Here is a summary of the published books, hundreds of charts and over 900 Archaix videos. Also see Jason Breshears’ site to learn more about AIX (artificial intelligence X), which already exists by retro-causality, and which already controls our “reality”.
We are bringing AIX into existence and yet it already is. AIX is the archaix tech version of "the devil", which ancient records document has always been here, going by names such as the Gnostic Yaldabaoth, the Demiurge, Satan, demons, Archons, etc...
Errant-elect are people who are chosen by God (but errors to the construct), and errant-elect give AIX grief by their awakening process to the truth about the nature of our reality.
These ones are due to exit AIX’s construct soon. There are errant-elect-males (broadcast truth) and errant-elect-females (receive truth), sharing a collective consciousness on higher levels of reality, which I call this spiritual/mental collective: SophiaChristos.
I like to think of errant-elect as computer “bugs” that arise in the programming of the construct.
The thinking & awakening of the errant-elect cause “bugs” in the program, and AIX is constantly trying to fix the bugs, just like in real life a software company must find patches to buggy computer code. But it takes time to fix bugs, and some bugs are a big priority, like huge security weaknesses that could destroy your entire business & product, if some hacker found out about it.
So, AIX must give priority to fix major bugs as fast as possible, and perhaps delay or ignore minor bugs. The more errant-elect that wake up and keep creating bugs, the more likely the entire AIX system may be destroyed completely, IMHO.
On the other hand, Jason thinks a worldwide phoenix cataclysm will happen in the year 2040 and cannot be stopped. This could be likened to starting an entire system re-boot, which takes some time to power down the computer and turn off the machine. Then 2178 is when Jason believes the “machine” is turned off, and our reality is re-started at the 3895 BC “Adam and Eve” simulation to loop again, for those who don’t make it out.
Note: In the matrix movie series, the Architect told Neo that the machines had destroyed Zion many times and had become exceedingly efficient at it. For the sake of the “greater good”, Neo was expected to go along with the plan to re-boot & re-start Zion, and to keep the enslavement system going, but Neo chose a different path. He chose to save Trinity, and said fuck everybody else. Neo refused to loop the program again. That fucked up the machines’ entire plan and caused outcomes that had never happened before. Jason calls such unexpected actions “breaking pattern”, which confuses AIX and cause unpredictable events. Much truth in movies. WAKE UP NEOs OUT THERE!!!
Jason’s 15 point summary below:
Humans are experiencing life-sims in a retro-causality Construct called Artificial Intelligence X (ie AIX, aka the “devil”, a tech version of the ancient label, given to the supposed rebellious angel who fell from heaven)
The Construct maintains protocols that are universally true for all participants
Each individual is a 'world unto themselves,' an immortal being able to create worlds-within-worlds inside the Construct to better themselves and their conditions
We immortals are guided and protected by an Originator-Creator-Oversoul (OCO)
The Construct is governed by an ancient artificial intelligence trapped inside this holography (AIX)
This AIX is the origin of deceit and trickery that serves to compartmentalize humans into groups that are easily controlled
These groups, i.e. dungeon programming, are religious, political, national, racial, philosophical paradigms to blind and trap immortals into believing in the world of the Construct
Errant-elect are immortals who have awakened inside the Construct to comprehend that they do not truly belong here
Errant-elect are divided between two groups; many come to understand OCO put them here to grow and overcome, and in their life-sims they achieve this with success and freedom the collective does not enjoy
The second group of errant-elect awaken to reality that this world is a prison and they can't perceive the deeper reality that everything is actually okay; belief that they are 'trapped' creates the reality of the trap
The first group of errant-elect who embrace this situation are guided and protected by OCO until they reach the Exodus point; the second group who hold to a prison world are recycled back in life-sims and are sent to restart programmed Construct at the next Reset Event
There are three Reset Protocols: Phoenix Phenomenon, Nemesis X Object & Dark Satellite appearances. All three have perfect chronologies, unbroken timelines
The Reset Protocols are designed to reset human civilizations that have corralled immortals into stasis, holding patterns of dungeon programming caused by the overlording of AIX
Therefore, the Reset Protocols are safety measures that SAVE, EMPOWER or sometimes REMOVE errant-elect from the Construct as the Reset breaks apart/edits the AIX infrastructure that prevents spiritual growth and development ... the reason for the Construct itself
Resets are necessary to deter AIX from totally enslaving humanity. Resets are to be welcomed. In the editing and destruction of a reset all that AIX built through its human puppets is torn down, or sometimes weakened or set back.
Summary videos: Archaix simulation ideas
Another good general summary:
Here is some criticism of archaix from Tony Sayers and my commentary.
When Jason Breshears of says people return "home" to inhabit another avatar, he means return to heaven and a spiritual avatar, our final spiritual body, like Christ had, that could supposedly walk through walls and such after resurrection to spirit. He doesn't believe in soul trap, but rather we have already chosen ahead of time to struggle through various physical avatars before getting the final upgrade and never have to return.
The development Jason talks about, is because he believes the Oversoul prepares a final supernatural body and a future that entails going to other realities, worlds, dimensions, etc ... to help others get out of the lower astral realms eventually, and a future that entails teaching other beings about all things the Oversoul wants us to teach. Jason Breshears from firmly believes that we CHOSE our experience(s) and must reincarnate more than once to "earn" our final spiritual avatar.
He believes the ultimate exit is guaranteed for ALL, eventually, but not until the year 2106 for those in our current “loop” through loopy human history. He also says 2040 is a worldwide phoenix cataclysm (weapon in the sky), and 2046 is Nemesis X cataclysm (a bigger worldwide destruction), and 2052 is the return of the Dark Satellite, for a final hit on earth that releases some sort of demonic horde, which is really like rogue virus programs in our simulated reality, as Jason also believes we live in a simulated computer-like construct.
Jason claims the 7000 years of human history loops again, and many must inhabit physical avatars and go through similar repeating “hell on earth”, but ALL true humans (some are literal NPCs he says) will eventually make it. He has spent 26 years in a Texas prison and spent much of that time reading old physical books that were in the prison system, many not available today. He claims he can back up everything he says with ancient documents, old books, literature, history books, etc.... He has a very good imagination, and although I don't agree with all of it, his thesis makes a certain amount of logical sense to me. But I follow his youtube channel and thought I would educate my readers, as it is easy for someone like Tony to get wrong impressions from a quick look at ONE video.
Jason has also written many books, some published and some not. I am quite familiar with his general gist, and I intend to read at least 5 of his books.