Just the facts, ma'am
Chapter 1
Contrary to popular opinion, Jesus did not tell stores to help make His meaning plainer, but rather He told parables to obscure His truth so that those He did not want to understand, would not (Matthew 13:11). Later, Jesus would privately expound to His disciples the meaning of His stories (Matthew 13:18). There are no accidents in life. If you are here, I am assuming you are one that I can reveal some things to, so I will expound the deeper meanings behind my writings. In these very last of the last days, there is no need to hide anything, but reveal all!
I speak plainly of my parable stories and hide nothing. I often talk confidently about a literal open contact event, as if my book will literally come true one day, but I have admitted on other pages of my site that allegorical open contact has already occurred for the world; although I can see other more seemingly natural ways the whole endgame could play out, I still strongly believe in a literal open contact event, because of the many reasons I detail on other pages. People generally diss the supernatural too much, but I've had enough legitimate supernatural experiences in this matrix reality to know ANYTHING is possible. Those experiences helped inspire by fiction book about open contact and this substack actually.
My book, though fantastic and supernatural, is actually both a story about what is going on right now in the world, as well as a prophecy of future things to come. If you have already read it, you might be wondering if I think much of what I have written will come literally true. The answer is Yes and No.
A note about non-fiction world events
On the more literal side:
Today’s date is October 31, 2024 and the tensions between Russia/China/Iran versus America/NATO/Israel seems to be heating up, just like the opening chapter of my “fiction” book about open contact with Extraterrestrials.
Trump will probably become president again, as the November 5, 2024 election is just a few days away and he seems set to win. Since the controllers of the world (both human and non-human, working together to manipulate their desired outcomes) install whomever they want into the presidency, watch the video below and ask yourself whether or not Trump will help stoke the fires in the Middle East between Israel and Iran OR will Trump help calm things?
Who do you think the controllers of the world want to “lead” America into their manipulated World War Three Bible prophecy scenario(s)?
Is Trump really “pro-god” in the video below, as he claims, or pro-Israel, and can’t seem to understand the difference? You decide, in the light of the above video.
The post below is a reminder of the reasons Trump should NOT be trusted:
Below audio by Mike Adams explains why Trump’s picks are good for Israel but bad for America & the world (today’s date Nov 12, 2024):
I think Jean Nolan is correct, in the below video. Trump is an actor playing the “hero’s journey” for naive Americans, and perhaps doesn’t even know it!
Jean Nolan on the World War 3 setup
End of non-fiction notes
My book is full of types and shadows of deeper things. Yes, I believe the end time deception might entail an open contact situation, "aliens” showing themselves and using supernatural power to “assist” mankind, but my book is a mere type and shadow of how it could all happen. The actual open contact, if it happens, will be even deeper and more powerful than my book describes, and many of the details about how it all happens will be different, but the basic gist is there, in symbolic/allegorical form.
My book is not a literal telling of the future, but consider it the broad strokes and outline of what might come, existing only in allegory form at this time. It doesn't have to be that way if we will change, but alas, this is something all humans initially refuse to do and it has been this way since the dawn of human civilization, so Originator-Creator-Oversoul might teach all of humanity a mighty lesson about living without the Creator. Before I get into the most likely future, though, let me give you the interpretation of how my book shadows things that are happening in the world right now, and how if we truly change individually and collectively, we can prevent things in my book from more literally coming true.
The nuclear confrontation in the beginning of the book is basically a religious conflict between state's of different ideologies. This merely typifies mankind's long-held individual and collective ideological destructive nature and propensity to justify this with the belief that "God is one their side" (such conflicts induced & aided by the “elite”).
In seeming desperation to stem this violent madness, mankind reached a point in time when they attempted to remove "God" from their consciousness, as we subconsciously think a belief in "God" is the cause of our problems (but it is not). The physical disappearance of true spiritual people during the nuclear standoff pictures the time when Darwin first revealed his theory of evolution and spiritual influence began to wane; this is my interpretation of my own work’s allegory, at this time. But a more literal take on this seems to be brewing, the year being 2023, as I write.
The disappearance of these people pictures the removal of the influence of godly people in the world after the publication of Darwin's Origin of the Species, shown as an abrupt removal of Originator-Creator-Oversoul believers (salt and light in a dark world) for dramatic purposes in my fiction, but in real life it has really been more of a process spanning almost two centuries.
The idea that no judging "God" exists to condemn us seemed so freeing at first to the world, and even produced some initial improvements in social advancements (pictured by the social improvements the aliens eventually bring), by throwing off oppressive ideas about God, over this span of almost two centuries.1 But eventual degradation was/is the inevitable outcome of such actions.
Chapter 2:
Short chapter with an equally short explanation. I’ve experienced enough genuine paranormal/synchronicity experiences to know, as Jason Breshears of archaix.com might say, “If you can establish something as true now, then it likely was true in the past.”
I jump back in time to show Jeff starting to experience some supernatural things that challenge his sanity and beliefs about reality. As previously discussed in the last chapter, the opening scene represents the worldwide impact of Charles Darwin’s On the Origin of species, starting soon after its publication in 1859. Therefore, this short chapter symbolically represents the types of experiences that godly people have had prior to this date, secretly, since this was mostly Jeff’s private experience that he could only share with his wife, as we typically can only share such experiences with those close to us, if even at all. By the way, I do believe there is some truth to evolution, but not as is typically believed. I like to call it On the Origin of (the God) species by means of (super)natural selection: The Theory of (Sophiachristo)evolution.
Basically, Jeff was attacked by some supernatural entities, and was assisted by another, who appeared as a woman named Monica. The Originator-Creator-Oversoul’s errant/elect children have always experienced supernatural things, in the fullness of time, both attacks and assistance, mostly considered crazy, by those stuck in Plato’s cave and have always had to proceed cautiously in this simulated world.
Chapter 3:
This chapter summarizes the subtle teachings about evolution and its connection to “religion”, which the world has been indoctrinated to believe in many ways, since Darwin penned his famous book. I say there is a difference between the Originator-Creator-Oversoul versus religion. One is disgusting. The other is not. The real gets confused with the fake, and the real takes a lot of abusive, as a result.
