

Note: The video narrator thinks our human experiences are recorded for the benefit of someone else, not us humans. The person claims we cannot know who created our simulated reality or why.

I say it IS possible to know some credible possibilities for the “product humans produce”.

Most likely possibilities:

  1. Something to do with the traditional idea of a war between God and Satan, perhaps a simulation to prevent that war before it happens?

  2. Or, perhaps a simulation to “cure” the thinking of some beings that already rebelled?

  3. Perhaps a simulation to train some for this war, that has yet to happen, like training in a fighter jet simulator?

  4. Other possibilities come to mind, but these are the likely ones, given their heavy emphasis in ancient texts showing these recurring spiritual themes throughout all of known human history

The video also talks about “qualia” and those 4 points are my harmony with qualia, at this particular moment :-)

Aether Pirates of the Matterium!
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The Nag Hammadi Library - James M. Robinson
2.2MB ∙ PDF file

Beginning on page 15 of the above Nag Hammadi collection of books, you will find:

The Apocryphon of James, CODEX I Translated by Francis E. Williams Selection made from James M. Robinson, ed., The Nag Hammadi Library, revised edition. HarperCollins, San Francisco, 1990.

Specifically, quoting Jesus from this Codex, Christ says:

The Lord said to me, "When you come to know what 'head' means, and that prophecy issues from the head, (then) understand the meaning of 'Its head was removed.' At first I spoke to you in parables, and you did not understand; now I speak to you openly, and you (still) do not perceive. Yet, it was you who served me as a parable in parables, and as that which is open in the (words) that are open.

Also note what Paul said, in our more familiar Bible, “For in him (ie Christ, aka truth, which there will always be SOME truth in our simulated reality) we live, and move, and have our being (assuming you can discern truth from falsehoods in our simulated reality); as certain also of your own poets have said, For we are also his offspring” (Acts 17:28, KJV).

As Christ said in “The Apocryphon of James”, we exist inside reality bubbles called parables (ie truman-atrix), and other people serve us as parables, within our own parable reality, as an intersection of truth, pointing to another parable-person in their reality. So everything around me speaks to me, and that is why I write the way I do. Perhaps this brief clip I did with Sonja Testerman explains better. :-)

Original video in Personal Podcasts

The gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were declared literal truth by Roman Emperor Constantine in 325AD. Then the early esoteric Christians, called Gnostics, were eventually hunted down and killed by the state, and their writings destroyed; the fake Christians followed orthodoxy as defined by the institutionalized Roman Catholic church. History records how wonderfully the Catholic church followed the ideals of love, burning people at the stake and such …

History Of Christian Religion To the Year 200AD
26.4MB ∙ PDF file

The Nag Hammadi library, a collection of early Gnostic writings from the first century, was hidden in a cave in Upper Egypt around 400AD (no doubt to prevent its destruction), but discovered in 1945. The knowledge & philosophy of the early Gnostics was then re-discovered. Sort of. Many still don’t know about it, and I only started studying Gnosticism in the last few years.

But the Gnostic writings read like parable characters talking to each other, and Jesus is one of the main characters, along with the familiar apostles we know about. From what I have studied so far, there is much deep philosophical discussions, and supernatural talk about things beyond normal human experience. But it is just that … talk. So why does Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John read like something only Superman could do?

Well, the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John were NOT quoted when the early Roman Catholic church was forming. That came later. The Catholic bishops and such were defensively trying to defend the literality of the life of Christ. These 4 canonical gospels only started to appear around 180AD.

Although I can’t absolutely prove it, I personally believe, because of times of my own shamanic-type of altered-state-of-consciousness connection with Originator-Creator-Oversoul (OCO), that the early Gnostics started communicating with OCO directly, and also 4D lower astral beings that the Gnostics called Archons, aka demons.

