Hello again, this is JLL with Gnostic Intel on the Internet. It's April 1st, 2017 and this is episode or installment 18 and the title is Synoptic Clues in the Effect, specifically the Wynona Winona Ryder clue.
So I'm back after a break of a few days. I'd like you all to know that it's my intention to complete this course, this investigation, in 64 installments, and that will be done by the middle or end of May. I advise you to be mindful, be vigilant, pay attention and take notice that this investigation is taking a turn.
The learning curve of the super-learning event is a steep curve and it's going to get steeper and the investigation as I call it, the elucidation of the Mandela effect will by my intention proceed rapidly and rigorously from this point on. So let me kick off by picking up directly from the previous talk. You will note that I misspoke or mispronounced a word consistently throughout that talk. The word cipher I pronounced as the word cyber.
So I wanted to introduce the concept of a cipher text, or a decoding tool. That was the principle point of talk 17. And I think in about 8 instances out of 10 I said cybertext instead of ciphertext. So whenever I make an error I act in keeping with the Gnostic rule of self-correction. I like to correct myself if I catch myself in an error or mistake that's not really an error it's just a factor of mispronunciation that occurs usually due to the conditions in which I'm delivering this material. You don't know what those conditions are, do you?
While I'm standing alone in a room in front of a microphone which is named Meteor, I think. Hold on. No, it's named Samson, and it's about the size of a tennis ball, and it cost me eight euros. Due to the fact that I don't have a flesh and blood living audience in front of me and I don't even have the sublime presence of my not wild cat Nikita to steady me, I sometimes misspeak. If that were to happen in an active class situation, one of you would simply raise your hand and say, hey John, what do you mean to say?
So I don't mean ever to say cybertext. I mean to say ciphertext. But, however, one learns from one mistakes. Sometimes a mistake can introduce or open up a new facet of learning. It can trigger a realization. So I'm going to take that opportunity of having misspoken in that way to introduce a word to you. I want to introduce a new word into your vocabulary. I just might mention that I'm known for doing this. Perhaps you don't realize it yet. Those of you who are picking up on me in this experiment in teaching on YouTube, perhaps you don't know it yet, but I happen to be the dude, that particular dude who introduced the word Archon and the adjective form Archontic on the internet going on 15 years ago.
So I'm going to give you some vocabulary from time to time, for instance synoptic, and the reason why I introduce this vocabulary or terminology is because in the practice of Gnosis there is jargon just as there is in any area of life. Sailors have jargon, it's called nautical jargon. Golfers have jargon, hackers have jargon, and Gnostics have jargon. So from time to time I'll introduce some Gnostic jargon. And the mistake I made confusing cyber with cipher is an opportunity for me to give you a particularly felicitous piece of jargon which is cybermatics. C-Y-B-E-R-M-A-T-I-C-S.
Cybermatics. Now you’ve heard of cymatics. You've heard of mathematics, but have you ever heard of cybermatics? Well, you're hearing it now, and this is how cybermatics is defined. Cybermatics is the systematic approach and management of human intelligence as if it were AI, as if it were artificial intelligence.
So if you view and manage your own intelligence, that is to say the operations of your own mind, cyber-matically, you are actually running your mind as if it were AI rather than human intelligence. And that is a very, very serious mistake. One of the fantastic opportunities of the Mandela Effect is to correct the mistakes that human animals make, that the human species as a whole makes, pertaining to the use of its own intelligence.
And so, in some future talk, and you can hold me to this, up to talk 64, I will dedicate one talk to the problem of cybermatics. I can assure you on the basis of Gnostic intel, which has been tried and tested by myself and a select group of people, that the human, that the divine experiment with humanity on this planet was not designed to operate on AI. It was not designed to operate on MS-DOS or Apple OS. It was designed to operate on the noetic principles of the living intelligence of this earth itself, of the living intelligence of the Sophianic divinity who is the earth and who is your mother and who is your designer.
The Mandela effect contains an array of messages, signals, instructions, warnings and directions coming from that source, coming from Sophia, the Aeon Sophia who is the central divinity of the Gnostic system of noetic science. Clear enough?
