Hello again, this is JLL with Gnostic Intel on the Internet. It's March 26, 2017, episode 16, and I'm here in this episode to tell you about a momentous event in your world, which may be described as a divine eruption in the terrestrial matrix. Imagine that.
Now in the previous episode 15 and in the one before, I indicated that the initial signal of the Mandela effect, which is encoded into the name and the narrative of Nelson Mandela, contains six elements, six clues or components, and by looking closely at these clues, you are able to determine that one of them is a verb and the others are nouns.
So there's one verb and five nouns. And if you combine the verb to shock with the noun amygdala, you get the shock to the amygdala, which is the first clue to be decoded. But obviously there are five other clues remaining. Oh, did I say there were six meanings of the word mandel in German? No, there are seven, so there is one verb and six nouns. Decoding the noun amygdala leaves five more nouns to be decoded, and in this episode, I am going to decode three of them at once. You can follow what I am doing from the notes on the tracking page, which you will always find linked in the description.
I'm going to look at the verb again. One always looks at the verb because that is the active part of the message, and combine it with the almond, the set of 15 or 16 and the geode.
Now, as I proceed, I invite you to recall that I've said that I have only one intention in what I'm doing here. You know, I've already done a lot of writing and teaching in my life. There's hundreds of hours of me on the Internet, for anyone who cares and dares to listen. I could stop tomorrow or this morning or this afternoon and feel completely fulfilled in my self-assigned mission to teach, to be a teacher to the world. But I'm doing this investigation in order to reach you, to reach the world, and make sense, in a way that I don't feel that I've done until now. That's my intention, just to reach you and make sense. Believe me, I have the same considerations you have. I have the same objections and reservations that come up in your mind. They come up in mind as well.
You may wonder, for instance, oh wait a minute, this information about Toxo is not necessarily new. In fact, search it on the internet and you find a tremendous amount of discussion of Toxo. Many people are aware of the presence and activity of this particular parasite.
So you can't actually say that it's a new or novel revelation if someone such as John Lash comes along and decodes the warning, decodes a warning about Toxo in the initial signal of the Mandela effect. In fact, one might ask the question, well, why does the world need something as baffling and elaborate as the Mandela effect effect in order to alert humanity about this alien parasitical entity. Why all of the commotion of the Mandela effect, which is an enormous and diverse phenomenon, if people have already been warned and alerted? It's a very good question. Anyone trying to make sense of what I'm saying and to make sense of the Mandela Effect in general would naturally ask that question sooner or later, wouldn't they?
So, how do I intend to answer that question? Well, I intend to answer that question by demonstrating to you that the Mandela Effect carries a profound instruction about the divine experiment on earth regarding its origin, regarding what has gone wrong with the experiment, and it carries also the formula or recipe for the correction of that experiment.
In fact, the Mandela Effect is the evidence in the world today, vivid in your face, undeniable, of what Gnostics called correction. Gnostics foresaw a certain event happening in the human world which they called correction by which they meant quite simply that the divine experiment having gone wrong due to an intrusion of alien forces would be corrected and the moment of the correction they foresaw is at hand.
So I intend to demonstrate that the amplitude and profundity of the Intel encoded into the Mandela effect is there so that you who are receptive to it can learn all about this experiment and how to correct it. In other words, so that you can be part of the solution on this planet. Note that of the seven elements in the initial signal, I have so far combined the verb with the noun amygdala. That's two elements that leaves five remaining.
That first combo points to the problem with the divine experiment. Many people have pointed to the problem of Toxo and many people have pointed to related problems of abnormal and insane human human behavior which can be correlated in one way or another to the Toxoparasite.
But who is speaking of the solution to those matters? And where would the solution come from? Who would propose the solution? How would you know if someone was presenting you with the solution? Suppose that the solution or correction of the divine experiment, as the Gnostics called it, was something of high novelty and originality that escaped your mind precisely because you are blinded to novelty by the Toxo-alien mindset.