The Gnostics developed a type of psychic intuition connection with these invisible (NOT imaginary) forces, but such things are difficult, if not impossible, to convey with words alone. A person must have their own experiences and discern between OCO and the Archonic demons, which are led by the Demiurge (ie the devil).

The Nag Hammadi devotes a significant percentage of time to writing about the Archons, and where they came from, and about their HAL simulation technology, that has trapped divine sparks (ie humans) inside their virtual simulated reality that we think is the true reality.

It is important to note that HAL is phonetically similar to HELL, and that is not by accident … mind control (ie perception control) is greatly enhanced by subconscious subliminal messages. For example, if it is true that we live in a type of hell (which I think is rather hard to deny), then it lends credence to the idea that God will allow greater hell, like literal fire forever, after you die.

These are the kinds of contradictory ideas that Archons put into people’s minds to manipulate. A loving Heavenly Father tortures in literal fire forever? Despite the illogical & nonsensical nature of this concept, this obviously creates fear of death, fear of God, fear of greater hell in the next life, etc… Most Christians refuse to even consider any logical argument OR scriptures to the contrary. Yes, there are many scriptures that prove this idea false.

The only way to communicate with words, written or spoken, is to follow your Spirit guided intuition to encode your symbolic words (all words symbolize something and have multiple meanings) with symbolic images. And then you must trust that the Spirit of Truth, which I call SophiaChristos, will decode the various depths of meaning, for those whom SophiaChristos wishes to comprehend the mysteries.

“And this gospel of the kingdom (inward Gnosis taught by SophiaChristos) shall be preached in all the world (with modern tech as an assist) for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come (end is rather close)” (Matthew 24:14, KJV).

So, again, why does Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John read like something only Superman could do? Again, though I can’t prove it, based on my personal intuition-driven Gnosis, there is much more to the story than is generally known.

As the Gnostics became more adept, and could also see the dangerous way things were progressing, by around the end of the 2nd century, they started to encode their writings with more fantastical & supernatural elements, as instructed by the Spirit, to more deeply encode the mysteries.

I do believe a man known as Jesus Christ walked the earth, and taught 12 disciples. But Jesus was a Gnostic, who learned from other Gnostics, who had been around for centuries before Jesus, but Jesus became better at Gnosis than any other wo/man in history.

Consequently, Gnostic mystery teachings influenced Christ and vice versa; writings about Christ and the things He was saying began while Christ was still alive! And these writings did not start out so supernatural.

The Catholic church later kept some of the fantastical elements in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John, but doctored many other parts of the Gnostic writings to suit their own preferred fear/confusion programming. Some people think the institutional church made it ALL up. My readers will have to decide for themselves, of course.

What on earth is happening (WOEIH) -> transcriptions 4 study
Fake-ass Christians (part 1)
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I suggest that my readers really try to tune into their own psychic connection to truth (we all have some ability) and carefully consider what I write next.

I do believe Jesus meant some of the things He said to be taken as literal, and some things as metaphor/parable to hide truth for a time, and when errant-elect become more mature, Holy Spirit will unlock truths in Jesus' parables, the parable of the Bible, parable of nature and history, etc...

It takes maturity and wisdom to hear Father God declare what is literal versus metaphor, inward versus outward, individual versus communal, absolute versus relative, or proper mixture of the different sides to things. I have the gift of parables, and both write and teach like the Gnostics.

In fact, supernatural symbolic parables are so important in teaching spiritual truths that I believe Holy Spirit has revealed to me a secret about the early church and time of the apostles.

The Gnostics started their Nag Hammadi gospels during the life of Christ, while He was still alive. Decades after Christ's resurrection, after they started having deeper supernatural spiritual experiences and came to understand the truth better, they began encoding the truth more deeply; to preserve the deeper meaning regarding what Jesus said, the Gnostics eventually wrote fanciful supernatural fictional accounts of what He said in the form of parable stories, as if it all happened literally with Jesus as the main character but it didn't.