So whatever you make of this investigation so far and whatever you may think of me, register in your mind the outstanding fact that I have stated that the Mandela effect is a signal coming from the planetary intelligence itself, the planetary intellicae. And if you as a single human individual want to learn how the intelligence of the earth works with your intelligence, and if you want to become interactive with Gaia Sophia, and join the PIA or the Planetary Intelligence Agency, then you are listening to the right channel.
I am happy to say that I'm enjoying this more and more, although I had my reservations about whether I could get across a coherent and comprehensive Gnostic message in 25-minute sound bites on YouTube. I had my reservations, but I'm really beginning to enjoy this now. And you have my assurance that at the end of 64 episodes, I will have done my level best and there is something paranormal in my capacity. In other words, I am coming to you from a non-ordinary state of consciousness. Ahem.
I intend to show you, to give you the proof, not only that this is true, the planet itself is signaling you through the Mandela effect. But that you are part of the proof, you will know that the proof is true when you see how you are part of the proof. That is my ultimate intention in this series of talks. Also made, I misspoke when I said the goddess Sophia is the name given to Gnostics by the planet, but of course it's the name given to the planet by Gnostics.
Remember that Gnostic cosmology does not assert that the Aeon Sophia, who is identified as a galactic or star goddess coming from the center of this galaxy, created the Earth or created the human species. She did not create you. She did not create the earth. She turned into the earth and she is dreaming you as part of her experience of what is called technically material immanence in the earth.
Now I’m going directly a minute ten to the follow-up of what I said before, about the 6 signals contained in what I'm calling the nominative clue. The nominative clue to the Mandela effect is the name Mandela itself and that is absolutely unique. It stands in front of all others, it's at the gateway, it's the Sphinx on the road. I implore you to be diligent and steady and look closely at the nominative clue. How the effect is named is not by chance. And I still have more to say here and I still have more to show you here. But for right now I'll return to my point in development.
There is one verb and six nouns in the German definition of the word Mandel. And when you combine verb and noun you get six different signals. The first signal, the shock of the amygdala, is a warning. The second signal, the shock of the almond, is a call to recognize the source of the signal. Remember that I said in the introductory text that some vectors of the Mandela Effect signal system point to the signal itself. She is revealing herself. She is telling you where the signal you are receiving through these phenomena, is coming from. It’s coming out of the almond. It’s coming out of the terrestrial or telluric matrix of the planet itself. Clear enough?
So, out of the six discrete components of the signal encoded in the nominative clue, two of them have been decoded or deciphered. Now I said I was going to go to two others, the geode and the 16, the 15-16 clue. I'm not going to do that right now. I've changed my tactics, the particular reason being simple.
Part of my exposition in this course of talks involves taking specific examples of Mandela such as the Volkswagen logo or Sally Fields or the Forrest Gump dialogue, taking those specific examples and interpreting them and decoding them. But at the same time that I'm doing this in 20 or 25 minute segments, I'm also setting out the method in which I do it. I’m not just showing you mantik, which is the art of divination, but I'm imparting the skill to you. This is what I enjoy the most, is to impart the skill to you. I just don't want to sit here and tell you what I know.
How deep is your love of the earth? How deep is your love of the mystery of being alive. Do you really want to know? Well, if you really want to know, I'll just tell you. And the things that I can tell you will spin your head like nothing you've ever heard and spin you into lucidity if you are lucky, if you are diligent and devoted to the source of life. Do you really want to know or do you just want to know? Or do you really mean to learn? If you really mean to learn, you are at the right place at the right moment. I will teach you the art of divination. I will impart it to you. It is part of the initialization of the super-learning event.
And remember, don't say spirituality anymore. Delete. Say mantik, like antique, physique, critique, technique. You're learning mantik, and don't say spiritual anymore. Delete. Say mantik. Mantik. This is a mantik investigation. This is a mantik exposition of an extraordinarily paranormal phenomena. It is the most extraordinary paranormal phenomena in any historical record of the human species, the Mandela effect. The source of it is supernatural and paranormal.
The source of it is not human, the source of it is not hackers or D-wave quantum computers. The source of it is the Divine Mother Planet Herself, the planetary animal mother. Call Her Pam, call Her Sita, which means feral in Sanskrit. It was a name for the consort of Krishna. Sīta, call her Mama Sīta, call her Saccha-mama, but call the source by an intimate, loving, familiar and affectionate name, as you would address any great living being in your presence. Do you get that?