This classic Star Trek episode shows the subtle attack on religion, which is pictured as being a confusion about ancient aliens. Of course, Kirk and the boys figured out the grand deception and defeated the false “ancient alien-god”, a common theme in ALL Star Trek spin-offs. This Star Trek Next Generation does it again, and this episode helped me start to see this truth in many ways. It helped inspire my book. I like Star Trek, and hear much parable truth in many shows. Nonetheless, it often plants negative seeds to suggest we have been deceived by mere ETs pretending to be God and there really is NO God. There is some truth here, and subtle lies too. It would require a whole website to explain it all, so I created one here. :-)
But basically, this chapter reveals the alien philosophy and explains what is true about evolution and religion too. At least, the aliens’ version of it all. The secret motivations of the so-called “ancient alien-gods” throughout millennia is dramatized, and wraps up the unspoken subliminal messages that all such science fiction send: we are all evolving into god(s)! You are god and I am god, and we are all God! Hmmmmmmmm, reeeeaaaaally, as Jim Carey might say playing Ace Ventura.
People will have to decide for themselves how convincing my dissertation is, but many find the explanations believable. I did the best I could. :-) Notice how I specifically attack Christianity, but to my knowledge, NEVER has any sci-fi book, TV show, or movie, ever been as direct as my story. They all dance around the implications that Jesus was an alien. Non-fiction books have made such claims, but NO fiction book has ever dramatized the implications as clearly as I attempted to do.
I guess publishers thought the idea would not sell well. I can attest to the truth of the last sentence, but I have also come to understand the deeper conspiracies in this world, and I now know such a book as mine MUST be suppressed and repressed. The “elite” don’t want their religious psyop mind control program to be broken in the minds of the masses. My book has potential to do that, and can shock some awake, and can get people to think too much. The powers that shouldn’t be really don’t want that………
Chapter 4:
I reveal more about Jeff’s character and why he is so resistant to the aliens. He represents ALL people who are suspicious of “authority”. There is no real authority, as one flawed human has no legitimate right to give another flawed human orders, under threat of violence if they don’t comply. Period. End of story. Jeff tries to respect everybody, but also suspects everybody, especially “authority”. Jeff daydreams about some of his past, where he has come to understand some of the reasons for his “rebellious” mindset (representing the past of humanity, which has been enslaved by government). But this full understanding comes later in the story.
There are only fictional human authorities, orders, and rights, etc…. but the world is mostly brainwashed to think there would be the traditional form of anarchy without the government to control everybody.1 Rather the opposite. There would be far less suppressed subconscious rage coming out in bad behavior, if people understood government is mind control slavery and the source of almost all human problems. Beyond the simple principle to do no intentional harm, the rest of society should be governed by voluntary agreements.
Most don’t realize voluntarism and the self organizing nature of groups can work just fine for larger group governance. People, if raised right by parents/community, are generally more decent than not, and this CAN work worldwide if evil dictatorial governments (which they all are to various degrees) would get out of the way and let people be free. Government IS slavery, as my friend Mark Passio likes to say.
Anyway, Jeff represents the awakening mind to what on earth is really happening. He gets some more assistance in his journey, both by his human friend Darryl and the supernatural Monica, representing the many ways in which the Originator-Creator-Oversoul is always watching over His errant-elect children, despite appearances.
Chapter 5:
Valerie's quick acceptance of the aliens' "truth" represents the masses’ quick acceptance of the mantra that "covid vaccines are wonderful". In the previous chapter, Valerie did not give much resistance to the religion-evolution “truth” (representing truth in general), like most in the world did not resist very much the "authorities" (ie government and so-called health experts) when they explained how wonderful the vaccine was.
My story is symbolic on many levels, and the battles in my story represent struggles over any truth my readers may contemplate, whether origins, evolution, vaccines, government validity in general, etc.... In modern times, the masses in the west are conditioned to hold controversial truths privately and don't talk about them, even if it threatens your health. You must comply with the slave masters called government, who know best and have your best interests at heart. Yeah, right.
In this part of the story, Valerie moved to quick acceptance of the “good truth” about the alien authorities’ philosophy; WHO are the experts on explaining their own philosophy, except those WHO created the warped philosophy in the first place? Governments are authorities on explaining their own philosophy about their right to rule everybody and bring out the so-called “experts” to back up that assertion. And this isn’t self-serving at all?
Nick asked some more questions but moved to quick acceptance too, representing a few who researched covid a little, but ultimately decided to risk the vaccine, despite all drugs have side effects and dangers. Stephanie represents those who just can't OR refuse to process the authorities' truth(s) whatever they may be. She symbolically represents the awakening mind to the massive implications of what on earth is happening, and just can't go along, like some who refused vaccines and lost their jobs or even went to jail, if you refused to stay silent.
Stephanie, though young, is demonstrating more intelligent critical thinking skills than the masses, as she questions the authorities, questions her own questions, has doubts, and thinks it is ok to doubt her own doubts even. If only more people today could do that.
Again, I describe the story in relation to the deep truths regarding origins and the implications about God, but battles over ANY truth can be substituted and the concepts are similar: do you have the right to question, think, decide for yourself, be upset about any issues, OR should we criminalize emotion with hate speech laws, give up bodily autonomy, submit to authorities under all situations, accept others' truths (even when they are wrong), and accept government violence to push anything on the public because some other flawed human(s) decide it is for the "greater good", etc....
At the same time, there is some literal truth(s) I am divulging, such as invisible entities (traditionally called angels and demons, but today we might call them good versus bad “aliens”) surround people all the time, as Acin-om admits, and they can read our minds and influence our thoughts and actions. And like the authorities in this world, they claim they have good and loving reasons for doing so. But do they? Does the government? Most mature people know the truth about the government on this issue, and my readers will have to read the rest of my story to get the goods on the aliens' motivations, but I suspect most can guess where I am going. :-)
At first, Stephanie experiences cognitive dissonance and runs away, both literally and figuratively, in her mind. This happens initially to every waking mind, as the insanely evil implications about what on earth is happening causes some fear and panic and confusion, before settling down into being comfortable with being uncomfortable. The aliens help Stephanie even, when she injures herself, causing positive reinforcement for Valerie and Nick, preparing to similarly influence Stephanie more when she recovers. Governments do some good too, and help people, but ultimately that is not their goal, whether they realize it or not. I have met some naive people in government, explained the truth over time, and some have left the political realm, ultimately coming to understand I am correct.