They eventually came to understand and embrace the entire parable teaching style of Jesus, and did likewise, and chose this way to encode what He meant by what He said. Nothing much outwardly supernatural happened in Jesus' ministry, perhaps a few small things, but nothing so embellished as we are led to believe.

More from Gnostic Morgue below, about the true inner miracles Christ performed on others, with mere words:

Original video on youtube

Jesus’ main miracle was that He spoke Holy Spirit inspired supernatural words/parables that sort of stimulated people’s consciences, and later they came to understand the inward supernatural miracle of evolving into God in their imaginations, and how important parables/symbolism is to spiritual growth and maturation.

Jesus did appear to rise from the dead, but then He was never really here to begin with, and neither are YOU!

I know that may seem odd to say, but my parable, The Monkey Man, attempts to explain.

Christ appeared to His disciples after He died and did supernatural things to inspire and challenge them. But that is the only legitimately supernatural outward thing He did. All the rest of what the gospel writers wrote was their way of writing a parable of inward supernatural spiritual understanding. The early gospels didn’t have lots of supernatural actions. But later they did, due to deeper encoding.

More from Morgue below about what the Gnostic Christ demonstrated about our simulated reality, after rising from the dead:

Original video on youtube

Regarding deeper encoding, the supernatural process of learning to hear the voice of Originator-Creator-Oversoul (ie strong intuition) became instant physical healing of deaf people in the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John.

The supernatural process of "seeing" (understanding) Originator-Creator-Oversoul’s essence in nature and scripture became instant opening of literal blind eyes.

Feeding 5000 instantly with physical fish and bread was just their way of codifying in parable form that in later years the disciples understood Christ said He was the bread (truth) of life and fully assimilating (ie digesting) supernaturally created truth (bread) inwardly, through the proper understanding of the mind of Originator-Creator-Oversoul, is what brings eternal life.

The Gnostics called this process Gnosis, which means knowledge (more specifically coming to know the truth about your divine nature), instead of just believing doctrine.

“And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free”. (John 8:32, KJV)

It took the early Gnostic church decades to mature and that is why the gospels were written long after Christ's resurrection. The early church came to understand supernatural parable symbolism and how flexible it is. The whole Bible is a parable, and believers (knowers actually) started to spin spiritual meanings in so many ways.

There were many Gnostic gospels circulating about, gospel of Mary, Philip, Thomas, Judas, etc... and none were taken literally at the time, but rather understood and respected as a parable way to expound on eternal spiritual truths about consciousness that Christ spoke.

The early Gnostics learned to speak and write in similar manner as Christ Himself did, but made Christ lead character in many of the gospel parables, while understanding that Christ Himself was moved by the spirit of SophiaChristos; this spirit of truth was what was important, not the man speaking, who was pretty much just like them in every respect. Greater connection to Source perhaps, but you can have that too.

This greater connection, by the way, only comes after learning from making TONS of mistakes, just like everybody does. Yeah, Jesus was NOT perfect. The institutional church lies about that one too.

Bottom-line: Christ is MUCH MORE a concept of inward consciousness development, although Christ (ie Truth) was a person too. YOU are that person. YOU are becoming “Christ”. Can you “hear” truth in what you are reading now? If so, you are possibly part of the SophiaChristos collective consciousness. :-)

Original video on youtube

History shows that when Constantine made Christianity the official religion of the Roman empire, spiritual anarchy abounded. There were so many wacky gospels full of fanciful stories about Jesus, complex theology, deep discussions and such, that the empire did what all physical organizations do to keep order, implement fear tactics to force compliance to established truth by flawed human leaders.

The council of Nicea determined what was "truth" and what was "true" gospels and banned the rest as heresy, dictating the four gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John as all literal accounts of Jesus' life. The Catholic church gained more influence and got more aggressive, and in time, the institutionalized church burned many at the stake in dark ages history, etc ... to enforce their power structures in the same way as Rome crucified Christ, vicious manners.

