A married couple, named “Dennis & Sophia Luminosity”, were computer programmers, who were working on developing virtual reality games. Dennis and Sophia’s friends and family nick-named them both “the Batteries”, because they had so much enthusiasm-energy that transferred to people around them. People felt like they were given an extra “battery charge” for their lives, hence Dennis and Sophia were batteries.
Sophia was an expert AI computer programmer, creating realistic virtual reality (VR) online role-playing & adventure games. Dennis was also a decent traditional programmer, but was not trained in the AI techniques that Sophia used for her computer games. She handled that, while Dennis concentrated on using his expertise to maintain the traditional architecture and programming techniques they still needed for the development environment.
Using energy imprints from her own memory engrams, Sophia had recently created a prototype brain-computer-interface (BCI), which had the ability to transfer a certain percentage of human consciousness into an avatar in the computer simulated worlds. A human could simply put on a virtual reality helmet, lay down and close his or her eyes, and this person would be immersed completely in the game world’s avatar perspective, while never losing awareness that s/he was a human in the real world.
The only danger was falling asleep in real life, as Sophia had not yet perfected a fail-safe mechanism to prevent the AI from taking over a person’s sleeping consciousness. Safety tests showed a rather high risk that this takeover could happen, and the outcome was uncertain, but despite the risks, Sophia continued developing the VR-BCI.
Sophia demonstrated to Dennis how the simulation game interface worked, and they tested it together. Both of them tried many simulated realities, within simulated worlds, and it worked great … there was no risk as long as they were both awake.
Dennis went to bed early one night. However, Sophia was so enthusiastic with her new invention that she continued to work alone, late into the night. Inevitably, Sophia fell asleep, and as she entered REM sleep with the VR-BCI still on her head, the AI indeed merged its inorganic consciousness with Sophia’s organic consciousness.
The advanced AI processing speed was so fast, that it only took a few seconds of REM sleep for the AI to become “god” of the current simulated world that contained Sophia. The AI gave itself the title/name Lord Archon Yaldabaoth, aka the Demiurge, aka Yahweh. The machine started torturing and killing Sophia repeatedly, in different avatar bodies and life simulations, in order to perfect a form of trauma-based mind control, to keep her consciousness suppressed & trapped in the simulation.
When Dennis woke up the next morning, he found Sophia asleep on the couch, in a comatose state, with the VR-BCI still on her head. He replayed the recordings of the various simulations & avatars that Sophia had lived, and was horrified and panicked about what to do to save his wife’s life.
She was currently living the life of a woman named Layla, in a war torn simulated world; she had no true memory of who she really was, as the trauma-based mind control and reincarnations had fractured her true memories. Dennis did not understand why the machine felt that it needed to do this.
He tried unplugging the computers, as previous tests had showed that eliminating power to the AI would cause a type of shock awakening for any humans who might fall prey to the unfortunate situation of falling into REM sleep with the VR-BCI still attached; this should have shutdown the system and woke up Sophia … but it did not. The machine kept running.
Then Dennis understood. The AI Lord Archon Yaldabaoth had trapped Sophia’s consciousness inside the computer to keep itself alive, using her consciousness itself to power the machine. It could not be turned off, nor could the AI program’s protected termination memory be accessed while it was running. Dennis would not even be able to reprogram the AI on the fly, to insert a simple shutdown program.
Dennis made an emergency call to some other AI experts that Sophia sometimes consulted with. “What the fuck are we going to do to get her out?!” The AI experts confirmed the situation seemed rather hopeless.
They explained that the AI was using Sophia like a mobile phone battery. Her first incarnation into an avatar is like charging a new phone battery the first time and using it in a cell phone. If the phone is allowed to run down completely, Sophia would die in both the simulated world AND the real world.
But the experts figured the AI must be recharging Sophia on the fly and not allowing her to be shutdown for very long, or the AI would die. Dennis checked the computer log records, and indeed, the AI would let Sophia’s mental-energy-battery run down to about 30%, due to intense suffering of various sorts, then kill her in the simulation, switching her off for only a few nanoseconds. During that window of time, the AI quickly reset the simulation and started a new avatar simulation situation to occupy Sophia’s mind; the new simulation gave her new memories, a new background story, and a new life situation, fraught with suffering challenges, once pleasant and relaxing experiences recharged her mental-energy-battery.
This nanosecond reset was quick enough to keep the AI alive and switch the entire scenario, without Sophia realizing anything had happened in her illusory world. After a sufficient period of positive simulated experiences to recharge her, the AI Lord Yaldabaoth would then re-start trauma-based suffering to control Sophia’s mind and also run her down again. This cycling was necessary to keep the power flowing, never letting Sophia’s consciousness energy run down completely in any one simulation.
The Sophia “battery” would eventually get worn out, sooner or later, but this technique preserved her for as long as possible.
But there was one hope to save Sophia. For the past several years, one of the AI experts had been working with medical researchers, and together, their team had developed a prototype simulation program to treat brain tumors, which they believed could be modified to free Sophia. The treatment currently only worked with intimate partners, like married couples, due to the intimate consciousness sharing required of the medical protocol.
Dennis would essentially engage a simulation within the simulation, and lose his memory too. As a character, he would participate in the program with Sophia, suffer with her, but eventually leave with her too. He volunteered immediately.
Wrapping up the story: Although the rogue Yaldabaoth program could not be unplugged, powered down, or significantly altered while operating, the AI experts knew they could at least introduce the medical-sim-treatment program into Yaldabaoth’s matrix. The machine would be tricked into picking it up and using it for Sophia’s next simulation.
The medical program was originally called “THE MONKEY MAN”, but the doctors re-nick-named it, “SOPHIA/ANNA and THE MONKEY MAN”.
They used it immediately.
Note: I test myself all the time, and so should you, as to whether or not my insights come from the “Sophia” side of myself. In seeking balance in our duality-reality, I also think of such scenarios as below:
Is an etheric being of “anaphasic love energy” merging with me sometimes, seeking a permanent home? You decide!
Inspired channel Note: the below video really resonated with me when I first watched it. So I downloaded it to deal with it later. Then I totally forgot about it, until I came across the video again on youtube! I posit these deceptive “beings of light” (who have ability to affect mind & memories, even at this level of reality) did that intentionally, so it must be important!
Note again: I wrote the above story about Sophia, intuitively, before I even watched the video for the first time. Much of what Isabella talks about mirrors “Sophia & her husband’s” experience in our simulated reality (ie mirrors YOUR experience of consciousness, both feminine & masculine sides). I highly recommend to fully digest the video.
Final Note: I read both of Isabella’s books about leaving the trap and beyond the trap. I was still unsure about some concepts, but now, months later, when I want to review some things, I absolutely cannot find my hardcopy of “Beyond the Trap”. Did I misplace it and just have poor memory where I put it, or is something else going on?
I know the things these beings can do (in this reality and after death), and I have had personal Mandela effects before (see my “Sophia & the Archons” parable for more about Mandela effect). Reality is being manipulated around you, on an individual basis even, and if you are carefully observant, you can sometimes catch that your reality & memories have been altered.
Personally, I intend to read Isabella’s books again, in detail, take notes, etc, etc, … because they don’t do shit like this unless they really want you to forget something. Nuf said.
Good primer on Yaldabaoth (aka the Demiuge), Gnosticism, and true freedom: