of others who are managing and orchestrating this event, this attack on humanity, this tricking by which some parts of the human race destroy other parts of the human race. And in all this confusion and in the fog of war, in the fog of the war of mind control, in the fog of the social war, in the assault of cultural Marxism in every area of life that you can imagine, in all of this, the game does not change, does it? No, the game does not change.
The perpetrators keep running their script, although it's wearing down and wearing thin, and they will run it until they destroy themselves. The nature of psychopathy is that the psychopath does not ultimately reckon the consequences of his or her own actions, even though, paradoxically, the psychopath does, in a most clever and devious manner, play chess with the minds and behavior of others, and usually wins, because they cheat.
But the psychopath ultimately does not reckon on the consequences of his or her own actions. The game changer on this planet within the framework of Sophia's correction is the emergence of the warrior class represented by the Thunderbird formation of the Calico War Party and the re-owning and assertion of the moral imperative of violence.
But for that to occur, the warrior spirit, if you will, must be reborn out of the womb of the Virgin. Now, I started this talk by suggesting that the Mandela Effect would take a particular turn during this month, or this six weeks of the stall of Jupiter. Well, let's wait and see, let's watch and see, day by day. And if my analysis is correct, it's not an opinion, it's not a prediction, excuse me, it's just an analysis. If my analysis is correct, then we could expect that elements of the talisman and the warrior component and warrior counterpart to Sophia would play into the Mandela effects to come.
Well, let's see if that happens, okay? Let's set that up as a QED, something to be demonstrated. So be vigilant, be cautious, beware of the enemies of life and the games they play.
And until the next time, may your attention be rewarded by the truth.