But the main thing the Gnostics knew was to go inward, and connect with Originator-Creator-Oversoul inwardly, in your own heart, and these rebel Gnostics rejected ANY outward authority to dictate truth to themselves.

By the way, at the next level, after physical death, brutal tactics to keep order/discipline in groups is all gone. Not necessary there. But this brutality was inevitable in history, and Jesus knew it would happen.

The early apostles came to understand negative spirituality better too (ie excessive negative consequences to control others in a groupthink), as they started getting kicked out of the very churches they established, and apostasy was full-blown before the apostles even died.

Physical organizations inevitably start to make the organization "God", and more important than individuals, less a family feeling of support, unconditional love and acceptance, and more reflective of perceived negative aspects of Originator-Creator-Oversoul, like negative consequence "hell", fear, manipulation and control tactics.

As physical organizations get bigger, “leaders” feel the need to play "God" and define "truth" for the organization, make rules and decisions about who is in and who is out, and curtail freedom for fear of anarchy, if everybody is allowed to decide everything for themselves. Can’t have full freedom, don’t ya know?

When it comes to outward physical control of large groups, we can't do better than “the God of this world” (ie the devil), who created the physical nation of Israel to picture groupthink problems, as a society supposedly needs rules, laws, secular leaders (kings), religious leaders (priests), but it only pictures a fucked up version of the family groupthink of Originator-Creator-Oversoul. None of this type of control is needed at 5D reality and above.

Original video on youtube

Jesus connected in His Spirit (consciousness) with the spiritual groupthink, Father, Son, Spirit, elect, angels, demons even, who are currently enemies but being dealt with. The things of groupthink point to things in the spirit realm, but the groupthink of the family of Originator-Creator-Oversoul is never fully represented properly in any physical organization, as they all feel the need to keep order sometimes in ungodly ways.

In today's world, human imagination still reigns, and we have wildly creative ways to interpret even the four "authorized" gospels, which have spawned 50 thousand bickering denominations, and control structures to determine "truth" for us.

For example, 50 thousand bickering denominations still pretty much agree you must believe in Trinity or you will burn in literal hellfire forever. The trinity edict from the council of Nicea still stands in the minds of most Christians.

However, my Origins site details many reasons why I believe both these cherished doctrines are in error, and hell is about fiery correction to save, not literal fire forever. “Everyone will be salted (ie saved, as salt preserves) with fire” (Mark 9:49).

Perhaps a colloquial expression at this link will help clarify. Just click HERE.

"Your father Abraham rejoiced to see my day: and he saw it, and was glad." (John 8:56). Abraham, like all elect in history, had supernatural revelations & experiences with Originator-Creator-Oversoul and knew about Christ's coming into history before He even came. Another example is the creator of the Mithras religious mystery tradition had many uncanny similarities to Christianity.

You can interpret this to mean Christianity is fake and just borrowed themes from other fake religions, or you can discern that many people here and there, scattered all over the globe in history, had similar supernatural revelations & experiences as Abraham and tried to make a difference, inspired by Originator-Creator-Oversoul in their own way.

Original video on Rumble

The Worlds Sixteen Crucified Saviors Kersey Graves
22.3MB ∙ PDF file

I say, the general wisdom traditions had similar beginnings. Some examples of mystery traditions include Alchemy, the natural philosophy that purifying base metals into something like gold, was a parable of the perfection of the human body and soul. This Alchemy was thought to result from the magnum opus ("Great Work"--those who find their life in following SophiaChristos, whether before S/He came into history or after). Kabbalah would be another example. And, of course, Gnosticism, which was mostly destroyed as heresy by early institutionalized Christianity, and the dead sea scrolls are interesting too.

Original video on youtube

We don't get burned at the stake anymore (but don’t think such persecution impossible to return) for holding different views on scripture, but the subtle pressure to conform and be accepted by authority & majority Christians is still powerful nonetheless.