Any good that government does is mere pretext propaganda to cover their ultimate desire for more control, power, wealth, and privilege, especially for the so-called really high and important positions. Other small time political lackeys have similar motivations, if they were honest with themselves, but are called "useless idiots" by the so-called "elite", who will have no problem with eliminating these people, if and when the time comes. In the meantime, the rulers of this world need to continue to manipulate and control the masses, so need dumb front people to reinforce their worldwide Coviet Union agenda, while many don't even realize what on earth is happening.
The alien, Acin-on, spins the fear of death & hell as a good thing, as it helps mankind evolve. Without this fear, humans would devolve into insane violence and out of control behavior. Subconsciously, many think the fear of government is good for society, and this is the subtle message in my story here. But I say government just wants us to think this way to keep us enslaved
The goodness of government violence is an assumption many hold in life, as we think the fear of government violence (or the actual use thereof) is necessary to control violence, an assumption that has never been tested fully. In 1776, the early American colonies tried to throw off all government and exist in total freedom, but in time, the United States was taken over by the evildoers. Look where we are today. American rulers have become some of the worst Nazis scum the world has ever seen, and their control structures are so clever about it that many Americans don’t see it! I am NOT against America herself, but rather the abusive political system. As with all so-called nations in this world, I love the freedom loving public that has become enslaved by their political elite, oftentimes without even knowing it.
Do people accept violence attitudes in their everyday lives? How about the violent example where a parent spanks little Johnny to prevent him from hitting his little sister. Is this sending a good message? Violence does NOT beget violence, nor does it set a bad example??? Don’t good parents also teach their children how to communicate and find better ways to handle disputes, and eventually desire their children to grow up and be totally free? Does government ever talk about making society totally free of government? So, if government wants to be the eternal parents of mankind, are they good or bad parents? I will let my readers think about that one………..
Even if this belief in the goodness of government violence were true, is government so perfect that they should hold the exclusive right to initiate violent behavior forever? Here in Germanada, Mein Fuhrer Trudeau is trying to get rid of guns, like Hitler did just before going through and killing all he pleased. I'm sure today's rulers can be completely trusted, and perhaps I should not have even written that, right?
The final kicker is the aliens claim to have inspired ALL religions as a good and temporary preserving influence, but now the full truth is embodied in them and their unveiling & philosophy. This is the message of much of science fiction. I am reminded of the Babylon 5 series, which did this really well, when it was ultimately revealed that the light being angelic “Vorlons” and the dark being demonic “Shadows” were actually on the same side, playing various cruel games with the “younger” races like humans to help them evolve. The Vorlons and Shadows only pretended to be enemies. They were actually helping us in ways we were too immature to understand!
So, the ultimate subtle message the controllers want us to believe is: just trust them authorities, trust whatever they say, and do whatever they say! Trust the plan, trust the science, and just do what you are told, and help build back better, because the authorities only seem like Vorlons and Shadows! They know best! Uh-huh, where have I heard those words before. Learn to think for yourselves, people, and decide all things for yourselves, my dear readers. That is the ultimate message of my book.
Chapter 6:
The police are poised to strike with violence, to “keep us all safe” from violence, since revelations keep coming that might disturb some into some into “violent” protests, like the Feb 14, 2022 Canadian truckers convoy.
Jeff begins greater resistance within his own heart despite soothing reassurances from Acin-om, and even some “miraculous” help with his own injuries and a few parlor tricks, akin to government authority reassurances & “miraculous vaccines” to help “keep us all safe”. However, Jeff can’t help but think the aliens’ help is something akin to this recent article I came across: helping suicidal people by killing them! I thought this was hilarious....seek help for suicidal thoughts and they offer to kill you! hahahahaha,,,,,fucking crazy. It's like going to the doctor for an infected leg and he offers to throw more bacteria into the leg to cause flesh eating disease!!!! hahahahahaha.....just gotta laugh sometimes.
Jeff is still processing at this point, trying to put into words (and prove to his own satisfaction) his subconscious feeling that all is not as it seems, sort of like “two weeks to flatten the curve” slowly turned into months, years, and still ongoing regarding C-19 vaccines. Jeff cannot refute Acin-om’s explanations and powers, but his growing suspicions cannot be denied, despite Valerie has already switched sides. Who among us awakening has not experienced resistance and Stockholm type pushback from friends and families regarding C-19?
Jeff decides to go for a walk, contemplate, meditate, and try to process what on earth is happening. It takes time and thought, does it not, for all of us to come to the proper conclusions. No?
Chapter 7:
This chapter has various levels of both literal and symbolic meaning. A literal open contact would probably cause some chaos for a time, but mostly Jeff represents an awakening mind to what on earth is happening, and as such, he goes into seclusion for a time (represented by the park), as we all do, as we all must, to connect to truth within. Go within or go without, is a mantra I live by now. Outwards research to confirm your suspicions, books, videos, etc… are all important to do, from an eclectic variety of sources, to contemplate and start connecting the dots to make sense of what on earth is happening. However, outwards research still only has benefit IF it resonates within, so go within or go without, is still valid. My summary site, if it helps my readers, can be accessed through the Red Pill and Blue Pill choice. I hope you choose the red. :-)
Jeff contemplates some deep philosophy, representing the inevitable rabbit hole everybody must navigate, sooner or later, to fully awaken the awakening mind to what on earth is happening. This brief scene of Jeff’s contemplation in the park can represent many years of subconscious awakening; the more conscious awakening mind’s search for truth, which in reality is a process, typically takes months or years, once a person fully engages.
Jeff’s earlier experience with a cult, helps keep him grounded in some healthy doubt and skepticism, but he has not yet realized, ALL governments and ALL countries are cult entities, ruled by the “global cult”, as David Icke likes to say. I am not sure if Icke would fully agree that ALL governments are illegitimate, but that is my opinion, and Mark Passio’s as well, who has interviewed Icke.