It is an alien mindset operating within the human mindset that not only causes this experiment to go wrong, but even prevents the human subject from seeing how it has gone wrong. So the Mandela effect initially breaking through as a signal into the field of human attention alerts you to the problem. Ok.
A lot of people already know about the problem, but the Mandela effect doesn't stop there. By far, the magnitude of the message coming through the Mandela effect is about solution. And where does solution begin for the human animal in this experiment? Use your common sense. Where would solution begin?
Solution would begin with knowledge of how the experiment is designed and who designed it. Doesn't that make sense? Wouldn't that be a starting point for solution? Now I remind you that in the text of the introduction to the Mandela Effect, I pointed out something which you ought to review and you'll find it repeated in the tracking page.
The Mandela Effect is a complex signal designed to guide human attention in five distinct ways. One, it guides your attention toward the source of the effect itself, and that is a universal recognition. To put it in other words, in plain English, the USO, the Unidentified Supernatural Origin of the Mandela Effect, wants you to know it is there, it wants you to know who or what it is.
And so, encoded into the initial signal are three clues which point to the identity of the source. And the first one is the most obvious of all. It is the clue of the almond. Well, what is the almond, or the shape of the almond and what does it signify. Some of you may know that the almond shape also has a mathematic or geometrical correspondence. There is a geometrical version of the almond shape. Do you know that? I think some of you do know that.
And it is the shape that is formed by the intersection of two circles in what is called a vesica, or vesica pisces, that is the almond shape. The vesica pisces is an element in sacred geometry which has been known and applied by many generations of people around this world. Those who understood the mysteries of the design of nature in geometrical terms, looked upon the vesica pisces as a sacred symbol and a sacred form. But what was it the form of? What does the vesica pisces represent? Remember, it is a lentil shape, standing vertically, pointed at the top, pointed at the bottom.
The technical name for this form as it appears in the design of stained glass windows and many other examples of sacred and religious art is the mandorla. M-A-N-D-O-R-L-A. That is the name, technical name, for the shape of the vesica pisces and it is also the name for almond in certain languages such as Italian. So there you go.
The initial signal of the Mandela effect draws your attention to the almond shape, to the vesica, and it carries a shock. Just as the archontic infection shocks the amygdala and deranges the human animal, there is a counter-shock. The counter-shock is part of the solution. The counter-shock is the recognition of the origin of the Mandela effect signal. What is the counter-shock?
It's a force that erupts into the human mind and erupts into human reality through the vesica pisces. What could that be? Well, it's extremely easy to use a search engine on the internet and to put in vesica pisces and see what comes up. And if you combine the search with, say, sacred geometry, you get some hundreds and hundreds of examples that show that throughout many cultures in many ages on this planet, the Vesica Pisces has been taken to represent the force of the divine feminine or sacred feminine.
So if you search for Vesica Pisces plus divine feminine, you will immediately pull up a wealth of information about what the Vesica Pisces represents. There's no mystery here. So in a way the signal is simply reminding you of something that is already known.
In fact, the recognition of the divine maternal power of the universe as represented in the Vesica is one of the oldest imprints in human consciousness. It's one of the oldest features of the primordial knowledge of our species. We have known that and carried that knowledge and recognition for untold eons of time.
So, what the Mandela Effect is doing is reminding you of the presence of that maternal divine feminine entity and at the same time it shows you that the source of the effect is that entity. The source of the Mandela effect is the terrestrial matrix. That is to say, it's a signal coming from the earth itself.
Now just take a moment and consider this term, terrestrial matrix. You know, the word matrix is used everywhere and very often in a negative connotation. Oh, we're living in a matrix. There's something wrong about that. The film The Matrix introduced the notion that a matrix is a false or simulated world.
Now I'm going to devote an episode to refuting this theory of simulation as it is so called. And I'll also refute the notion that we are living in a matrix in the sense of the film The Matrix. We are most certainly not living in that sort of matrix.