Okay, fine. I'm going to go directly, I'm not going to go to the four remaining cases in the nominal clue. That's a tactical decision I'm making as a teacher. Were I to go to those four remaining cases, were I to take even one of them, for instance, the big 15 is the 16, and there's a shock in that message. Were I to decode that right now, I would have to take you deeply into the cipher text file. I would have to go deeply into the auxiliary tool in order to decipher that. And that would be a distraction at this point, in my judgment as a teacher.
So I'm going to take you directly to a clue and use a vivid example of a well-known Mandela effect and show you how it refers to the cipher text to the body of Gnostic teachings which you require in order to decode some examples of the Mandela Effect, as I've explained at length in Talk 17. So here we go.
Sometime in February, early February I think it was, just about the time that I established this channel, this particular Mandela Effect came to my attention. As you know, one category of the effects, and I think I listed 15 categories in the introduction, is name changes, celebrity name changes. So suddenly it comes to the attention of those who care to give their attention in that way that the name of the actress, Wynona Ryder, which many remember as having been spelled W-Y-N-O-N-A is now spelled W-I-N-O-N-A.
So you see that in the title, or not in the title, I don't think I can do it in the title because of font limitations, but you'll see that in the tracking page I use my notation to indicate the Mandela effect shift. So first you see Wynona in bold, then you see the forward arrow, and then you see Winona in capitals.
So the instance that is written in bold always represents the occluded memory. That's the way it used to be. That's the way, for instance, I remember it. Whereas the instance that is shown in capitals, Winona, represents the occluding memory. So the notation is very helpful because it shows you immediately that people remember it as having been spelled Wynona, but now that is being overwritten, it appears, because the current record that you pull up on the internet and in other sources indicates that the name is spelled W-I-N-O-N-A.
And this is a vivid and very typical example, baffling example, of the Mandela effect. Well, who cares about Wynona Ryder and who cares if her name is spelled one way or the other? The fact of bringing this spell change to your attention is itself an act of witchcraft. You know, what's the difference between casting a spell and spelling a word? Well, it would appear from the point of view of the divine Sophia that there is no difference. And her way of casting a spell is by playing with the spelling of words. There's nothing sinister about this. It's not Satan trying to fuck with your mind.
It's the planetary mother trying to get your attention so that once she has it even at the most trivial level of pop culture, she can transmit into your attention a sublime message to direct you, to guide you, to regenerate you, and to instruct you how to correct the problems that have arisen in the divine experiment on this planet. So how do you proceed to decode such a signal?
Well as everyone knows who seriously follows this phenomenon, everyone knows by now, that a key factor in the Mandela effect is called residue. So you look for residue. In fact, residue determines the finding of residue determines whether an effect is genuine or not. And in this case, totally confirms that there is ample residue showing the occluded spelling W-Y-N-O-N-A, even though the current record presents another spelling. And those who hold to the current record and deny or disregard the Mandela effect would say, hey, it's spelled W-Y-N-O-N-A. Look, there it is all over the place today. Search for it. That's how it is now, and that's the only way it was ever spelled.
Well, that's m to the power of one, remember? M to the power of one is unequal to m to the power of two. M to the power of two refers to those people who follow the Mandela effect who have two memories. You have a memory of the way it used to be, and you have a memory of the way it is currently, because you also have to remember what is current, just like you have to remember what is past. That, by the way, is a deep secret of the function of memory, or the second attention.
So let's go directly to this clue, and I'll decode it right in front of your eyes. I advise you to follow the tracking page. Now you see that I've reproduced an article from the Bryan Times, May 15, 1990, and it presents residue, the occluded spelling. Wynona Ryder is spelled with a Y. And also, you will notice that in that article, it says in the same sentence, “It began when Wynona Ryder had a nervous collapse before filming started in Rome and director Francis Ford Coppola replaced her with his daughter Sophia.”
Okay, you have a sentence from residual evidence which contains the name of Wynona Ryder and the name Sofia, although it's spelled as a girl's name, pronounced Sofia rather than Sophia, which is spelled S O P H I A. Is this the Mandela effect? Is this an example of the Mandela effect pointing you to itself, even giving you its own name, although not spelled as Gnostics spelled her name? I’ll leave it to you to make up your mind.