But back to encoding about spiritual processes. Instantly healing physical leprosy is also a parable way of describing inward process healing of spiritual leprosy, where conscience gets insensitive to truth because of the leprosy disease of so many lies around us.

Parables are simple stories (sometimes supernatural) to encode truthful comprehension as if it happened instantly, but the stories really point to the process of inward spiritual healing over a lifetime. True spiritual experience is a process.

Christians usually claim to take the gospels literally, but then refuse to gouge their eye out or cut their right hand off if it causes them to sin, as Christ said that too (Matthew 5:30).

Note: I define “sin” as losing connection to your Higher Self and failing to learn from and/or correct your mistakes.

So, “Christians” (generally) and their supposed “leaders” (always) refuse to take scripture literally, if it is inconvenient, but want others to take certain things literally (which they will define for you, of course) in order to fear and control others. I don't take it so literally anymore either, or I would have cut my right hand off a long time ago, probably starting around age 10. hahahahaha ... but scripture can be an instructive spiritual story & parable, if you understand it in the correct way.

Some good information from an intelligent trier of fact, Acharya S, aka D.M. Murdock

Acharya’s website: truthbeknown.com

Acharya S The Christ Conspiracy The Greatest Story Ever Sold Adventures Unlimited Press (1999)
2.44MB ∙ PDF file

Original video on youtube

Who Was Jesus (acharya, S)
28.4MB ∙ PDF file

Documentary below based on some of Acharya’s reasoning, although she is NOT mentioned by name.

Original video on youtube

The body symbolically represents the mind, as we commonly say things like "God spoke to me in my heart." We know such words symbolically reference the central core of your mind, as the physical heart is center of the physical body.

Leprosy dulls the pain sensations of physical body so you damage the physical body and don't feel pain, just like you can violate your conscience enough to not feel pain at sin (remember this is simply losing connection to your Higher Self, learning from, and correcting mistakes).

It is violation of conscience also to preach that a loving Heavenly Father tortures the vast majority of His human children in literal fire forever. Hell as a state of mind is not something control freak religious leaders want to teach, like Pharisees in the fictional gospel stories represent all organized religion that want to keep you trapped in fear to their lies. In this sense organized religion represents demons, and is the physical representation of lying/fear propagating control agents called the devil and demons.

All organized religious leaders support some wicked ideas of hell, like literal fire forever, or annihilation, as Jehovah's Witnesses claim is true of hell. None understand the mind of Originator-Creator-Oversoul, and do not teach one how to think, but rather only what to think to make money, get fame, control, etc...

So anyway, my deeper understanding of what happened in the past can be likened to modern “priests”, aka scientists, who dictate to us what happened in the past: Big bang, planetary and biological evolution makes pond scum become bacteria, which becomes monkeys, which becomes man, which becomes highly evolved alien gods.

Are these “aliens” about to show? The pentagon released UFO videos portend preparation for this possibility, and here are many more links to show this is a real phenomenon.

I can make up stories and guess what happened in the past too, just like everybody. I can deceive too for personal fame, money, recognition, existence, etc... But I try to connect with SophiaChristos who tells me truth about past and future. Connect with Originator-Creator-Oversoul yourself to understand I speak truth.

I don't have expert credentials conferred by humans (neither did Jesus or the apostles), so I am NOT some authority you must believe. I don’t expect that the system will enforce of my beliefs (knowings really), but rather my expert credentials come from Originator-Creator-Oversoul. I will leave it to Originator-Creator-Oversoul to enforce.

Human nature has an instinct to judge, manipulate, control, use fear tactics, etc... others though, typically, not ourselves, as we see ourselves as pretty perfect in our own eyes and everybody else needs judgment and control, but not ourselves so much.

Ruling physical organizations (groupthink) with a rod of iron keeps some order, perhaps, in a wicked world, or else the traditional form of anarchy might arise. At least that is what the controllers want us to fear, so we think we need the slavery of government. But excessive control attitude does little to teach one how to think, but rather only encourages to mindlessly comply or else.