Any country is said to have a certain “culture”, which really means cult-you-are, which is phonetically how the subconscious mind receives the word, which causes cognitive dissonance to keep you in mind control, because we are also told cults are bad. Nobody wants to admit to being mind-controlled by a cult, so denial is the conditioned response, but anybody who believes government is legitimate IS under mind control, IMO. People run away in their minds, and don’t want to think about this truth, which helps the global cult bring about their manipulated war between Muslims nations and the so-called Christian nations over Israel and Jerusalem. That is what their long-term script calls for, and the C-19 insanity is sort of like just breaking the first seal of the book of Revelation.
Being part of ANY group-think organization with a hierarchy structure, which ALL corporations and/or countries operate within this framework, is a CULT! Because when push comes to shove, over something you feel strongly about, the communist inner core leaders will kick you out of the group. Comply or voluntarily leave, or be forced out, are the only practical solutions to conflict within any cult group-think. Being part of any such group, which pretty much all groups are to various degrees, makes you part of a cult. If people knew how to handle conflict correctly, there could be freedom within groups, but the global cult does NOT want people to learn how to do this, but rather want to condition people to surrender their free thinking ability and sovereign rights to the group, in order to be part of the group. Survival in this world depends on participation in groups, so it becomes rather difficult to be an individual and not be absorbed in Borg collectives.
Jeff’s little run-in at the park with the philosophically-challenged rapist, represents the deep seated fear that total freedom will cause the traditional form of anarchy. True anarchy simply means NO slaves and NO masters. As I mentioned in previous chapter discussions, this untested idea of total freedom did not last long in 1776, after the 1776 American revolution. It is my opinion that the globalists manipulated America into existence, because they knew the time for outward tyranny in form of brutal feudalism monarchies was coming to an end. People needed the illusion of partial freedom, so the Satanic globalists went into hiding behind so-called free choice demicrazies (ie democracies are half crazy, because even if they worked, which they don’t, demicrazies are merely dictatorships of the majority over the rest of the population).
The United States started out as a democratic republic, but any country can call themselves that. North Korea is technically a democratic republic as well. What is the real difference between North Korea and America these days, in either theory or practice? I say NO difference at all, except one: excellent propaganda and manipulation of the American masses, and good ability to censor and hide the atrocities, which remain pretty hidden. Atrocities like MKULTRA, which are admitted by the American government, somehow get swept under the rug and forgotten. There should have been mass uproar then and total re-evaluation of the entire system, but since there was not, God allows totalitarian tip-toe to bring us to where we are at now.
If the attempted worldwide Coviet Union takeover is successful, even this CIA report admitting to MKULTRA will be deleted from any records, history will be re-written, and future generations will grow up thinking terrible plagues killed 95% of the earth, starting in 2020. This will require constant gene editing mRNA vaccines to “keep everybody safe” (ie continue to manipulate and experiment on people), in this fictional future (currently), which may become the literal future rather fast. Any who die in this future, will be declared to have died from latent plague genes from that terrible period, which requires constant upgraded vaccines to keep ahead of new mutating viruses. Unfortunately many will still die in this future society due to “viruses” (which DON’T exist as Dr. McCullough indirectly admits), but the one-world government will be said to be doing the best they can, just as they are now. Yeah, right.
If people think the globalist rulers are not expert at mass manipulation, then I suggest read this pdf that proves JFK was born into the “elite” ruling families, yet was still assassinated. How many Americans know that? Did Kennedy eventually get a conscience and defect from the New World Order enslavement plan? Apparently, some do switch sides, now and then. We can speculate motivations, but none can deny Kennedy was assassinated by the CIA, which is admitted now.
Anyway, I am ranting a little too much, IMHO. I know most people assume we need the violence of government to keep the violent under control, an oxymoron, if there ever was one. I used to think that way, but I now realize the idea has never been fully tested or allowed to grow, in modern society. Thousands of years of empire building has brainwashed the collective subconscious to think there is NO other way humans can co-exist. I find some, even in the freedom community, who try to justify “government authority” as something everybody needs it. No, low consciousness people may need that, but I don’t. Many agree with me these days, and the dominoes may yet fall, in a mass awakening that can’t be stopped, to bring about worldwide freedom …… once the appropriate number of people are “purified”.
Jeff gets captured by futuristic “light” bolt weapons, which symbolically represents the back and forth process of awakening. The government hits us with “light” (ie truths) sometimes too, which can subjugate our minds for a time. But Jeff’s true and full awakening is yet to come, and I suspect the same is true for the world’s masses.
Again, a reminder to my readers, when I wrote this novel decades ago, I was inspired by the scant revelations of UFOs and fiction propaganda in TV and movies, such as Star Trek, my favorite series, that aliens exist and they can only be our "highly evolved ancient alien-gods". "God" is simply an idea that ancient man misunderstood.
I now see deeper beyond my own subconscious programming. The alien "authorities" are already openly showing themselves in the form of government "authorities", which David Icke believes are mere proxies for 4th dimensional lower astral "Archons/demons", which Icke goes into great detail about in his recent book, published Sept, 2023, called "The Dream". I highly recommend to read it.
But until an actual open contact event occurs, I am interpreting my work on the basis that aliens = government & associated "experts" to prop up government pronouncements (ie so-called science "experts" around climate change, medical "experts" around fake covid vaccines, etc...). Therefore, Jeff and Valerie's conflict over the "aliens" represents the conflicts average people are having regarding the covid plandemic.
I personally barely have contact with former family and friends, as I won't be censored in my speech and they insist I shut-up about conspiracy theorealism. The good news is I have found a bunch of new family and friends who have awoken to what on earth is happening and we get along just fine.
Valerie agrees with rioting progaganda, so she symbolizes friends and family buying the covid narrative and other government/expert declarations. The emergency legislation that allows the Balazons to do their benevolent miracles is akin to the emergency use authorization for fake covid vaccines, which had to be decclared EUA to circumvent normal safety testing. Ivermectin had to be demonized/censored because it treats covid very effectively, which would have nullified the EUA.
The 24 hour "information" channel represents the 24/7 propaganda that covid vaccines are "safe & effective", which they most definitely are not, as Dr. Robert Malone and Ed Dowd have proven. Even Jeff's friend, Darryl, was falling for the crap, making Jeff feel alone and isolated, which many of us have felt since 2020.
