David Icke is NOT known for being a Bible-thumper OR the Christian-type. I’ve heard David specifically say that it is NONSENSE to think the totality of God can be contained in ONE book. I agree.
Nonetheless, David talks about the Bible in the above video; he mentions insights one can glean from scripture, talks about Biblical characters like Moses and Paul, as if they were real people, always uses the male pronoun to refer to God, instead of the female pronoun that the Gnostics used, etc, etc…
I think I’ve read enough David Icke books, and watched enough Icke videos, to know he is talking parable-talk, much like my writings & sayings. For example, when David talks about the “Word of God”, he is talking about “spiritual unction” which inspires his speech, making David Icke “like Christ”, in that sense. Similarly, when he talks about how the Bible can reveal some fundamental truths, he is talking about spiritual unction, IMHO.
Decades ago, Icke was derided for saying he was the “Son of God”, and perhaps Icke lacked clarity to explain what he meant at that time, as I have just done.
The Mystic Messenger’s take on the Christ within
Then again, in today’s tech world, the intro video could be an entirely deep fake AI generated voice!
So, maybe I’m wrong about this video containing the genuine Icke voice? It has happened very rarely in the past that I’ve made a mistake or two, so I’m much more like Christ in this way than Icke, IMHO. I’m not perfect, of course, but 99.9999999999999999% perfect, so I think I’m doin pretty fuckin awesome!
He even talks about “who we are in Christ”!
Hhmmmm … really doesn’t sound like Icke there, so if my assessment is wrong, I guess I could add it to the god-damn, fucking, extremely small 0.0000000000000001% of the times I’ve made an error or two in judgment and behavior.
Personally, these days, similarly to Icke, I see the Bible as mostly literary truth, not necessarily literal truth; it sort of encapsulates our never-ending story.