When you become more spiritual, less external control is needed and you see reality for what it truly is. In the next life, a Co-Creator-Oversoul (an offshoot of Originator-Creator-Oversoul) needs NONE of this. If you don't understand, you are still ruled too much by your carnal mind.

Scientists are just as much control freaks as religious leaders. Defy a church and eventually you are kicked out. Defy the science evolution belief system and you are shouted down, labeled stupid and uneducated, funding pulled, threatened loss of job, etc... Honest high school biology teachers are not allowed to point out the flaws in evolution, anymore than an honest leader in church can point out the flaws in your interpretation of scripture. You will get fired/ostracized eventually, one way or another.

The demonic control aspect of humans is within any physical organization, so called secular or religious. It is about fear tactics, control and manipulation tactics, force and enforcement to make one compliant to the illusion system.

Fear of death makes one comply or die, literal death as in you lose your job and starve to death, or symbolic death as perhaps everybody in your religious control system might shun you or dis-fellowship you like Jehovah's Witnesses are known to do, making you feel dead & alone & cutoff from former friends and/or family.

We need a new "religion" based on love, truth, freedom, honesty, the right to question & debate, and as free from control and enforcement tactics as possible.

Without some fear, sometimes humans can get out of control, but only the psychotic ones, like those who want to enslave us with government, who seem to have lost any fear of the masses and are moving to worldwide Coviet Union tyranny. I understand fear as a control & manipulation tactic. But I will never create a physical religious organization, and attempt to control or kick people out for any reason except offenses that seem reasonable to me.

As a thought experiment, I might ask myself, “Can I call the so called ‘secular’ police and have them lay reasonable charges (persecution for ‘hate speech’ does NOT qualify as reasonable)?” If so, then you will be removed from my premises. Anything else stifles free speech and debate too much, and among mature adults, this is stupid, IMHO.

As fantastical as my imagination can be in my parables, Jesus also meant it literally when He said with Originator-Creator-Oversoul all things are possible (Matthew 19:26). If something was impossible for Originator-Creator-Oversoul to do, then we would not even be able to imagine it.

The classic paradox to stump theologians goes something like this: Could God create a rock so heavy that He could not lift it? The paradox, of course, is if you say yes then now God can't do something, lift a rock. If you say no then again now God can't do something, create a rock too heavy for Him to lift. The correct answer to solve the seeming paradox is, yes Originator-Creator-Oversoul can create a rock too heavy for Him to lift, and at the same time do the impossible and lift an infinitely heavy rock.

The infinite Originator-Creator-Oversoul can do this, because Originator-Creator-Oversoul is all things and everything, including the rock, but this is why created beings will never fully understand Originator-Creator-Oversoul, and must learn a great deal of implicit trust, despite life's difficult journey.

We will never know all things, and there will always be unanswered questions and a certain degree of mystery, but we can still know much, especially what Originator-Creator-Oversoul reveals by SophiaChristos’ Holy Spirit. With this attitude in mind, there can be value in properly decoded written words, whether the Bible, Nag Hammadi, Bhagavad Gita, Quran, etc …

Again, I suggest to read, The Monkey Man, as it is my flagship parable and explains much, with links to more details on key concepts.

The Monkey Man is fantastical, with some literality and also blending with reality, and has some hints and clues, and holds the tension that all things are possible, even fantastic open contact with supernaturally deceptive ancient alien-gods (demons) as per one possible interpretation of the Bible prophesied end-time deception.

Now we even have the pentagon released UFO videos, and admission it is real, and STRONG evidence we are not alone, as no man-made craft can do the things these UFOs can do. The Pentagon lies, and UFOs could be a psyop for nefarious reasons.

However, I think the world should be debating & discussing these stunning UFO videos and admissions from the pentagon, but not many seem to care, evidence the conditioning and setup for possible deceptive open contact is proceeding on plan.