On the way to work, Jeff gets bombarded with radio propaganda, personal alien assistance, newspaper promotions in the staff room, etc... He does not know how to refute Acin-om's supernatural good deeds at work. Jeff's boss, Mr. Armstrong, is against him as well. But Jeff, like all of us awakening minds at first, cannot explain what is wrong. He just knows things are not right. It takes time for all of us to research, investigate, contemplate, and come to the correct understanding.
Jeff's fellow co-workers equate the aliens with the God of the Bible. They explain away positive spiritual experiences as past invisible alien psychological assistance for humans, and Kim even gives personal testimony of a past miraculous healing that Balzons had secretly done from a hidden dimension. Kim represents those who are convincing, as they are convinced, about the necessity and goodness of government and their agents of wisdom, called scientists and medical experts. Gabriella reminds them in the staffroom that aliens are probably hidden amongst them at that moment, which is both a literal truth regarding these non-human entities that surround people all the time, monitoring your every thought and deed, AND represents the constant human monitoring of the population with technology.
The chapter ends with a patient initially refusing miraculous alien medication, but the customer immediately flips to loving the aliens when he receives a personal miracle, representing how easy we can become a Judas to truth when given some of the things we think we want/need. How many people went along with the jabs because they thought they wanted/needed family, friends, jobs, travel permission? How many doctors kept silent, due to thinking they needed their jobs/money/career over needing to concern themselves with knowingly participating in Democide-genocide?
If doctors, nurses, pharmacists, etc...did NOT know how deadly the jabs were at the start of covid, there is NO excuse now. Everybody has heard about the controversy by now, even on mainstream media, which has been forced to admit some things. The only ignorant left are willfully ignorant.
Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum (WEF) have promised the world that ALL of us will “own nothing by 2030 and we will be happy about this!” Incredibly, many people still have NO idea of what on earth is happening and are NOT concerned. My older sisters are good examples, thinking I am a crazy conspiracy theorist, refusing to hear anything I say. One sister even called the police on me, opened a psychiatric case at the hospital and tried to have me forcefully confined, for questioning the government propaganda regarding covid and pointing out the establishment’s intentional worldwide genocide operation, in full swing now. From her point of view, I was obviously crazy. Needless to say, I don’t talk to her anymore. This attitude is still prevalent among the masses and will only lead to:
For those who have NO idea of the dystopian agenda being pushed worldwide, I post the below video summary.
This chapter 9 explanation jumps ahead about 3 years and shows the vast technological advances in that short time, spurred by the aliens basically giving mankind these secrets, which the quick rollout of chatgpt and soon a talking chatgpt (so I heard) mirrors the start of this phase in our real so-called “reality”. The colluding governments of the world are secretly decades ahead, if not more, of technology that they release to the public; they are rolling this stuff out fast now, to keep us off guard, distracted, and dazzled, one tactic among many to prevent us from seeing the big picture.
Again, as said in previous chapters, the human “authorities” in our world (government, scientists, even the human created AI to takeover the world etc…) are represented by the “alien authorities” in my novel, and just like the aliens dazzle the characters with tech, so too human controllers are moving quickly to dazzle us with AI, Facebook’s virtual reality metaverse soon, etc…
My subconscious mind called FB’s metaverse the VRT (virtual reality television) decades before my conscious mind could have conceived such things becoming reality in my lifetime. This link has Klaus Schwab’s own “predictions” for 2030 from his own World Economic Forum (WEF) website (means the controllers are manipulating world conditions to try to make these predictions happen, in case you didn’t know).
Along with good technology, also comes bad stuff they throw at us. The below WEF video is a credible “threat” (ie “prediction”) that the globalist controllers have both the will & capacity to make happen. Since covid was a fake pandemic, logically, this “prediction” is also something they will create too. Problem-reaction-solution. Create the problem, let a chaos reaction happen, then suffering people are more beaten down and less likely to resist their “solution”, which always takes away more freedoms and gives more slavery.
Their 2003 Slammer/Sapphire worm was a test run. These guys plan decades in advance and play the long game. They predicatively program you ahead of time with what the plan is, to subconsciously condition your mind to acquiesce with less resistance when it happens, as your mind is already sort of prepared. To contain the so-called threat, they will, and I quote, “The only way to stop the exponential propagation of a COVID-like cyber threat is to fully disconnect the millions of vulnerable devices from one another and from the internet.” Translation: they will coordinate a worldwide internet shutdown, like they coordinated the fake covid plandemic, claim it was a cyber attack, and watch while the chaos unfolds. They don’t even need to create an actual computer virus, as the covid virus doesn’t exist either, and yet they were able to coordinate that fakery. They just roll out some experts to claim it was a cyber-attack, insist they are right, censor everybody who points out contradictions/inconsistencies, and watch the gullible masses believe their shit!
When the internet comes back up, you will be required to have a special license to access the internet again, special security software to keep you safe (ie tracking and spying device on your devices and everything you do), elimination of anonymity (even with online banking), etc, etc … and you might only be able to access with virtual reality helmet to further program your mind more directly than TV audiovisual waves many feet away can accomplish, etc, etc… no doubt you will also be required to be vaccinated regularly to keep us all safe from you coughing on your keyboard and it infecting the world. I’m not sure how keyboard goo can transmit worldwide, but nobody really thinks these days. Some government “expert” will say keyboard transmission is a factual way to spread organic viruses, and to “keep us all safe” everybody must be vaccinated, and they will ignore, deny, gaslight any contrary opinions, just like they did with the fake virus plandemic.
Here’s Schwab reiterating the threat personally. He “predicts” a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, and our entire society as a whole. Indeed, the fake virus would seem like a small disturbance in comparison to what they have planned. But we can defeat the Red Barron!
Back to story interpretations. Jeff has had ongoing challenges and struggles with his family, who accept the aliens fully at this point, but Jeff does not. This represents the ongoing challenges of the awake/awakening, in a continual process of struggle to stay awake themselves, and to somehow help others to wake up too. Reminds me of Freddy Krueger in “Nightmare on Elm Street”, who could kill Nancy in a nightmare, so she tried to stay awake, but inevitably, one must sleep.
