If I could stand, beside myself (can you stand beside your Higher Self yet?)
Would I see me or maybe someone else? (you can only see your lower physical self in a mirror right now)

Cause it's hard to please, most everyone (what you are searching for CANNOT be found in pleasing humans)
When your spirit starts you on the run, on the run (your spirit will be running until something like Mandela shakes you up)
Introduction to Mandela Effect Decoded (MED)...aka the parable of scientist John Lamb Lash and Dennis
They say do your best, but don't cause a fuss
Don't make waves, be like the rest of us
But I can feel the tide is turning fast
Cause deep inside I know that I can't last
Another day
Not another day! (my day almost ended after a car crash on the Whitemud freeway)
Cause I’m ok,
I finally found the person I've been searching for (SophiaChristos is who you are searching for, whether you realize it or not)
I'm alright
I'm feeling good about myself and that's for sure
Cause I believed it when they said I must do things their way
They tried to cast me in their mold (we must reject the world’s thinking), but I just had to say
That I'm okay, I'm okay this way, yes I'm okay
Yes I'm ok (I’m ok with SophiaChristos only)
I'm okay, I finally found the person I've been searching for
Everybody sing!
I'm alright, I’m feeling good about myself and that’s for sure
I'm okay, I finally found the person I've been searching for (you find IT — love, truth, freedom, worth, and meaning — from the invisible [NOT imaginary] person you’ve been searching for)
I'm alright, I'm feeling good about myself and that's for sure
I'm okay
Na na na na na na na na na na na Na na na na na na na na na na na 🎵 (taking MED exam and the other lessons helped wake me up to WTF on Earth (ie on Sophia) is Happening)
I’m alright
I’m ok this way
Yes, I’m okkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk…..
In the above clip, Jason says:
I wrote on Twitter, don't crucify me guys. I'm not saying that a Christ-like entity isn't going to come, but I have noticed that the actual term, second coming of Christ, or anything that refers to a second coming at all, cannot be found anywhere in Scripture.
Now, why this is noteworthy to me is because I believe there has always only been ONE coming. And that is at the very end of the timeline, the return of the CHIEF CORNERSTONE, the stone the builders rejected. This is the subject matter of many of my other videos.
If this is true then, then the story of Jesus is just that. It's a story. It has no absolute, absolutely no historical value. Its importance lies in the fact that it conveys truths, but not that it was truthful history. That's the whole point of my video right here, guys. That's it. I'm just, I'm not trying to smash Christianity. I consider myself a Christian in the truest sense, in the spiritual sense. But there was no historical Jesus, it was never necessary.
There was never any two comings. It was always just ONE.
Final note & interpretation: if Jason is correct, then “Christ’s” return will begin in the year 2040, just 16 years from the date of this post.
According to Jason’s take on repeating timelines, the final descent of the Chief Cornerstone is in the year 2106. And in that year, in our simulated reality called earth reality (ie the simulated reality of Sophia’s “womb”), the SophiaChristos collective consciousness “twins” are born.
True humans (RPCs, not NPCs) could be likened to what comes into existence after an individual “Christos spermatozoon” (male aspect of consciousness, the so-called left side of brain) merges with one of “Sophia’s eggs” (female aspect of consciousness, the so-called right side of brain).
Although it takes time for a fertilized egg to develop, time is as much an illusion as physicality. You must be born again, like Adam & Eve, instantly brought into existence, but with adult abilities, like being able to walk, talk, have sex … but this time, there is no apple to make you ashamed of any nakedness. Stay naked and enjoy it. :-)
Chris above talks about how our reality is “Sophia’s womb”
You could be alive to witness the 2106 descent personally, as flesh and blood, because apparently the vapor canopy returns in 2040, which greatly increases lifespans; also time itself shortens by 1/3 eventually, so a day becomes only 16 hours, and a year becomes only 243 days. See archaix.com for more details.
But are you a maternal (identical, aka first resurrection) or paternal (non-identical, aka second resurrection) twin? Are you part of Sophia’s correction and hear truth in my words???
The parable of, "Morons over the cliff, aka first and second resurrections"
Jeremiah 22:29, “Oh, Sophia, Sophia, Sophia, hear the word of your Higher SophiaChristos collective consciousness, for Sophia (Wisdom-intuition-care) and Christ (Truth-knowledge-liberty) are ONE.
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