So the refutation of matrix theory and simulation theory is part of the super-learning event. I just want to point out at this moment in the investigation that terrestrial matrix refers to something that is commonly known as nature. And nature is the matrix, the real matrix in which you're living. Matrix meaning the womb, the womb of nature. You live in the womb of nature, which is the womb of the earth, and the signal of the Mandela effect is coming from the earth, from the living intelligence of the planet itself.
The Gnostics had a name for that intelligence. They were on intimate terms with the planetary mind and the intelligence that designed the experiment in the planetary laboratory we call our home. And they named that entity Sophia, which means wisdom in Greek. So she could be called also the wisdom goddess. She can be addressed by other names such as the Aeon Sophia. That's a reference to the Greek word Aion, which is the Gnostic term for a god or divinity on the level of the galaxy.
So in the Gnostic narrative of Sophia, and they had a complete story about her, she is recognized as a star goddess on the galactic level who is at the origin of the human species, who in fact designed the human species and arranged for the human species to appear in a planetary laboratory so that this experiment in which we are now involved could unfold. She is the mother of the human species, Sophia. She is the terrestrial matrix, the signal of the Mandela effect comes from Sophia.
It is not an extraterrestrial signal. It does not come from ETs. It is not due to the hack of ETs into the human mind and into the field of human attention, including hacking into itself. Among those in my circle today, in the circle of living Gnostics today, those who practice what I call planetary Tantra, we refer to the Mandela effect as the mother hack. That is to say it is the evidence that the planetary mother, Sophia, has hacked into the human mind and not just that, not just that, hold on to your booties, she has also hacked into the IT device and the field of IT or internet media which occupies and preoccupies the human mind.
So the Mandela effect is not the result of some hackers from the future, or some hackers in Russia, or anywhere else on the planet. It is the result of a supernatural agency hacking into your mind. The planetary wisdom goddess Sophia has gained access to your mind and she's got some splainin’ to do.
Sophia's identity is the true identity of Lucifer. She is the true light bearer and the evidence of that and the proof of that, the revelation and manifestation of that are also contained in the Mandela effects.
So the wisdom goddess Sophia uses some of the effects to point to herself. And one of those is the almond shock. It's a shock to realize when you look at the earth, when you look at nature, that nature is an intelligent, autonomous, super-organism capable of communicating with the human species. And that is exactly what she's doing. Communicating with the human species, one creature at a time. That is pretty amazing. But it's not something that I expect you to accept on faith. Not the least, and I'm not promoting a religion here. Gnosis is not a religion. It is an alternative to all religions. It is a noetic science and a practice of experimental mysticism.
I intend to demonstrate to you the truth of what I'm saying. I don't expect anyone to take it on faith.
So in the next episode, number 17, I will go into more detail into those examples of the Mandela Effect through which the planetary animal mother, as I like to call her, is getting your attention in order to point your mind or direct your mind to her. She wants you to know that it is her. This is an intelligent animal communicating with you for a very specific purpose and the first thing that she needs from you is the recognition of who and what she is. And you find this recognition encoded in various examples of the Mandela effect. Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all? Magic mirror on the wall, who's the fairest of them all?
I advise you that the wit and mischievous flair of Sophia is present in the Mandela effect. She is playing with your attention at the same time that she is playing a very serious game of correction. The Mandela effect is the evidence of what Gnostics call Sophia's correction. The correction begins when you can recognize Sofía. Who's the fairest of them all? Well, what is the answer to that riddle? You hear many people repeating that Mandela effect. I'd say it's one of the top ten, wouldn't you? Pretty startling mirror, mirror, magic mirror, but don't get lost in the mirror, mirror, magic mirror part of it, look at the question attached to it.
Well, who is the fairest of them all? Well, what is the answer to that riddle? Grimm's Fairy Tales, Grimm's were two German brothers, by the way, once again the German factor in the Mandela effect. But Grimm's fairy tale recounts the story of Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
Oops, I said it, didn't I? Who is the fairest of them all? Snow White. Well, who is Snow White? Or what is Snow White? I’ll leave you with that question for you to savor and enjoy and pick up this theme in the next talk. And until then, may your attention be rewarded by the truth.