Jeff is coping by attending monthly “Xsalma Survivors Group” meetings, showing how during this time of revealing what on earth is happening, we find others of like mind and get some support, as I have found other “family” freedom groups in my city. Most in the story buy the alien narratives, adopt the rapid technological advances and love it, while smaller groups like Jeff and Brad resist, similar to how I predict most in real life will continue to buy the government narratives, adopt chatgpt and metaverse virtual reality and love it, while smaller groups of truthers will realize the dangers and resist.
As I write, the year is 2023, and this 3 year jump forward period in my story represents my own 3 year re-awakening (from 2020 to 2023) AND actually represents the next 7 years until 2030, as we see how far Schwab and his ilk are able to dupe and push mankind into their own destruction. Why does 3 also equal 7?
Three is the number of judgment in the Bible, as Christ said, “For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth (Matthew 12:40, KJV).” Jonah went through a process of judgment and change within the whale’s belly, due to refusing to heed God’s message to him. I’ve had a similar “3” judgment (in my case about 3 years), and I’ve gotten back to my writing mission(s), although it is discouraging that very few seem to get it.
Jonah eventually completed his mission, as Christ completed His mission by rising from the dead after 3 days. We all sort of refuse our mission at first and struggle out of the whale of death to eventually do it.
Although I still believe in miracles, I am not so literal about the Bible these days. I interpret the Bible in esoteric ways, as it was meant to be, instead of institutionalized exoteric ways, just to conform to group-think, which is typically slave-herd-mentality that has only led to the disaster of what on earth is happening. Jason Breshears from Archaix is similar to me, in that he used to take the Bible in literal exoteric ways and fight about it. His information and research helped me to see how the Bible was mostly put together for political control and manipulation reasons, although if one learns to separate fact from fiction and interpret it in esoteric inward ways (in your own heart), there can still be some spiritual wisdom there, just like any ancient religious text.
Also, Is Was and Will be helped me see many incredible ways to interpret the Bible that most have never considered. I associated with the group briefly, but they were still too controlling/dogmatic themselves about their doctrines and unable to accept good questions and disagreements, so I did not last long there.
Some time after leaving that group, I discovered Mandela effect Bible changes and tried to discuss Mandela effect with one of the leaders of Is Was and Will be, but he simply could NOT see it, or accept it, despite TONS of evidence for Mandela effect, not only in the Bible but tons of other real life examples. So, that proves, in my mind, that flexible open-mindedness is always necessary or supernatural deception will eventually overtake any mind, because this person was intelligent in other ways, but had blinders on about Mandela effect. Claimed to believe in the supernatural stuff in the Bible, yet supernatural Mandela effect was nonsense. Yeah, right. Can you say cognitive dissonance?
The youtuber Bible changes lady also kicked me off her channel quickly, because I didn’t agree that the traditional Christian concept of trinity is valid, and tried to explain with scripture, but she immediately branded me a deceived devil and kicked me off her youtube. Just goes to show how someone can see some of the truth, but get arrogant and controlling around it, and want to dismiss/gaslight/attack those who continue to grow into deeper truths.
She has good memory regarding Mandela Bible changes, so I sometimes watch her youtube for that information, while ignoring her overly religious nonsense and deceptions regarding much of her doctrines. The below is a good example of one of her videos about BOTH Mandela Bible changes AND changes in the Bible that mention aliens and alien themes now:
So, these days, I hear and gather truth from various sources, sometimes engage with people’s errors (as we all have them), but if they can’t handle it (and most have such an ego they simply can’t), I move on quickly. Regarding Mandela Effect changes, I also have a special section where I post Gnostic scholar John Lamb Lash’s deep dive decode of the Mandela Effect. I highly suggest people check it out.
We ALL need to rise from the death of ignorance and stupidity and realize what on earth is happening and do our mission part to stop it, if we can at this late stage of the endgame. So, I predict the next 7 years will be a time of judgment for the world, in the whale’s belly, so to speak, to wake up those who can be woken up.
In the Bible, seven is also the number of completion and/or perfection, meaning as things unfold over the next 7 years, the “perfect” number of people that can be woken up about what on earth is happening WILL be woken up.
We’ll definitely need some divine assistance to reverse course. Most just want to wait and see if the iceberg approaching the Titanic is really such a big deal, with plans to maybe shuffle chairs around the deck, if a worse case scenario happens. We actually need the captain of the boat and his officers to change course. So far, not many are listening.
Until inward female divinity (Sophia), and inward male divinity (Christos) dynamics unite within the hearts of truth seekers around the world, I suspect millions of Bravehearts will meet similar fate to William Wallace in the movie, after Wallace gathered the troops for his failed rebellion.
For a little song inspiration, replace the word Lord with Lordess, and God with Goddess, and Christ with Christos, and reimagine the meaning of Jackson’s words below, as referring to Sophia primarily, with Christos in the background.
Note: Gnostic scholar John Lamb Lash (JLL) is admittedly very much against ANY Biblical allusions (hates Judaic views period), so even the Aeon Christos (Sophia’s male partner) had to be renamed to Thelete in his books and talks.
The older video below at about the 10 minute spot is where JLL admits Sophia and Christos are like the cosmic “parents” of humanity, but JLL subsequently has changed Christos to be Thelete.
Now, back to my story explanations. :-) I start revealing the future technology that the aliens bring, basically just giving it to mankind. Similarly, non-human entities are working with human (or human looking) authorities and simply giving us technology, but remember, as I explained in previous chapters, the current “alien interference” is coming from their human minions. This is for plausible deniability reasons.
Whether or not you believe David Icke’s books asserting that literal reptilians masquerading as humans hold most positions of political power in the world, the human controllers are certainly acting like reptiles to ignore the plethora of data regarding the intentional deadly abilities built into the vaccines.
Whether or not my fictional story about open contact will come true literally, I am not certain anymore. At the time I wrote it, that was my prevalent belief. But I have learned how to symbolically interpret my own work, and this future is already here, in parable/metaphor form. I even show in further chapters how humans voluntarily merge with the alien consciousnesses, representing voluntarily merging our consciousnesses within AI virtual reality helmets. Such technology has vastly greater ability to control our minds than regular TV, essentially creating the very future AI of our destruction, in retro-causality fashion.