I've said this effect is user-friendly and I have a lot more to show you about how that is the case. But for right now, because I'm running out of time, but right now, I'll wrap up this installment by showing you how this this instance of the effect encodes a synoptic clue. Now you need to read what I mean by a synoptic clue on the tracking page. Those clues are considered synoptic when they can only be interpreted or deciphered by reference to the body of Gnostic teaching in its five components.
So this is a synoptic clue. If you knew nothing about Gnostic writings, if you did not have access to the Nag Hammadi texts, and if you were not familiar intimately with the content of those materials, you could not decipher the Wynona clue. How do I decipher it? Well, read what it says on the tracking page. What you see here, illustrated on the tracking page, is an example of a phoneme used subliminally to transmit the encoded information. So, what is a phoneme?
It is a distinct unit of sound that belongs to a language that distinguishes one word from another. For instance, the English words pad and pat are two different phonemes. Although they sound similar, they're distinct as phonemes. The source of the Mandela effect uses phonemes. She is transmitting the effect into your mind at the level of phoneme units of sound. That is why it doesn't matter if she uses the profound philosophical teachings of Aristotle or pop psychology and reference to celebrities and serial brand names. It's absolutely a matter of indifference to her because the use of the phoneme to signal into your mind is the same, whether the language comes out of Aristotle or whether it's taken from the pronunciation of a celebrity name.
So back to the tracking page, let's consider what are the phonemes in this woman's name? Well they are Winona or Wynona. Now let's take win and why. Win is a verb so Winona means what? Why is also not a verb, it's an interrogatory noun, why? So there are two questions, there are two subliminal suggestions prompting you through this instance. Why Nona? And Win Nona? Okay, actually I don't recall how it was pronounced exactly. I think that since I carry the occluded memory, spelled with a Y, W-Y-N-O-N-A, was always pronounced Winona Ryder, Winona Ryder.
Now however, because the supernatural source is playing with this name to get your attention, she is toggling the phenome from Y to Win and attached to both phenomes is the double phenome, nona. But what does the word nona mean? Well, go look it up. The word nona, and I've indicated the definition there, is a combining form, and it means nine, the ninth, or having nine.
Now, if you do not have reference to the cipher book, to the body of existing Gnostic materials, which includes the received ancient writings as well as the upscaled and extrapolated Gnosticism of today, if you don't have access to that file, Nona, may suggest various things to you, of course. But it will not suggest exactly what the source of the signal intends for it to suggest. And what might that be? And how do I know what the source of the signal intends for it to suggest.
Well, as a Gnostic student all my life, and a Gnostic teacher, and as a specialist in these materials, who've written the primary work on the recovery of Gnostic wisdom in our time, I know the cipher text by heart. Oh yes I do. And not only me. Myself and others living today with you on this planet know in depth the translational codex of Gnostic materials to which many of the Mandela effects refer, and this is a vivid example. So, what's the reference?
Nona, the 9th or the 9th? Well, I will quote a passage from Not in His Image, chapter 10, which in itself quotes a passage directly from the Gnostic writings of the Nag Hammadi codices. “The Apocryphon of John describes the specific act of Pleromic intervention (Pleromic means at the galactic level), and Sophia's response to it in close detail. When the invisible spirit of the Originator had consented, the divine force poured over her, Sophia, from the whole pleroma of generators, the divine Aeons. For it was not her consort alone that came to her assistance, but through the Christos the entire pleroma came, so that she might correct her deficiency and she, Sophia, was elevated to above the realm of her offspring, the Lord Archon, that she might be in the ninth until she has corrected her deficiency.”
In mystery language, that is to say in the jargon of the pagan pre-Christian mystery schools, the ninth is code for the earth as the organic planetary body distinct from the inorganic planetary system which is called the Hebdomad or the seventh. In many mythologies throughout the world nine is the number of the goddess. Hallelujah!
Three times three is the preeminent signature of feminine divinity, Robert Graves in The White Goddess says, “the triple muse is woman in her divine character, the poet’s enchantress, the only theme of his songs.”
So with that quotation and that proof, I conclude this episode. Until the next time, stay with it, be sober, be steady and may your attention be rewarded by the truth.