We end-time elect engage in supernatural imagination God-thoughts, and come to understand that if Father God will allow the spiritual sons of God (demons) to openly manifest and do supernatural displays to deceive in literality, then the human sons of Originator-Creator-Oversoul (we elect) will also be allowed to openly manifest supernatural displays to undeceive.

But we mere humans will be more powerful, for we will be focused on reality (the unseen spirit realm) and not mere literality (what the 5 natural senses can detect). We will do wacky/crazy supernatural stuff the gospels record Christ did, but He didn't really do in literality, only in reality.

With Originator-Creator-Oversoul all things are possible, so we will do both: literality and reality miracles. Remember, the real miracle Christ did was beat death and rise from the grave, and He proved this much to His disciples. The rest is fanciful supernatural stories to make spiritual points, and the rest of the Bible is similar style. Truly inspired writers discover this “parable-secret” of the errant-elect.

Some of the Old Testament miracles may have happened, as I know Christ miraculously rose from the dead, and I am personal witness to some other supernatural things, but mainly the Bible is parables to teach spiritual things. We honor Originator-Creator-Oversoul to believe it all could have happened literally, for with Originator-Creator-Oversoul all things are possible.

However, we are supposed to rejoice in being saved, not that we will have greater supernatural power than demons in the end. "Notwithstanding in this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you; but rather rejoice, because your names are written in heaven." (Luke 10:20)

If you can maintain simple gratitude & appreciation & joy for the greater miracle of salvation, rather than covet lesser miraculous power like outward displays that impress humans only but mean nothing to Originator-Creator-Oversoul, then you will get both in the end.

Don't let eternal life become a common thing, losing enthusiasm for it because of the cares of this life and the pleasures of sin, and if you can handle ultimate power in the end, you will be granted it. "Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me (in the end-times), the works that I do (supernatural works) shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do (super-supernatural works to defeat alien-gods); because I go unto my Father." (John 14:12)

The greater works are the inward spiritual application & mindset right now, and eventually, we will be able to do outward displays of power against deceptive alien-gods (demons) on par with anything we can imagine, because we are SophiaChristos and go unto our Father (in the Spirit only while flesh and blood). That's a spiritual statement I'll leave for my readers to ponder.

For over 150 years since Darwin, the world has been slowly brainwashed to believe evolution explains everything, and "God" must be a highly evolved alien being of some kind, like omnipotent Q on Star Trek.

Q had apparent supernatural powers, but like technology can seem magical to primitives, Q only seemed to have magic powers. Therefore, the message is: there is no such thing as the supernatural and all is explainable.

Movies and TV condition the imagination for supernatural "Q" open contact more than "science evolution education", believe it or not. But SophiaChristos’ Holy Spirit can help you to understand what should be taken as literality versus reality, and alien-gods (demons) are a little bit of both. Read about monkey man and you will understand. My novel about open contact might help too. Did I predict the future OR create it? You decide!

At the beginning of this post, I speculated that simulations are being run, in our simulated reality, regarding preventing a war of created beings (Archons) versus God.

Jesus didn’t call 12 legions of angels to protect himself from crucifixion.

“Thinkest thou that I cannot now pray to my Father, and he shall presently give me more than twelve legions of angels?” (Matthew 26:53)

We SophiaChristos’ will do similar, if we have to. We won’t call 12 legions of angels either … we’ll call them ALL!

More coming soon on who created these Archons, why, and how to end the simulation properly. But I suspect it has more to do with curing an already existing problem outside the construct, rather than preventing some sort of war. Some initial thoughts in the story below:

To me, parables are short stories— usually fiction but NOT always—with a mystical meaning. Main thing is a short post teaching some mystical & spiritual concepts.

I sometimes write non-fiction posts, but I thought I’d list my fictional ones below (in no particular order), so they are available in one spot. Sometimes, I like to explain my parable take on other creative work, like Star Trek!


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