I took an online Simulation Theory class from expert computer instructor Rizwan Virk. I had previously read his books on simulation theory (which I recommend) and the below video was my final presentation. Please forgive any sloppy presentation mishaps, as it was my first such video. :-) I discerned a hidden message in a Star Trek Voyager episode, so used that as a primer to my presentation.
The clickable links from the above presentation are available in Libre version HERE and also Microsoft PowerPoint version HERE.
In addition to what I said in the above video, I would also like to add: the aliens in the Voyager episode entered the simulated world as necessary for survival. Their own fears manifested the AI Clown and his minions, representing the devil and his demons, but the aliens in this story also represent angels, who created the devil and his demons, through some sort of negative/fearful situation over their very survival.
This possibility is hinted at in the classic angelic rebellion war story, because before humans ever existed, the Bible describes the tree of the knowledge of BOTH good & evil as already existing in the garden of Eden. Hence, the battle between good and evil was extant before humans existed. This rebellion story is re-told, with a little more depth, from the female perspective with the Gnostic Aeon Sophia and her Fallen Goddess Scenario (FGS, as John Lamb Lash says, but I say it also stands for Fear, Guilt, Shame scenario).
The Klingon B'elanna Torres and Ensign Kim, as aliens of a different type, representing a similar and yet different kind of being, were also drawn into the conflict (ie we humans, the aliens of a different type, were somehow drawn into the conflict).
Torres and Kim were on a fact-finding mission of mercy to find out what was going on and help the aliens, who were in stasis in the real world but trapped in the simulation. Once having entered into the simulation, Torres and Kim were for all intents and purposes THE SAME as angels and demons, both prisoners and hostages in a simulated reality & simulated conflict. The message is: we humans were created to help rescue the hostages and end the conflict.
Humans live similar thoughts, feelings, actions, as parable characters in a cosmic drama of rebellion and reconciliation. Humans are made to feel the Fallen Goddess Scenario (FGS, as John Lamb Lash says, but again, I also say FGS = Fear, guilt, shame, scenario, I say) of angels and demons. However, at best, our “crime” is similar to Sophia’s, caring too much and being moved by love and good intentions/motivations to intervene in a creation experiment that she wanted/needed to succeed, as her creation(s) called the human race & human beings are like her children.
But we are more like Mr. Spock, in such regards, and Sophia is like Captain Kirk. See parable below for explanation of that.
Sophia and Christos and their errant-elect children are in mental telepathic communication about all these things and the options. As we true humans wake up and spiritually evolve, we identify less and less with the carnal-ego-mind-soul-identity complex, and we realize that we are prisoners in a simulated reality. We are also hostages. Captain Janeway is the strong female leader (ie Sophia) who eventually rescues us.
Janeway does this as we experience the FGS, in our own way, and evolve through no longer identifying with or having pity on demons, who must be destroyed. We can do this as we come to realize who we really are: infinite awareness/consciousness, all that is-was-will-be-or-ever-can-be, having a temporary and temporal experience.
We evolve from prisoner, through hostage, and eventually identify with Janeway (ie divine Sophia) and become One with Sophia and Christos, our own personal trinity. Like Janeway, we develop “faith” to overcome the fear of death by realizing our consciousness is not even in the simulated reality, similar to the Janeway’s avatar had nothing to fear. She could shutdown with the Clown and only the Clown admitted to fearing in the end. Janeway (ie we true “Sophia processed” humans) simply wake up in the real world, once we overcome the fear of death in the simulated world.
Aside from Sophia mythos & angelic rebellion mythos, another credible counter narrative to explain ancient historical accounts/records about seemingly supernatural entities in our past, is from Jason Breshears, whose extensive research indicates mankind has been technologically advanced in the past, reset to primitive stages by regular worldwide cataclysms, and the human controllers know about these predictable cataclysm cycles and escape underground before they hit.
Jason believes there are NO aliens from the sky in our contained Dyson sphere reality, but the so-called elite want us to think so, as it serves their agendas. The mainstream sure pushes “ancient alien gods” in movies, TV shows like Star Trek, etc… so that immediately makes me suspicious these days, because the establishment specializes in subliminal subconscious programming of false narratives in multitudinous ways.
The worldwide cataclysm resets ARE, I suspect, an odd way the Originator-Creator-Overoul shows mercy towards us all. Believe it or not, it is better the world be reset back to neolithic ages than go forward into the kind of worldwide technocratic occultocracy that would enslave the world in unrestrained brutality beyond any “human only” run worldwide Coviet Union could ever do. How long could the Soviet Union have lasted with today’s surveillance tech?
I lean towards Jason’s archaix theory these days, simply because of so much propaganda about evolution and aliens in the movies, etc…. when the establishment pushes something, I’ve learned the truth is the exact opposite and I research in this opposite direction.
Jason’s extensive research is unique. Books from many different authors support Jason’s take, and his collated evidence(s), have been heavily censored over the last hundred years or so; Jason only rediscovered this information in the Texas prison system, in old hardcopy books, which were forgotten.
Unless you know where to look on the internet, you will not find the books Jason has read, and even these digital copies are being removed. That alone says something. Jason is also a Simulationist, similar to my understanding, and my take on his AND John Lamb Lash’s information is detailed below, in my most popular parable to date.
As an aside, in 1993, I registered copyright on “The Unveiling: the story of open contact”. So, I have been dealing with the implications of this phenomenon for quite some time, and I’d say the story was pretty much complete by 1995. I did lots of editing/rewriting in subsequent years, but the basic gist of the story has not changed since then. I have not deviated from any major themes or plot narratives or tech revelations, just tightened up the writing and added some things. I say this to highlight that I now understand my subconscious mind was trying to give a prescient warning to the world, in the only way I knew how at the time, in a fictional story.
Alas, the world still does not seem to understand or care, and my subsequent reawakening in 2020 and re-engagement with my work, with deeper revelations, seems to NOT be making any difference. Nonetheless, I feel privileged to be alive to see it come to pass and to have come to understand myself better.
I created ALL of my websites, with the exception of Origins, since about the beginning of 2022, but origins was in pretty bad shape until about the end of 2021. As crazy as this may sound, I have come to understand that I AM the One creating our reality! I’ll let you process that one for a minute……the below video might help shed light on what I mean.
Well, back to explanations. Sorry for my rants, but that is part of the creative process. I have also come to understand that I AM not alone in creating this simulated “reality” and certain other key individuals are contributing, whether they know it or not. The elite have no idea of who they’re fucking with.
And among some of these key individuals driving this reality, I count the following list:
Of course, I do not mean we are consciously giving orders to secret societies, intelligence officials, governments around the world, militaries, etc… The so-called “elite” think they are in control, but the subconscious minds of the errants, as Jason Breshears likes to call us, are the true ones in control of earth-reality. There are others that I don’t know about, but I suspect fewer than 1000 in total, for various reasons.
But, will the clans of errants around the world unite? Are you William Wallace or Robert the Bruce? Wallace cannot do it alone, and neither can the Bruce.
Until Captain Sophiachristos, aka Denise, is on good terms with the other 10 virgins and all 11 of them are working in unison, I suspect the real great reset, due in 2040 if Jason is correct, will cataclysm the world again and reset the simulation back to the Adam & Eve simulation.
The only other option would be for Originator-Creator-Oversoul to let the controllers take overt brutal control of the entire world, in a worldwide Coviet Union. They already have covert control and seem to be moving towards the Coviet Union.
However, I believe the “elite” know Jason’s predicted worldwide cataclysm reset in 2040 (the real reset) will happen UNLESS all 11 virgins are working in unison, through mental telepathic connection. It is a mercy that Originator-Creator-Oversoul will let the entire simulation reset for another 7000 years, rather than let a technocratic Coviet Union rule the world for perhaps tens of thousands of years, before the Coviet Union might fall, as the Soviet Union did. Perhaps it never would fall, and nobody really desires that kind of world, except the psychopaths currently in control.
Modern technological tracking and control mechanisms (computer chips, cell phones, internet fingerprints, satellites, digital implants coming soon, virtual reality control of the mind through AI etc….) would ensure “Joseph Stalin” will be aware of everything you think, say, and do, and there will be basically ZERO ability to rebel against the dictatorship then. Life perhaps can still find a way, as it did when the Soviet Union fell in 1991 after 70 years of tyranny, but I am not interested in living in such a reality, for obvious reasons.
I suspect Jason’s predicted 2040 reset is the true great reset that the controllers of the world don’t want us to know about. They would rather rule in “earth-hell-reality” than serve in “earth-heaven-reality”. The original 10 virgins parable, told by Christos, implied 50% would NOT be ready when the times comes. They will be recycled (ie reincarnate), and for their sakes only, we errants will probably agree to another 7000 year Adam & Eve simulation rerun because we don’t want to lose the 5 foolish virgins being held hostage. I say probably, because depending on the day and my mood, I sometimes want to accept our loses and go for all out “spiritual” nuclear war to destroy the evildoers.
Sidenote: here are some more clip details from the above Star Trek episode that I expounded on above, for interest sake, for those who are curious to know what entertainment tells us AI can do.
Now consider some more videos below about what AI is manifesting in our so-called real “reality”.
Humans CANNOT create consciousness. Human created AI will never think. I used to program computers and know computers don’t think and never will. They simply do exactly what humans program them to do.
However, that does’t mean AI will never become conscious. This technology has been around for a long time. It used to be called a Ouija board. Here are a few videos about our emerging tech from a Christian viewpoint, and then I’ll post a video from an eastern perspective.
Now the eastern perspective from computer expert, Rizwan Virk.
When I mentioned all out spiritual nuclear war just before the above videos, I am NOT talking about the psyop fomenting right now regarding Israel and Hamas, as being some sort of world war reset. That is just the prophecy mind control program they are running; that fear program will probably continue in various stages as we approach 2040, as the false man-made world destruction must proceed the true supernatural world destruction.
Many so-called “world leaders” don’t understand they are being played. Even if a physical nuclear World War 3 destroyed the surface of the earth, it would NOT destroy the entire simulation. I’m talking about an all out “spiritual” nuclear World War 3, which would destroy the entire simulation and stop the Adam & Eve simulation resets permanently; this would obviously involve direct & open battle between ALL forces, whatever you want to call them—Sophia, other Aeons, angels, demons, Archons, humans, etc…
The 5 foolish virgins would be lost, in such a scenario, but the evildoers would be gone too…eventually…after I (we) do to them what they have done to the 5, at least by a factor of 10, perhaps more, depending on my (our) rage factor. Justice must be served for everybody in the end. My desire all true errants/elect be extricated is dramatized in the parable below. See if you can see that interpretation easily.
But to wrap up, this chapter 9 of my novel ends with Brad enlightening Jeff about some intel he had about government conspiracies, censorship, and assassinations to cover-up the truth coming out. Sounds very much like the present time, from my perspective, and this pattern will continue for the next 7 years, as some continue to realize things are NOT right and get closer to truth like Jeff & Brad, while others go deeper into deception bondage, like the masses are choosing to do.
In summary, from the human point of view, I can’t say it any better than the below video:
In summary, from a David Icke point of view, I can’t say it any better than the below video:
From my own point of view, I can’t say it any better than my parable below:
There is a way to take back some digital control of our own lives. The below article helps explain:
The parable of, "It's a bird, it's a plane...no it's Qortaltechnoman to the rescue!"
·In summary, the Enterprise crew exemplified the type of resistance that we need to muster against the encroaching AI-Borg assimilators called the United Nations, WEF, and other corporate collaborators.
Even if your friends/family have become “Locutus” and totally given over to mind control, I suggest just do like Riker and say, “Take your best shot Locutus because we are about to start interfering”……and then he did his best to destroy his former captain.
Various versions available below for further personal reading & study
Chapter 9 above will be the last chapter exegesis of my own work that I post on WritePharma Parable Publishing (for now anyway) because few really seem to get it or care.
So, I will sit back and relax, as much as possible given the insanity that is coming, and watch more of my predictions unfold.
Trust me when I say, NOBODY WANTS TO BE HERE AFTER CHAPTER 13!!! Including my own goddamn self. :-)
I now understand that Darwin and many other influencers in our world are intentionally manipulated by both human AND non-human beings. See www.theredpilloftruth.com for more details.